dotnet standard wrapper around the CredentialManagement library
This library provides .NET based API to deal with Windows Credentials Management API.
CredentialManagement is a free, open source library that can be utilized to help the application manage storing and retrieving of user credentials using the Windows Credential Management API.
The contents of this folder were taken from this repo at this commit.
We have removed classes and methods we do not use, and assimilated these classes into our own assemblies for two reasons:
- firstly, the originating repo looks alright for the moment, but it's very under-used, and might go weird in future,
- secondly, the Credential Management Windows API is very stable, so we're unlikely to need constant bleeding-edge updates.
Build using your favorite IDE From the repo root, "<path to nuget exe:\nuget.exe>" push "<path to nupkg: .\CredentialManagement\bin\Debug\RedGate.ThirdParty.CredentialManagement.Standard.1.0.X.nupkg >" -apikey <VSTS_API_key> -source