Notebook adapted and built on from "The N.P. and G.H.P. formalisms." Alfonso García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo, Universidade do Minho, Portugal, September 2009,
The specific parts of this notebook which were adapted from "The N.P. and G.H.P. formalisms." are the "Newman Penrose Formalism" (apart from the Teukolsky derivation sections) and "GHP Formalism" chapters in the "Set up Notebook" section. The rest of this notebook was created by the author, Andrew Spiers. Additionally, the results in the "Results" section have been checked against results produced by Jordan Moxon.
The motivation for adapting García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo's notebook began to produce a self contained Mathematica notebook in the positive metric signature based on the tetrad being the fundamental objects (whereas García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo's notebook is in a negative metric signature with spin Dyad spinors as fundamental objects).
Author: Andrew R.C. Spiers [email protected] Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham. 10/05/2023
Notebook created in Mathematica 13.0
If you use this notebook for research please cite the accompanying paper:
Title: Second-order Teukolsky formalism in Kerr spacetime: formulation and nonlinear source Authors: Andrew Spiers, Adam Pound and Jordan Moxon Year: 2023
Also, please cite the original notebook by García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo. Example bibtex: @misc{npnotebook, author = {A Garc'ia-Parrado G'omez-Lobo}, title = {The N.P. and G.H.P. formalisms.}, year = {2009}, howpublished = {}, organization = {Universidade do Minho}, location = { Portugal}, }
Newman, Ezra, and Roger Penrose. "An approach to gravitational radiation by a method of spin coefficients." Journal of Mathematical Physics 3.3 (1962): 566-578. S . Teukolsky, The Astrophysical Journal, 185 : 635 - 647, 1973 October 15 S. Chandrasekhar's, The Mathematical theory of black holes, Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1983 Geroch, Robert, Alan Held, and Roger Penrose. "A space-time calculus based on pairs of null directions." Journal of Mathematical Physics 14.7 (1973): 874-881.