This program is a framework of reservoir-computing that adopts multiple applications. It runs on basically PC(Ubuntu).
You might need to implement codes on a device like arduino for getting data from sensors.
Here is a sample code which runs on arduino for 4 sensors and 3 buttons. You can custom it for your applications.
At first, you need to change the com port according to your environment in
# Set com port as data streamer
ds = data_streamer_serial.DataStreamer('COM3') #
how to run a thumup detection with reservoir-computing
git clone
cd reservoir-computing/src
To quit the program, push [q] key on the screen or ctrl + c on the terminal.
You can also run a cardboard controller( famicom ) when you change code as follows in .env
You will see the following images. (upper:training screen, lower: predict screen)
If you would like to make YOUR APPs, you only need to write 4 claasses which is in the orange frame on folliwing diagram. is batch program which train and predict and outputs a figure as follow.
how to run the batch program for thumup detection.
cd reservoir-computing/src
python -csv_file output/train_log_20221101_115348.csv is program which finds the best hyper parameters.
First of all, you need to change application to thumup_new as follows in .env
And then, run a sample program for grid search.
cd reservoir-computing/src
python -csv_file output/thumbup_nc_data.csv -cpu 4
Please find set_next_grid_search_params() in for reference. All you need is change following code if you'd like to change the range of hyper parameters.
def set_next_grid_search_params(self):
for node in [800,900,1000]:
for density in [0.4,]:
for input_scale in [0.004,]:
for rho in [0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0]:
for fb_scale in [None,]:
for leaking_rate in [0.1,]:
for average_window in [1,]:
return True
python -csv_file output/results_grid_search_app_thumbup_new_2736.csv
You will see the following chart.
nc_3input_with_sw.ino is a single nail conductor device. Supports button annotation. nc_6input.ino is two nail conductor devices(6 pd inputs) without button.
analog pin No. 0, 1, 2 (sensor input)
digital pin No. 2 (switch button)→ No resistor required (this is setting a pullup)
output sample
170,140,120,1 ← push switch
analog pin No. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (sensor input)
output sample