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The Neovim Terminal Manager



  • Super lightweight
  • The API/Commands provided by the terminal.nvim will affect any terminal, whether you spawn it "manually" (:term), using terminal.nvim, or via any other plugin.
  • Persistent and named terminals.
  • Easily toggle or cycle terminals.
  • Change layout on the fly (floating layout included).
  • Useful mappings to manage REPL-like terminals.


    config = function()



Set up the plugin with the prvided config table (optional). A call to this function is always required.

Default config

    layout = { open_cmd = "botright new" },
    cmd = { },
    autoclose = false,
  • config.layout: Specify the layout of the terminal window.

    • Type: table

    • Default: { open_cmd = "botright new" }

      open_cmd is the Vim command used to create the new buffer and window. If set to "float", the terminal will be opened in a new floating window. When open_cmd = "float", layout.height and layout.width are used to determine the height (lines) and width (columns) of the floating window. Values <= 1 are interpreted as percentage of screen space.

  • config.cmd: Default command for new terminals

    • Type: table|string passed to termopen (:h jobstart())
    • Default: { }
  • config.autoclose: Automatically close terminal window when the process exits (on TermClose).

    • Type: bool
    • Default: false


  • set_target(index):

    • Description: Set the index terminal as the target for other actions.
    • Params:
      • index (integer): Terminal index.
  • cycle(step?):

    • Description: Cycle between active terminals.
    • Params:
      • step (integer): Increment number for cycling (Defalut: 1)
  • run(cmd?, opts?):

    • Description: Run a command in terminal with given options. If no command is provided, user will be prompted to insert one; If cmd is an empty string, config.cmd will be used.
    • Params:
      • cmd (table|string): command to be executed by the terminal.
      • opts (table): options to be passed to termopen
  • open(index?, layout?, force?):

    • Description: Open a terminal with given layout.
    • Params:
      • index (integer): terminal index
      • layout (table): layout spec
      • force (bool): Force opening the terminal window even if it already visible in the current tab.
  • close(index?):

    • Description: Close a terminal window.
    • Params:
      • index(integer): terminal index
  • kill(index?)

    • Description: Kill a terminal job and close its window.
    • Params:
      • index (integer): terminal index
  • toggle(index?, layout?, force?)

    • Description: Open a terminal with given layout, or close its window if it's visible in the current tab (unless force is true).

    • Params:

      • index (integer): terminal index
      • layout (table): layout spec
      • force (bool): Force opening the terminal window even if it already visible in the current tab.
  • send(index?, data):

    • Description: Send text to the terminal.
    • Params:
      • index (integer): terminal index
      • data (table|string): Text to be sent to the terminal via chansend()
  • current_term_index():

    • Description: Get the index of the terminal in the current window.
  • get_current_term():

    • Description: Get the terminal object displayed in the current window.
  • move(index?, layout):

    • Description: Change the layout of the selected terminal, permanently.


Keymaps can be set up using the API defined in terminal.mappings. When called with arguments, each keymap API function returns a pre-loaded function with given arguments. Otherwise, the corresponding terminal function will be called with default arguments. All keymap functions support a count by default, so that, for instance, 2<leader>to will toggle the terminal with index #2.

  • [count]operator_send {motion}: Send text captured by {motion} to [count] terminal
  • [count]["x]register_send: Send text captured in register "x to [count] terminal
  • [count]send[(data)]: Send data to [count] terminal. May preload send.
  • [count]cycle_next: Cycle next [count] terminals.
  • [cunt]cycle_prev: Cycle previous [count] terminals.
  • [count]toggle[(layout?, force?)]: Toggle [count] terminal. May preload toggle().
  • [count]open[(layout?, force?)]: Open [count] terminal. May preload open().
  • [count]close: Close [count] terminal.
  • [count]move[(layout)]: Change the layout of [count] terminall. May preload move().
  • [count]kill: Kill [count] terminal.
  • run[(cmd?, opts?)]: Runs a new job in terminal. May preload run().

Example mappings

local term_map = require("terminal.mappings")
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "x" }, "<leader>ts", term_map.operator_send, { expr = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>to", term_map.toggle)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>tO", term_map.toggle({ open_cmd = "enew" }))
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>tr",
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>tR",, { layout = { open_cmd = "enew" } }))
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>tk", term_map.kill)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>t]", term_map.cycle_next)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>t[", term_map.cycle_prev)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>tl", term_map.move({ open_cmd = "belowright vnew" }))
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>tL", term_map.move({ open_cmd = "botright vnew" }))
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>th", term_map.move({ open_cmd = "belowright new" }))
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>tH", term_map.move({ open_cmd = "botright new" }))
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>tf", term_map.move({ open_cmd = "float" }))


  • :TermRun[!] command

    Runs command in a new terminal. If command is empty, user will be prompted to enter one, falling back to config.cmd. With !, the new terminal window will replace the current buffer. Accepts split and vertical modifiers to set the new terminal layout.open_cmd. (eg: botright vertical TermRun ipython).

  • :[count]TermOpen[!] [open_cmd]

    Open terminal with [count] index and layout specified by [open_cmd]. With !, a new window will be created even if the terminal is already displayed in the current tab, otherwise the terminal will be focused. Also accepts split and vertical modifiers.

  • :[count]TermClose

    Close terminal with [count] index.

  • :[count]TermToggle[!] [open_cmd]

    Toggle terminal with [count] index and layout specified by [open_cmd]. With !, a new window will be created even if the terminal is already displayed in the current tab. Also accepts split and vertical modifiers.

  • :[count]TermKill

    Kill terminal with [count] index.

  • :[count]TermSend [text]

    Send [text] to terminal with [count] index.

  • :[count]TermSetTarget

    Set terminal with [count] index as target for terminal actions.

  • :[count]TermMove open_cmd

    Permanently change the [count] terminal layout to the one specified by open_cmd

Terminal objects

Terminal objects support the following methods:

  • new(opts): Creates a new terminal object.

    • opts (table):
      • layout (table): layout spec
      • cmd (table|string): command to be executed by the terminal
      • autoclose (bool): automatically close terminal window when the process exits
      • cwd (string|function->string|nil): CWD of the terminal job.
      • Other fields passed to jobstart:
        • clear_env
        • env
        • on_exit
        • on_stdout
        • on_stderr
  • open(layout?, force?): Open the terminal with given layout.

    • layout (table): layout spec
    • force (bool): Force opening the terminal window even if it already visible in the current tab.
  • close(): Closes the window displaying the terminal in the current tab.

  • toggle(layout?, force?): Open the terminal with given layout, or close its window if it's visible in the current tab (unless force is true).

    • layout (table): layout spec
    • force (bool): Force opening the terminal window even if it already visible in the current tab.
  • terminal:kill(): Kill a terminal job and close its window.

  • terminal:send(data): Send text to terminal.

    • data (table|string): Text to be sent to the terminal via chansend()

Named Terminals Examples


local ipython = require("terminal").terminal:new({
    layout = { open_cmd = "botright vertical new" },
    cmd = { "ipython" },
    autoclose = true,

vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("IPython", function()
    ipython:toggle(nil, true)
    local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
            vim.api.nvim_feedkeys('"+y', 'n', false)
        { buffer = bufnr }
    vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>t?", function()
        ipython:send(vim.fn.expand("<cexpr>") .. "?")
    end, { buffer = bufnr })
end, {})


local lazygit = require("terminal").terminal:new({
    layout = { open_cmd = "float", height = 0.9, width = 0.9 },
    cmd = { "lazygit" },
    autoclose = true,
vim.env["GIT_EDITOR"] = "nvr -cc close -cc split --remote-wait +'set bufhidden=wipe'"
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("Lazygit", function(args)
    lazygit.cwd = args.args and vim.fn.expand(args.args)
    lazygit:toggle(nil, true)
end, { nargs = "?" })


local htop = require("terminal").terminal:new({
    layout = { open_cmd = "float" },
    cmd = { "htop" },
    autoclose = true,
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("Htop", function()
    htop:toggle(nil, true)
end, { nargs = "?" })


Useful terminal mappings

tnoremap <c-\><c-\> <c-\><c-n>
tnoremap <c-h> <c-\><c-n><c-w>h
tnoremap <c-j> <c-\><c-n><c-w>j
tnoremap <c-k> <c-\><c-n><c-w>k
tnoremap <c-l> <c-\><c-n><c-w>l

Auto insert mode

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "WinEnter", "BufWinEnter", "TermOpen" }, {
    callback = function(args)
        if vim.startswith(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(args.buf), "term://") then

terminal window highlight

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TermOpen", {
    command = [[setlocal nonumber norelativenumber winhl=Normal:NormalFloat]]

Statusline integration

Use require("terminal").current_term_index() to get the current terminal index and display it within the statusline.


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