###Chess AI that uses Min/Max search and a dictionary of moves to generate the best move for the respective turn
####Required Libraries #####none
#####Download all files to play the game #####Chessboard.py creates the Chess game with board and rules #####MinMax.py contains the algorithms for using Min/Max search trees and alpha-beta pruning to find the best move. It also evaluates moves #####PlayMinMax.py plays the moves in the chess game board
####How to use #####Open Terminal #####Run PlayMinMax.py #####Enter "w" or "b" as the color for the AI #####When it is your turn, enter your move as a string of starting location to end location. For example, to move the piece in a2 to a4, enter "a2a4" (use lowercase only) #####When it is the AI's turn, the AI will make a move in about 15 seconds and display the end result, levels of the Min/Max tree it traveled, and time taken #####The board will reprint the current position at the end of each move
####Acknowledgments #####Credit to John Eriksson for the base implementation of the Chess board with rules #####Credit to Michael and Dennis for additional optiminizations made to the board