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Ruben Verborgh edited this page Oct 20, 2015 · 8 revisions

Chair: @elf-pavlik
Scribe: @Acubed
Attendees: @elf-pavlik, @l00mi, @RubenVerborgh, [please add your name]

Collaboration and communication

We agreed on the following collaboration spaces:


  • Consider making your GitHub membership of rdfjs public
  • Google+ Hangout was not chosen for teleconferences because the number of attendees reached its limit

Representation Task Force

@RubenVerborgh and @bergos proposed a task force that will work closely together on finding an interchangeable way of representing and exchanging triples between different JavaScript libraries.

The goal is to come up with a specification and a test suite. A guiding example for this is the way Promises are specified and tested in JavaScript.

Existing proposals are insufficient because they are not idiomatic JavaScript and do not tackle important aspects such as asynchronicity.

As a first step, the task force will collect use cases and code snippets.

@RubenVerborgh and @bergos lead the task force and will send out e-mails with information on how to participate.



The proposed schedule for telefoncerences is monthly.


Proposed chairs are @RubenVerborgh and @bergos.

s/p/o/g vs. subject/predicate/object(/graph)

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