Web app for tracking CTA bus location and Clumping https://rdalin-cta.herokuapp.com/
This application was developed with CTA API, Google Maps API, Sinatra, Bootstrap, React and the Flux pattern.
The main part of the application is a single page application which allows users to look up bus routes and their destinations to find the positions of the bus on a map relative to themselves. Originally this application was designed without React/Flux and was dependent on a user flow that forced the user to go to /route when selecting routes and route/destination when selecting a route destination combination which would generate a map. This UI was clunky and prevented the user from being able to select multiple end locations of buses which could be traveling the same direction.
By using React/Flux the application was changed into single page application, which provided more flexibility, it also made the user interaction less clunky.
- Ruby 2.2.1
- Sinatra 1.4.7
- React/Flux
- Bootstrap
- CTA public API
- Google Maps API
- Nokogiri
- geo-distance
- json
- git clone
- bundle install
- npm
- webpack
- rackup
- rake test