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Update 01/2023

  • Switched to Docker on Windows
  • First enable virtualization on BIOS
  • Install wsl
  • Install Docker Desktop

SAP NW ABAP Trial in Docker on Windows

  • This guide outlines how to install the SAP NW ABAB Developer Trial 7.51+ using Docker on a Windows 11 machine
  • It should work on Linux or Windows 10, but I haven't tested

Credit to the following people for the steps and the docker file:

Brandon Caulfield

Tobias Hofmann

Nabi Zamani

Gregor Wolf

Dilan Drummonf

Other References:

1 - Concise Installation Guide

2 - License Error (Step #10)

3 - Installer Adjustment for kernel >= 5.4

Steps (I've done it using wsl/Ubuntu):

  1. Clone this GitHub repo:
git clone
cd sap-nw-abap-trial-docker
  1. Download the SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Developer Edition 7.52 SP04 including the License
  • Check all SHA-256 checksums to avoid headaches
  1. Create a new folder in the local repo folder that you just cloned called sapdownloads:
mkdir sapdownloads
  1. Copy the extracted rar files to the sapdownloads folder including the License:
cd sapdownloads
unrar x /mnt/c/Users/USERNAME/Downloads/TD752SP04part01.rar
unrar x /mnt/c/Users/USERNAME/Downloads/License.rar
  1. Copy the new License to the server folder
cp License/SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive/SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive.lic server/TAR/x86_64/
  1. Create a copy of file sapdownloads/ with name (on the same sapdownloads folder)

  2. If your linux kernel is >= 5.4, sapdownloads/ replace lines 882 to 886 of with the following code

#Replace this line with one which tries to continue (this) main script using ‘&’:
    #./saphostexec -install || do_exit $ERR_install_saphost
    ./saphostexec -install &

#Wait for a while so that hopefully the asynchronous call ends:
    log_echo "Waiting 30 seconds for asynchronous call to /tmp/hostctrl/saphostexec -install to complete..."
    sleep 30
    log_echo "30 seconds are up, continuing the main script."

    # TODO: is it ok to remove /tmp/hostctrl?
    cd /
#Let's not remove the temporary directory, in case saphostexec command
#is still executing. So commenting out:
    # rm -rf /tmp/hostctrl || log_echo "Failed to clean up temporary directory"

# Now we modify the RUN_NPL executable (executable permissions are for sybnpl user):
    if test -f "$FILENPL"; then
        echo "$FILENPL exists. Adding the -T11889 option to config in that file:"
        sed -i 's/NPL.cfg \\/NPL.cfg -T11889 \\/g' /sybase/NPL/ASE-16_0/install/RUN_NPL
        cat $FILENPL
        echo "-T11889 config option added"
        sleep 15
        echo "$FILENPL does not exist. Not modifying what doesn’t exist, ontologically seems ok."
  1. Do a diff between sapdownloads/ and sapdownloads/ to check your edit

  2. Navigate to the root folder of the local repo and run the docker build command:

cd ..
docker build -t nwabap:7.52 .
  1. Once the build has finished you need to adjust your vm.max_map_count=1000000:
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=1000000
  1. Check that the vm.max_map_count has actually changed by running this command:
sudo sysctl vm.max_map_count
  1. Then run your docker container:
docker run -p 8000:8000 -p 44300:44300 -p 3300:3300 -p 3200:3200 -h vhcalnplci --name nwabap752 -it nwabap:7.52
  1. Once your container is running you need to begin installing the SAP system. The password you select during the installation should be at least 8 characters long. This could take a while so be patient! :)
  1. Once the SAP system is installed successfully start the new SAP system by running the following commands:
su npladm
startsap ALL

Then try and access your sap system using the GUI which is included in the SAP rar downloaded files (just needs to be installed normally).

Important Post Installation Steps

These steps were copied directly from Nabi Zamani's GitHub Repo.

  1. Updating License

    • Open SAP GUI and logon
      • User: SAP*
      • Password: Down1oad
      • Client: 000
    • Open Transaction SLICENSE
    • From the Screen copy the value of field Active Hardware Key
    • Go to SAP License Keys for Preview, Evaluation, and Developer Versions in your browser
    • Choose NPL - SAP NetWeaver 7.x (Sybase ASE)
    • Fill out the fields. Use the Hardware Key you copied from SLICENSE
    • Keep the downloaded file NPL.txt and go back to the SLICENSE
    • Delete the Installed License from the table
    • Press the button Install below the table
    • Choose the downloaded file NPL.txt
    • Done - happy learning. Now logon with the dev user.

    You can now logon to client 001 with any of the following users (all share the same password Down1oad, typically you would work with DEVELOPER):

    • User: DEVELOPER (Developer User)
    • User: BWDEVELOPER (Developer User)
    • User: DDIC (Data Dictionary User)
    • User: SAP* (SAP Administrator)
  2. Generating Test Data

    Execute the following to generate some test data:

    • Transaction Code: SEPM_DG
  3. Suggestion: Activate the good old ping service


SAP NW ABAP Trial in Docker on Windows 🐳






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