Austin-TX, July 14-15th 2018
The MicroPython sprint goal is to live demonstrate MicroPython to new users and attract new developers to contribute to scientific MicroPython modules, for example, by porting/adapting scientific Python 3 modules.
This sprint is the 2nd opportunity in SciPy history to practice :
- MicroPython on real microcontroller boards;
- connecting to sensors and actuators;
- processing sensor data with scientific MicroPython modules (statistics, error propagation, FFT, etc);
- IoT (Internet of Things) using WiFi and/or LoRa to publish sensor data;
- contributing to the MicroPython community;
- creating new MicroPython modules, from scratch or converting/adapting from scientific Python 3 modules;
- porting scientific MicroPython modules to a broad range of MicroPython boards (see below the list).
First look at :
- the "Scientific MicroPython on Microcontrollers and IoT" talk given on July 13th 2017, where MicroPython were presented and all official MicroPython boards where cited;
- the "Scientific MicroPython on Microcontrollers" tutorial given on July 10th 2018, focused on LoPy4 + sensors.
Documentation about MicroPython :
- MicroPython documentation (for LoPy4 and other Pycom boards)
- MicroPython documentation (for BBC Micro:bit)
- MicroPython documentation (for Pyboard)
- MicroPython documentation (for ESP8266)
- MicroPython documentation (for OpenMV CAM M4/M7)
- CircuitPython documentation - MicroPython fork (for Adafruit boards)
Some MicroPython forums :
- MicroPython forum (for Pyboard, WiPy 1, ESP8266, ESP32, BBC Micro:bit)
- Pycom MicroPython forum (for WiPy 2, LoPy/LoPy, SiPy, GPy, FiPy boards)
- OpenMV CAM MicroPython forum (for Open MV CAM M4/M7)
- Adafruit CircuitPython and MicroPython forum
What is need to use MicroPython boards ?
- bring your computer and (if possible) a USB-microUSB cable (many will be available in the MicroPython sprint);
- follow MicroPython Tutorial_Software_Instructions for software setup instructions on LoPy4/LoPy/WiPy2;
- follow the documentation above about your preferred MicroPython board to setup the software tools (Mu Editor for BBC Micro:bit, etc).
Other multiplataform editors/IDE with MicroPython support :
- Pycharm with MicroPython plugin for BBC Micro:bit, ESP8266, Pyboard;
- uPyCraft IDE for ESP32, ESP8266, BBC Micro:bit
The MicroPython sprint has the following microcontroller boards available :
- 19 LoPy/LoPy4 (LoRa, Sigfox, WiFi, Bluetooth);
- 2 LoPy (LoRa, WiFi, Bluetooth);
- 1 WiPy 2 (WiFi, Bluetooth);
- 3 BBC Micro:bit (Bluetooth);
- 2 Pyboards;
- 10 ESP8266/WeMos D1 Mini (WiFi);
- 1 OpenMV CAM M7 (buit-in camera).
Also almost 100 sensors and actuators are available like BME280 (pressure, humidity, temperature), MPU6050 (accelerometer, gyroscope), SI1145 (ultraviolet, visible and infrared light), etc, as well small displays.