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This package provides the ability to send commands to remote SSH server and receive data from it using swift-nio-ssh.

Installation with Swift Package Manager

Add: .package(url: "", from: "0.0.1" )


import NIO
import SSHInvoker

        let group = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup (numberOfThreads: System.coreCount)
        // replace with yours:
        let script = "ping"
        let sshHost = ""
        let sshPort = 22
        let serverPublicKey = "ssh-ed25519 ___PublicKey___ SRV01"
        let username = "user"
        let password = "password"
        SSHInvoker.sendScript (
            scriptExecutionTimeout: .minutes(1),
            target: .init(host: sshHost, port: sshPort),
            serverAuthentication: .publicKey(serverPublicKey),
            connectionTimeout: .seconds(30),
            credentials: .password(username: username, password: password),
            eventLoopGroup: group,
            wantResult: true) { response, responseType in
                switch responseType {
                case .stdout:
                    // Do something with response (ByteBuffer)
                case .stderr:
                    // Do something with response (ByteBuffer)
            } .whenComplete{ result in
                switch result {
                case .success(let response):
                    // Do something with response (ByteBuffer)
                case .failure(let error):
                    // Do something with error (Error)



script Script Block or command which shoudl be executed on remote side.

scriptExecutionTimout If this parameter is set, script execution will be terminated by sending SIGKILL signal, and result EventLoopFuture will fail.

target Hostname/IP and Port (default: 22) of remote SSH server.

serverAuthentication If not set (not recommened) it will use default value: .allowAll, client will connect to remote server without validation. It's recommended to provide .publicKey string, which should be formatted like this: "algorithm-id base64-encoded-key comments".

connectionTimeout If connectioun did not espablished during that amount of time, result EventLoopFuture will fail.

credentials username and password , which will be used to connect to SSH server.

wantResult if true the function returns accumulated data of type Result. Otherwise it returns nil

inboundStreamHandler is used for receiving data chunks from stream. Closure will be executed each time, when data has received from remote SSH server.

- Returns:

EventLoopFuture<Result?>, which contains stdout and stderr (of type ByteBuffer) or an error if it's in a failure state