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Understanding WebMVC
This section provides you with a high-level overview of Model, View, and Controller of WebMVC and how it works to generate web pages. After reading this introduction, you should understand how the different parts of a WebMVC application are physically and logically organized and how they work together. You should also understand how the architecture of a WebMVC application differs from a standard PHP application.
Building a WebMVC application requires you to put your custom code into four special sub-folders of the server application root folder: models, views, templates, and controllers. As you might guess from the folder names, these folders physically organize the classes for implementing models, views, and controllers. In addition to structuring the physical organization of files, these folders also represent the logical organization of Namespaces in which each class will be encapsulated.
About the templates folder, the only thing you must know is that it will contain the HTML code that will be used by WebMVC PHP classes to generate the dynamic page of your application. The figure below shows the tree structure for folders:
When you build a traditional PHP application, there is a one-to-one correspondence between a URL and a PHP page. If you make an HTTP request like http://server/home.php
from the server, then there had better be a page on disk named home.php
. If the home.php
file does not exist, you get an ugly 404 - Page Not Found error.
When building a WebMVC application, in contrast, there is no correspondence between the URL that you type into your browser's address bar and the files that you find in your application. In a WebMVC application, a URL corresponds to a controller action instead of a page on disk.
In a traditional PHP application, browser requests are mapped into pages. In a WebMVC application, in contrast, browser requests are mapped to controller actions. A PHP application is content-centric. A WebMVC application, in contrast, is application logic centric.
In WebMVC any browser request gets mapped to a controller action through a feature called Loading and Dispatching. This feature is built on architectural design named "Convention over Configuration" to automatically handle incoming HTTP requests and routes them to the corresponding controller actions. We will give you later more technical details about this feature in Controller Page,
A Controller is responsible for controlling the way that a user interacts with a WebMVC application. A controller contains the flow control logic for an application. A controller determines what response to send back to a user when a user makes a browser request.
Technically speaking a controller is just a concrete class of the abstract framework\Controller
class. When you write a controller class it must be saved under the controllers
folder of your web application to allow its instantiation.
The View has the responsibility to organize and show data in graphical structures.
The development of a View in the web environment, unlike what happened for desktop applications, involves the use of different programming languages: some server-side, like PHP, and other client-side, like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In WebMVC these differences are used respectively by involving two distinct entities rather than just one as was expected by the MVC pattern, originally designed for desktop applications. These entities are the framework\View
concrete class of the framework, and a common static HTML file, the Template that will contain the GUI design. Custom views and templates must respectively reside into views and templates folders. Separating HTML design contained into a template from the class View offers considerable advantages on several sides. We will discuss this in detail later.
The Model handles the state of the application. The state is what your application is about. In WebMVC model is provided by the framework\Model
concrete class that has the responsibility for data management of MySql. You can use an instance of this class or extend it with a custom class and save it under models folder.
The framework also provides you with a tool for automatically generating all the Model classes needed to manage all tables of a given MySQL schema.
Now you know how WebMVC, as a result of an HTTP request, loads and runs a Controller, connected in turn with the View, Template, and Model. The following figure shows you how the framework handles incoming HTTP requests and processes data and operations.
Let's summarize the key points in the flow
Incoming HTTP Request:
- An HTTP request is delivered to the WebMVC Dispatcher.
Using Dispatcher for Recognition of the Controller call:
- The Dispatcher automatically recognizes the HTTP request as a call for Controller execution.
Importing and using Controller:
- The Dispatcher uses the Loader to use and load the appropriate Controller class.
Controller Loading and Instantiation:
The Loader imports the Controller class and its dependencies.
The Dispatcher instantiates the appropriate Controller.
Possibility of Hierarchical MVC:
- It's noted that the Controller might aggregate and manage the execution of one or more controllers, a feature known as "Hierarchical MVC." We will discuss it later, in this section
Model Execution:
- The Controller uses and runs the Model.
- The Model may connect to MySQL to retrieve or store data.
View Execution:
- The Controller uses and runs the View.
- The View reads the static design of the web page from an HTML Template.
- The static design, along with data from the Model, is used to generate the dynamic web page.
Controller Output to Dispatcher:
- After loading and processing the Model and View, the Controller provides the output dynamically produced back to the Dispatcher.
Dispatcher HTTP Response:
- Finally, the Dispatcher sends back the output as an HTTP response.
This flow illustrates a typical request-response cycle in the WebMVC framework, where the Dispatcher plays a central role in managing the flow of control, and the Model, View, and Controller collaborate to handle different aspects of the request.
In summary, the WebMVC framework uses a Dispatcher to handle incoming HTTP requests. It recognizes the need for Controller execution, loads the appropriate Controller class, and manages the flow of control between the Model, View, and Controller to generate a response, which is then sent back to the client. This process follows the principles of the Model-View-Controller architecture, with additional support for hierarchical MVC and other features provided by the WebMVC framework.
WebMVC requires that you must mandatorily use PascalCase and camelCase notation for naming, respectively, classes and methods. Furthermore is strictly recommended (but optional) to use a unique name for all MVC parts. For example, if you are designing the home page of your site, you can use the name "Home" for all classes such as the Controller, View, Model, and the name 'home' for the Template, You must also use the name 'Home' for many other files, such as language translation files, which we will show you later. See the following figure:
From a conceptual point of view, this means that you can specify a unique name that identifies the MVC triad cooperation. In this example, we call it Home and it identifies a WebMVC assembly that will be generated at runtime for the aggregating of the MVC triad and the template.
Summarizing, a WebMVC assembly identifies an entity generated at runtime that will provide a primary service (typically a web page) and we can identify by a name. Then we can use this name for physically naming the MVC triad and template that cooperate together for producing the service. The name of a WebMVC assembly will match the Controller name of the triad and will be also used by the framework for providing to you an endpoint you will use for consuming the service.
Although we can use the same name for the different MVC classes triad, the unique identification of a single class name still will be possible because WebMVC uses the PHP namespaces for encapsulating each class; this convention allows avoiding naming conflicts and the proliferation of names in complex projects. We will provide more details about using namespaces when they will be used for managing subsystems for decomposing the system.
Generally, a WebMVC assembly, that inherits its name from Controller (alias root Controller), can furthermore aggregate together many more parts, rather than only its related Controller, Model View, and Template. In fact, it can assemble, into a hierarchical structure, many more parts like nested MVC triad and/or Components. All those nested elements may be also considered as child MVC assemblies. We will give you more technical details later about the hierarchy of MVC assemblies when introducing Content Decomposition and Components.
By looking at the figure above, in which we used a WebMVC Assembly name 'Home', see the positioning of the Home.php
classes for the Controller, View, Model in the directory hierarchy of WebMVC. Also, see how we have been using the name 'home' for the template home.html.tpl
by putting it under the 'templates' folder. By convention, we used the "snake_case notation" (by specifying the name using lowercase) for naming those files, like template ones, that doesn't contain any classes.
Don't forget that, at the occurrence of composite words in the WebMVC assembly name, snake_case notation uses an underscore for separating words, eg. 'hello_world.html.tpl' for naming a Template related to a WebMVC assembly having the name HelloWorld. The file extension ".html.tpl" is mandatory when naming a Template.
Finally, we can use the endpoint http:/server/home
for running the controller controllers\Home
, or better for consuming the service provided by the Home
WebMVC assembly. The name of the callable endpoint will be automatically provided to you by the framework. It will be represented in snake_notation and it will match exactly the Assembly name.
Note that the convention we discussed so far, of using a single name for all the main parts of MVC assembly, is not mandatory. If you prefer you can also decide to name classes and templates by using the traditional suffixes, eg. HomeController.php
, HomeModel.php
, HomeView.php
and home_template.html.tpl
We exposed the basic concepts you need to understand before using WebMVC framework for developing an application. They are:
- The roles of models, views, controllers (MVC) classes and of templates.
- Files organization by using special folders: models, views, controllers, and templates for storing MVC classes and HTML templates.
- PascalCase notation for naming classes
- camelCase notation for naming their methods
- snake_case notation for naming templates
- snake_case notation for typing the endpoint (URL requests) and running controllers
- At runtime MVC triad and template are managed in the form of an assembly. We can identify it with a name for using when naming files.
So you simply:
- Code your MVC classes and the GUI HTML template.
- Use PascalCase, camelCase notations when coding/saving classes and snake_case notation when saving the template.
- We strongly suggest to you to identify WebMVC assembly name representing the service produced by the MVC triad and using it when naming files.
- Store all files into their respective folders
- Tu execute a Controller (or better to consume the service produced by the WebMVC assembly) type its name (endpoint) from the web browser by using the snake_case notation for the URL request.
After the explanation of the main architecture of WebMVC, and by understanding its basic structure we are now ready to start coding its first entity: the Controller.