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Handling blocks

Rosario Carvello edited this page Jan 19, 2018 · 78 revisions


We can extend the idea of dynamic substitution of a placeholder with a value to the case where we have to handle a block of content and we need to perform some actions on it. For this purpose, WebMVC uses the concept of Block.

Handling blocks by using Template, View, and Controller

A Block is nothing more than a piece of code (typically HTML but it can be also Javascript or CSS) delimited by two comments that mark its endpoints. A content inside a block is usually subject to an action in order to render a dynamic page in the browser. The management of blocks is a useful feature, for compute dynamically on:

  • content repetition and/or valorization
  • content replacement
  • content hiding .

Repetitions and/or dynamic valorizations of the content

Supposing we want to show a list of users rather than a single one like we previously done in the controllers\Home. On the section about Dynamic Content, we introduced and coded the following templates\user_manager.html.tpl, by using a block named Users suitable for this purpose.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Users list</title>
   <h1>Users list</h1>
         <!-- BEGIN Users -->
        <!-- END Users -->

As you can guess from the HTML code, the expected dynamic behavior of the web page will be to show a table containing some users. For each user, it will show the username and email.

This means that the HTML contained in the Users block can be considered as a template pattern that must be dynamical repeated N times, and valued each time with different values representing a user.

In the HTML code, two comments have been added, and they together wrap the block of code that will be dynamically replaced many times in the HTML file. These comments mark the BEGIN and the END of a block of name Users. This means that WebMVC will be able to recognize the block.

Now, we can write the code of views\UserManager and controllers\UserManager in order to show a table of users.

namespace views;

use framework\View;

class UserManager extends View
    public function __construct($tplName = null)
        if (empty($tplName)) {
            $tplName = "/user_manager";

    public function setUserBlock($users)
        foreach ($users as $user){

In the view we have created a method setUserBlock that uses the block Users and processes it with all the elements contained in the given $users array; specifically, we:

  • Invoking the openBlock method inherited from framework\View. This method, behind the scenes, do:

    • Recognizes the block Users
    • Creates a swap, initially empty, variable to store the dynamic content to be generated. We refer it as dynamic_content
    • Generates an internal template that contains the HTML eclosed in the Users block. We refer it as template_pattern
    • Predisposes each future calling of the setVar method to be restricted to the content of template_pattern.
  • Then, we start a PHP foreach loop on $users. For each element:

    • We call the setVar method by valorizing placeholders {UserName} and {UserEmail} with the values referenced by the array keys UserName and UserEmail of the current element, $user, of $users
    • We call the parseCurrentBlock() which, behind the scenes do:
      • Concatenates the content of template_pattern, which now contain data rather than placeholders, to the content of dynamic_content. Note that, at each iteration, parseCurrentBlock() adds one user to dynamic_content. When forech end, dynamic_content will contain all users.
      • Regenerates the template_pattern for using it, once again, in the next iteration.
    • Then foreach evaluate if exist the next element in $users:
      • When found it, foreach loop back to i for processing the next element. This means that placeholders contained in the (just regenerated) template_pattern are, once again, ready to be valorized, but now with values of the next element of $users
      • Else foreach loop exit
  • Finally, by calling the setBlock method, we stop the processing on the opened block and, behind the scenes, method replaces the text originally enclosed in the block Users with the text contained into its internal variable dynamic_content



In this section, we show how handling the content repetition and valorization of a block. What we have done is:

1. By assuming the need for processing a multidimensional array of users:
 $users = array(
            array('UserName'=>'Mark', 'UserEmail'=>'[email protected]'), 
            array('UserName'=>'Elen', 'UserEmail'=>'[email protected]'),  
            array('UserName'=>'John', 'UserEmail'=>'[email protected]')    
2. We built a static GUI design templates\user_manager.html,tpl, containing a block and two placeholders:

Users list

User Email
<!-- BEGIN Users -->
{UserName} {UserEmail}
<!-- END Users -->
3. We built the custom class views\UserManager for handling the template
4. We build the custom class controllers\UserManger for handling the view as well as the HTTP requests
5. Finally, on requesting http//localhost/user_manager, we dynamically produced out:

Users list

User Email
Mark [email protected]
Elen [email protected]
John [email protected]

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