working on using ChunkIdentifier to compare chunks uniquely instead of using chunk number (which could change if a non-code chunk is added before the code chunk)
This is the R backend portion of the rc2 project. It builds rserver
which listens for connection requests and then forks a copy of rsession
. Each rsession process wraps an R session via RInside.
All communication is via json. Files are managed via the PostgreSQL database.
- cd vendor/antlr
- rm -rf build/* run/* antlr-src/*
- unzip -d ./antlr-src/
- cd build
- cmake ../antlr4-src
- DESTDIR=../run make install
- cd ..; mv run/usr/local/* to .; rm lib/*
java -Xmx500M -cp vendor/antlr/antlr-4.8-complete.jar org.antlr.v4.Tool -Dlanguage=Cpp -Xexact-output-dir -o parser/generated/ -visitor Rc2Parser/Rc2Lexer.g4 Rc2Parser/Rc2RawParser.g4 Rc2Parser/R.g4 parser/RFilter.g4
- Build the rc2/dev image using the dockerfile. Then select that as the runtime in the Run menu.
- Build/Debug/test per normal.
- Run the following to create the tarball in the build directory:
docker run --rm -w /build/compute --volume /home/mlilback/rc2/compute:/src/compute --volume /home/mlilback/rc2/compute-build:/build/compute rc2/dev:latest /usr/bin/make package
On checkout of project, use git clone --recursive <URL> <Local Directory>
to checkout submodules, too.
- make a build directory, cd into it, run
cmake ..
In vendor/json-schema-validator need to run git fetch && git fetch -tags
and then git checkout 2.0.0
In vendor/g3log run git fetch && git fetch -tags
and then git checkout 1.3.2
When RInside is installed on a development machine, need to go to /usr/local/lib/R/library/RInside/libs
and ln -s /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/RInside/libs/
pushd /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/RInside/libs; sudo ln -s
the dist is made via call to make package
use addr2line to turn an address from a deployed stack trace to a source line on the dev machine.
to build RInside use
R CMD INSTALL RInside -l /usr/local/lib/R/site-library