This is a fork of Sean Ockert's Dine.
A simple Content Management System for single-page-plus websites.
This extends the original project as it was decided that the newer features are required. LocalCMS is designed specifically for restaurants and small businesses that want to display a list of their inventory or menu items without a full-blown or bloated stock CMS.
Check out a demo here: []
Login and edit content: Username: admin Password: admin
- Has editable content sections, dining menu (or inventroy list), image upload
- Shop options like open hours/days and closed dates, address (auto linked to Google Maps)
- Stores everything in an SQLite database at /appdata/lcms.sqlite
- Works out of the box - change the admin password in credentials.php and you're all set
- The config settings are set in options table and in /localcms/settings.php
- Base theme is fairly minimal and easily customisable
- Patternfly used for admin and customer areas.
- Basic caching for PHP views and CSS/JS
- Added Slideshow and Gallery capabilties
- .
##Installation Install in your web folder. Change login details in credentials.php. Use a free online sha1 hashing service. It is recommended that you use a database to manage your logins and sessions.
It is best to run the software on PHP5.4 or above.
The MIT License
View ROADMAP.txt for development considerations.