This project was created to illustrate how to create a System.d daemon in Python that utilizes DBus for IPC/RPC by receiving messages from another System.d service and creating signals other DBus-aware software can listen for.
- After changing to your selected directory on your machine:
git clone systemd-test
sudo pip install pydbus, csystemd
cd systemd-test/venv/systemd-test
- Make the systemd scripts being called executable:
chmod +x
chmod +x
- Modify the two .service files to point to your installation directory:
ExecStart=/CHANGE/TO/YOUR/INSTALL/DIRECTORY/systemd-test/venv/systemd-test/ start
ExecStop=/CHANGE/TO/YOUR/INSTALL/DIRECTORY/systemd-test/venv/systemd-test/ stop
ExecStart=/CHANGE/TO/YOUR/INSTALL/DIRECTORY/systemd-test/venv/systemd-test/ start
ExecStop=/CHANGE/TO/YOUR/INSTALL/DIRECTORY/systemd-test/venv/systemd-test/ stop
- Move the files around to where they need to go:
mv systemd_daemon.service /etc/systemd/system/
mv systemd_test.service /etc/systemd/system/
mv us.rbasn.systemd.test.conf /etc/dbus-1/system.d/
- Reload systemd and start the services:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start systemd_daemon
sudo systemctl start systemd_test
- And finally, run the signal listener to output to the command line when signals are being fired by the daemon: