A PHP Framework for creating admin system
Warning! This is a work in progress. It was a very old project. Currently, I am polishing and finishing some missing features.
- MVCish framework
Missing a well-defined Model layer
- Secured by default for
- cross-site request forgery
- passwords stored salted and hashed
- SQL injection
- AutoGenerated Forms
- AutoGenerated and populated Editors
- POST Validations with auto insert and auto update linked to forms and editable
- Fully functional out of the box tables, automated by ajax calls
- Pagination
- search (simple and advanced)
- sort
- download to excel
- import from excel
- In table update and delete
- Middleware for Pre and Post
- In table update
- In table delete
- Transform cell values
- Create simple dynamically updated components by ajax
- Templates
- Graphical interface for creating the Admin systems using all the features