hRotor is a program to compute the rotational partition function for a molecular system at a temperature T or a range of temperatures.
hRotor has been tested on the following platforms:
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)
- g++ 9.3.0 or later
- cmake 3.8 or later
- Lapack 3.9.0 or later
The hRotor.x program is based on the following article:
- "The 1-D hindered rotor approximation", J. Pfaendtner, X. Yu and L. J. Broadbelt, Theor Chem Account, 118, 881 (2007)
The solution of Schödinger equation is based on the article (FGH):
- "The Fourier grid Hamiltonian method for bound state eigenvalues and eigenfunctions", C. C. Marston and G. G. Balint-Kurti, J. Chem. Phys., 91, 3571 (1989)
Let's start by copying or cloning the project in your system. Move or create a build directory. The file tree should look like the following:
-> hrotor/$ tree
├── bin
│ └── hRotor.x
├── build
├── example
│ ├── methanol-opt.wfn
│ ├── methanolScanT.txt
│ └── topsFile.txt
├── include
│ ├── Atom.h
│ ├── FourierH.h
│ ├── HPot.h
│ ├── Inertia.h
│ ├── Matrix.h
│ ├── Molecule.h
│ ├── runCommands.h
│ ├── Rvector.h
│ ├── screen.h
│ ├── thermo.h
│ └──
└── src
├── Atom.cpp
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── FourierH.cpp
├── HPot.cpp
├── Inertia.cpp
├── main.cpp
├── Makefile
├── Matrix.cpp
├── Molecule.cpp
├── runCommands.cpp
├── Rvector.cpp
└── thermo.cpp
Go to the build directory and run the following commands:
-> hrotor/build/$ cmake ../src
And then run
-> hrotor/build/$ cmake --build .
The executable hRotor.x will be created and moved to the hrotor/bin directory, you can run by typing.
$./hRotor.x -g GEOMETRY -p POTENTIAL -t ROTATING_TOPS -o OutputName
There are mandatory flags such as:
Flag | Type | Description |
-g |
string | Assign a file with the geometry |
-p |
string | Indicate a file with the potential |
-t |
string | Contain the information of rotation tops |
There are also optional flags such as:
flag | Type | Description |
-o |
string | Asign a name for the outpu |
-T |
float | Indicate a Temperature T different to 298.15 K |
-r |
float float int | Indicate a range of temperature: Ti, Tf and nT |
-s |
int | Indicate the symmetry number |
-I |
int | Indicate the n in I(2,n) for the Inertia moment |
-m |
float | Assign a numerical value for the Inertia moment |
-n |
int | Indicate the size in FGH method |
-l |
Display LAPACK version | |
-v o -V |
Display the code version, compilation date, and git info | |
-h o -H |
Display help |
The output from the terminal is as follows:
$./hRotor.x -g ../example/methanol-opt.wfn -p ../example/methanolScanT.txt -o output_ -t ../example/topsFile.txt -T 1500. -s 3
[ INFO ] Geometry name : ../example/methanol-opt.wfn
[ INFO ] Potential name : ../example/methanolScanT.txt
[ INFO ] Tops name : ../example/topsFile.txt
[ INFO ] Output name : output_
[ INFO ] Single Temp : true
[ INFO ] Range Temp : false
[WARNING] No Inertia moment assigned
The Inertia moment will be taken by default I (2,1)
[WARNING] No Hamiltonian size assigned
The Hamiltonian size will be taken by default H size = 501
[ INFO ] Hamilton size : 501
[ INFO ] Kinetic size : 250
[ INFO ] delta x : 0.0125413
[ INFO ] delta k : 1
[ INFO ] Data in pot : 35
Print the values of thermo chemical properties
Temperature : 1500.00000000 K
kB T : 12.47169393 kJ / mol
Highest potential : 5.57918738 kJ / mol
I_red(2,1) : 0.67176249 Da A^2
Free Rotor Hindered Rotor
Qr : 3.80813558 3.08477950
S : 0.01527483 0.01518053 kJ / (mol K )
E : 6.23584696 8.72168005 kJ / mol
Cv : 0.00415723 0.00433721 kJ / (mol K )
The internal energy (E), entropy (S), head capacity at constant volume (Cv), and the partition function are reported at the end ofthe run.
On the other hand, the following files are also generated:
File | Data it contains |
output_Energy.dat | eigenvalues of FGH |
output_Pot.dat | Potential using in the FGH evaluate in te grid |
outPut_Rho.dat | Desity for each eigenstate evaluate in the grid |
outPut_Wf.dat | Wavefunction for each eigenstate evaluated in the grid |
outPut_chem.dat | The information when range Temperature has been activated |
- Raymundo Hernandez-Esparza ([email protected])
- Julio Manuel Hernandez-Perez
- Sebastian García Pineda