Gmail iOS app like Loading view.
Completely created using core animation.
Easy to drop into your project like a UIView.
You can resize the frame to whatever size.
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Drag GmailLikeLoadingView.h amd GmailLikeLoadingView.m files to your project.
Required framework: QuartzCore.framework
#import "GmailLikeLoadingView.h"
GmailLikeLoadingView *loadingView = [[GmailLikeLoadingView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(x, y, width, height)];
[self addSubview:loadingView];
[loadingView startAnimating];
[loadingView stopAnimating];
[loadingView isAnimating];
![GmailLikeLoading] (
[MIT License] ( "MIT License")