I'm a GPU Software Engineer who has excellent understanding and hands on experience of C, C++, Vulkan API, GPU Computing Model, 3D Rendering, and 3D Mathematics. I've worked on GPU Compilers based on LLVM, and 3D Renderer based on Vulkan API. In Open Source world, I sometimes contribute to Glslang Project which is a GLSL frontend for SPIR-V.
My ultimate goal in GPU software engineering is to develop GPU Computing and Rendering frameworks for Scientific Visualizations and Simulations which will be available free of cost for anybody anywhere in the world. I believe, many scientific concepts can be understood and analysed more conveniently with the help of GPUs and Extensive Software Support which is user friendly and doesn't require much technical in-depth knowledge.
Spectrum Graphics Engine (SGE) // Owner and the only developer/maintainer of the project
- A low level graphics engine built on Vulkan API
- SUTK - a UI library made on top of SGE, now a subproject in the same directory (VulkanRenderer/sutk)
Scalable KVM Over IP // Owner and the only developer/maintainer of the project
- This project allows us to fully replay keyboard and mouse inputs and get video output in real-time
- Works even in BIOS!
- Cheaper than PiKVM for multiple machines
Build Master // Owner and the only developer/maintainer of the project
- A wrapper around meson build system specifically for C/C++ projects
- Its main goal is to make it easy to build, test, package and deploy a C/C++ software, whether it is a library or executable.
GLSLang // I try to contribute to this project whenever a bug interests me in it
- LibreOffice Writer : For writing technical design documents
- C and C++ : For writing high performance code in SGE and other projects
- GDB : for debugging C/C++ code
- GNU Make : for building C/C++ projects
- Catch2: For writing unit tests
- Bash Script: for complementing GNU Make
- Pkg Config: For packaging C/C++ projects and using them as dependencies
- Vulkan: For GPU Accelerated programming, see: SKVMOIP
- Bugzilla: Bugzilla server for bug-tracking
- Gitlab: Gitlab instance for hosting mirror repositories and their internal CI/CD
- Git: For source code management
- Python: For automating thigs like adding notice in each source file or creating gdb pretty printers.
- Computer Networking (Handwritten Notes & Solutions: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZMrdp5Z2qzgt6DvfgBzzlloQWFjLfLoyOck)
- Operating Systems (Handwritten Notes & Solutions: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZprdp5ZjqgH1vvAt9u61BRCcbjbRuzS4Ok7)
- Compilers
- CPU and GPU Architecture
- Computer Graphics, Linear Algebra and 3D Mathematics
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Software Engineering (My Handwritten Notes: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZT3dp5ZzXNMsTsuvQfOT2K4I8coOfou4z3X)
- Discrete Mathematics
- Digital Logic