Intel 430FX L2 Cache auto detection investigation based on code extracted from Asus PCI/I-P54TP4 bios
Asus PCI/I-P54TP4 bios T15I0302.AWD
Award BIOS (4-5x PnP) post code list
Bios sections and their associated Post codes relevant are:
C1 | Auto detection of onboard DRAM & Cache |
3E | Try to turn on level 2 cache Note: Some chipset may need to turn on the L2 cache in this stage. But usually, the cache is turn on later in Post 61h |
Intel Engineer wanted to be funny and the last table has FLCE and SCFMI bit order reversed, got me more than once. Correct bit order:
SCFMI | FLCE | L2 Cache Result |
0 | 0 | Disabled |
1 | 0 | Disabled; tag invalidate on reads |
0 | 1 | Normal L2 cache operation (dependent on SGS) |
1 | 1 | Enabled; miss forced on reads/writes |
Online Assembly x86 Emulator
Online Assembler and Disassembler with x86 16bit mode support
I started by dissasembling bios file using IDA. You begin by loading bios file and selecting "Intel 80x86 processors:metapc", hitting OK, then clicking 16bit. Next you need to relocate code to the address actual BIOS is mapped at in a real computer. Open "ICD Command..." (Shift+F2) and paste:
SegCreate(0x000f0000, 0x00100000, 0xF000, 0, 0, 0);
SegRename(0x000f0000, "_F000");
auto src = [0,0x10000], dest = [0xF000, 0];
auto ea_src, ea_dest, hi_limit;
hi_limit = src + 0x10000;
ea_dest = dest;
for(ea_src = src; ea_src < hi_limit ; ea_src = ea_src + 4 )
PatchDword( ea_dest, Dword(ea_src));
ea_dest = ea_dest + 4;
Ugly, but it works. Now you have secont segment called _f000. Press G to "Jump to Address" and paste _F000:fff0. Press C to interpret data under cursor as Code and voila, you are looking at x86 legacy BIOS entry point.
My next step was finding segment responsible for Post code C1. Easiest way is locating instruction that outputs actual POST code to port 80h. Here it is:
_F000:E4E7 POST_C1:
_F000:E4E7 mov al, 0C1h
_F000:E4E9 mov dx, 80h
_F000:E4EC out dx, al ; manufacture's diagnostic checkpoint
_F000:E4ED mov sp, 0E4F3h
_F000:E4F0 jmp ram_cache
First part of C1 is responsible for detecting ram, lets skip that. Next we switch back to real mode.
_F000:E1DD torealmode:
_F000:E1DD mov eax, cr0
_F000:E1E0 and al, 0FEh
_F000:E1E2 mov cr0, eax
_F000:E1E5 jmp far ptr loc_FE1EA
_F000:E1EA loc_FE1EA:
That jump at the end is very important to properly switch CPU mode. Next fragment disables L1 cache.
_F000:E1EA mov al, 0FFh ; Enable L1 cache
_F000:E1EC mov sp, 0E1F2h
_F000:E1EF jmp CMOS_L1cache
CMOS_L1cache enables/disables L1 cache depending on accumulator, but only if variable stored in CMOS under address 3Dh (0BDh but actual CMOS addresses are only 7 bit long) is not ffh but has 8th bit set. Speculation: is this where Award Bios stores L1 cache disable variable?
_F000:F4FC CMOS_L1cache proc near
_F000:F4FC mov ah, al
_F000:F4FE mov al, 0BDh
_F000:F500 out 70h, al ; CMOS Memory:
_F000:F500 ;
_F000:F502 out 0E1h, al
_F000:F504 in al, 71h ; CMOS Memory
_F000:F506 cmp al, 0FFh
_F000:F508 jz short locret_FF534
_F000:F50A test al, 80h
_F000:F50C jz short locret_FF534
_F000:F50E and al, 7Eh
_F000:F510 nop
_F000:F511 nop
_F000:F512 or ah, ah
_F000:F514 jnz short L1cache_enable
_F000:F516 mov eax, cr0
_F000:F519 or eax, 60000000h
_F000:F51F mov cr0, eax
_F000:F522 wbinvd
_F000:F524 jmp short locret_FF534
_F000:F526 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:F526 L1cache_enable:
_F000:F526 mov eax, cr0
_F000:F529 and eax, 9FFFFFFFh
_F000:F52F mov cr0, eax
_F000:F532 wbinvd
_F000:F534 locret_FF534:
_F000:F534 retn
_F000:F534 CMOS_L1cache endp
After that its finally off to the races.
Actual L2 Cache detection procedure lies before us. First order of business seems to be setting maximum potential cache size supported (512KB), Cache type compatible with all possible choices (Async), and mode of operation resetting TAG ram Valid bits on access (Disabled; tag invalidate on reads).
_F000:E1F4 cache_detect:
_F000:E1F4 mov cx, 52h
_F000:E1F7 mov al, 0A2h ; 512KB Async Disabled; tag invalidate on reads
_F000:E1F9 mov sp, 0E1FFh
_F000:E1FC jmp pci_write_dev
_F000:E1FC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E1FF dw offset cache_invalidate
_F000:E201 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reads 512KB in order to ensure whole TAG ram is invalidated? This seems to load 4 bytes x 4000h x 8 = 512KB between 64KB and ~590KB. Why so weird I dont know.
_F000:E201 cache_invalidate:
_F000:E201 cld
_F000:E202 mov dx, 8000h
_F000:E205 loc_FE205:
_F000:E205 mov ds, dx
_F000:E207 assume ds:nothing
_F000:E207 xor si, si
_F000:E209 mov cx, 4000h
_F000:E20C rep lodsd
_F000:E20F sub dx, 1000h
_F000:E213 jnz short loc_FE205
Eagle eyed among you might notice unusual x86 instruction combination REP LODS, often taught as useless and never used or even non existing at all! yet here it is doing heavy lifting :) First to try is the most common L2 256KB Async setup.
_F000:E215 mov cx, 52h
_F000:E218 mov al, 61h ; 256KB Async Normal L2 cache operation (dependent on SGS)
_F000:E21A mov sp, 0E220h
_F000:E21D jmp pci_write_dev
_F000:E21D ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E220 dw offset loc_FE222
_F000:E222 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E222 loc_FE222:
_F000:E222 mov sp, 0E228h
_F000:E225 jmp cache_test
cache_test is at the bottom. TLDR is
ok - clc, take next jnb
bad - stc, ignore next jnb
_F000:E225 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E228 dw offset loc_FE22A
_F000:E22A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E22A loc_FE22A:
_F000:E22A jnb short loc_FE26A
_F000:E22C mov cx, 52h
_F000:E22F mov al, 0B1h ; 512KB PB Normal L2 cache operation (dependent on SGS)
_F000:E231 mov sp, 0E237h
_F000:E234 jmp pci_write_dev
_F000:E234 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E237 dw offset loc_FE239
_F000:E239 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E239 loc_FE239:
_F000:E239 mov sp, 0E23Fh
_F000:E23C jmp cache_test
_F000:E23C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E23F dw offset loc_FE241
_F000:E241 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E241 loc_FE241:
_F000:E241 jnb short loc_FE296
_F000:E243 mov cx, 52h
_F000:E246 mov al, 51h ; 256KB Burst Normal L2 cache operation (dependent on SGS)
_F000:E248 mov sp, 0E24Eh
_F000:E24B jmp pci_write_dev
_F000:E24B ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E24E dw offset loc_FE250
_F000:E250 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E250 loc_FE250:
_F000:E250 mov sp, 0E256h
_F000:E253 jmp cache_test
_F000:E253 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E256 dw offset loc_FE258
_F000:E258 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E258 loc_FE258:
_F000:E258 jnb short loc_FE296
_F000:E25A loc_FE25A:
_F000:E25A mov cx, 52h
_F000:E25D mov al, 22h ; 0KB Async Disabled; tag invalidate on reads
_F000:E25F mov sp, 0E265h
_F000:E262 jmp pci_write_dev
_F000:E262 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E265 dw offset loc_FE267
_F000:E267 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E267 loc_FE267:
_F000:E267 jmp loc_FE30E
_F000:E26A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E26A loc_FE26A:
_F000:E26A mov cx, 52h
_F000:E26D mov al, 41h ; 256KB PB Normal L2 cache operation (dependent on SGS)
_F000:E26F mov sp, 0E275h
_F000:E272 jmp pci_write_dev
_F000:E272 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E275 dw offset loc_FE277
_F000:E277 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E277 loc_FE277:
_F000:E277 mov sp, 0E27Dh
_F000:E27A jmp cache_test
_F000:E27A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E27D dw offset loc_FE27F
_F000:E27F ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E27F loc_FE27F:
_F000:E27F jnb short loc_FE25A
_F000:E281 mov cx, 52h
_F000:E284 mov al, 61h ; 256KB Async Normal L2 cache operation (dependent on SGS)
_F000:E286 mov sp, 0E28Ch
_F000:E289 jmp pci_write_dev
_F000:E289 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E28C dw offset loc_FE28E
_F000:E28E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E28E loc_FE28E:
_F000:E28E mov sp, 0E294h
_F000:E291 jmp cache_test
_F000:E291 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E294 dw offset loc_FE296
_F000:E296 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E296 loc_FE296:
_F000:E296 mov cx, 52h
_F000:E299 mov sp, 0E29Fh
_F000:E29C jmp pci_read_dev
_F000:E29C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E29F dw offset loc_FE2A1
_F000:E2A1 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E2A1 loc_FE2A1:
_F000:E2A1 and al, 3Fh
_F000:E2A3 or al, 80h ; set 512KB, leave type and mode as is
_F000:E2A5 mov sp, 0E2ABh
_F000:E2A8 jmp pci_write_dev
_F000:E2A8 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E2AB dw offset loc_FE2AD
_F000:E2AD ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
This next part is interesting. This code tries to make sure we have 512KB cache installed by writing 8 byte magic number to address 0000, flushing and invalidating both L1 and L2 cache??, then another different magic number at 256KB, another cache flush, and finally checking if first magic number is still there. Is cache working in cache_as_ram mode? At this moment I dont understand how this works, wbinvd is supposed to drop all cache and we barely initialized ram controller at this point. Im lost here.
_F000:E2AD loc_FE2AD:
_F000:E2AD xor si, si
_F000:E2AF xor ax, ax
_F000:E2B1 mov ds, ax
_F000:E2B3 assume ds:nothing
_F000:E2B3 mov eax, [si]
_F000:E2B6 mov dword ptr [si], 0A55A55AAh
_F000:E2BD mov dword ptr [si+4], 5AA5AA55h
_F000:E2C5 wbinvd
_F000:E2C7 mov ax, 4000h
_F000:E2CA mov ds, ax
_F000:E2CC assume ds:nothing
_F000:E2CC mov eax, [si]
_F000:E2CF mov dword ptr [si], 5AA5AA55h
_F000:E2D6 mov dword ptr [si+4], 0A55A55AAh
_F000:E2DE wbinvd
_F000:E2E0 xor ax, ax
_F000:E2E2 mov ds, ax
_F000:E2E4 assume ds:nothing
_F000:E2E4 cmp dword ptr [si], 0A55A55AAh
_F000:E2EB jnz short loc_FE2F7
_F000:E2ED cmp dword ptr [si+4], 5AA5AA55h
_F000:E2F5 jz short loc_FE30E
_F000:E2F7 loc_FE2F7:
_F000:E2F7 mov cx, 52h
_F000:E2FA mov sp, 0E300h
_F000:E2FD jmp pci_read_dev
_F000:E2FD ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E300 dw offset loc_FE302
_F000:E302 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E302 loc_FE302:
_F000:E302 and al, 3Fh
_F000:E304 or al, 40h ; set 256KB, leave type and mode as is
_F000:E306 mov sp, 0E30Ch
_F000:E309 jmp pci_write_dev
_F000:E309 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E30C dw offset loc_FE30E
_F000:E30E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E30E loc_FE30E:
_F000:E30E mov cx, 52h
_F000:E311 mov sp, 0E317h
_F000:E314 jmp pci_read_dev
_F000:E314 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E317 dw offset loc_FE319
_F000:E319 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E319 loc_FE319:
_F000:E319 mov ah, al
_F000:E31B and ah, 0F0h
_F000:E31E cmp ah, 80h ; test if 512KB was selected?
_F000:E321 jnz short loc_FE325
_F000:E323 or al, 30h ; if 512KB then set PB
_F000:E325 loc_FE325:
_F000:E325 or al, 3 ; set Enabled; miss forced on reads/writes
_F000:E327 mov sp, 0E32Dh
_F000:E32A jmp pci_write_dev
_F000:E32A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E32D dw offset cache_prefill
_F000:E32F ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Again this weird 4 bytes x 4000h x 8 = 512KB between 64KB and ~590KB. Why not 0-512KB range?
_F000:E32F cache_prefill:
_F000:E32F mov dx, 8000h
_F000:E332 loc_FE332:
_F000:E332 mov ds, dx
_F000:E334 assume ds:nothing
_F000:E334 mov cx, 4000h
_F000:E337 xor si, si
_F000:E339 rep lodsd
_F000:E33C sub dx, 1000h
_F000:E340 jnz short loc_FE332
_F000:E342 mov al, 0 ; Disable L1 cache
_F000:E344 mov sp, 0E34Ah
_F000:E347 jmp CMOS_L1cache
_F000:E347 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E34A dw offset loc_FE34C
_F000:E34C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E34C loc_FE34C:
_F000:E34C shr esp, 10h
_F000:E350 clc
_F000:E351 retn
_F000:E351 ram_cache endp
_F000:E352 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
Load 16KB from between 64-80KB. Store 2KB of magic numbers at 64KB, flush cache, check if 2KB of magic numbers is still there.
_F000:E352 cache_test proc near
_F000:E352 cld
_F000:E353 mov ax, 1000h
_F000:E356 mov ds, ax
_F000:E358 assume ds:nothing
_F000:E358 xor si, si
_F000:E35A mov cx, 1000h
_F000:E35D rep lodsd
_F000:E360 mov ax, 1000h
_F000:E363 mov es, ax
_F000:E365 assume es:nothing
_F000:E365 xor di, di
_F000:E367 mov eax, 0A55A55AAh
_F000:E36D mov edx, 3C3C33CCh
_F000:E373 mov cx, 100h
_F000:E376 loc_FE376:
_F000:E376 mov es:[di], eax
_F000:E37A add di, 4
_F000:E37D mov es:[di], edx
_F000:E381 add di, 4
_F000:E384 not eax
_F000:E387 not edx
_F000:E38A loop loc_FE376
_F000:E38C wbinvd
_F000:E38E mov cx, 100h
_F000:E391 xor di, di
_F000:E393 mov eax, 0A55A55AAh
_F000:E399 mov edx, 3C3C33CCh
_F000:E39F loc_FE39F:
_F000:E39F cmp es:[di], eax
_F000:E3A3 jnz short loc_FE3BB
_F000:E3A5 add di, 4
_F000:E3A8 cmp es:[di], edx
_F000:E3AC jnz short loc_FE3BB
_F000:E3AE add di, 4
_F000:E3B1 not eax
_F000:E3B4 not edx
_F000:E3B7 loop loc_FE39F
_F000:E3B9 clc
_F000:E3BA retn
_F000:E3BB ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_F000:E3BB loc_FE3BB:
_F000:E3BB stc
_F000:E3BC retn
Helper functions to read/write PCI space registers:
_F000:F688 pci_read_dev proc near
_F000:F688 mov ax, 8000h
_F000:F68B shl eax, 10h
_F000:F68F mov ax, cx
_F000:F691 and al, 0FCh
_F000:F693 mov dx, 0CF8h
_F000:F696 out dx, eax ; PCI Configuration Space Address Register
_F000:F696 ; bits 7..0: configuration space offset
_F000:F696 ; bits 10..8: function number
_F000:F696 ; bits 15..11: device number
_F000:F696 ; bits 23..16: bus number
_F000:F698 add dl, 4
_F000:F69B mov al, cl
_F000:F69D and al, 3
_F000:F69F add dl, al
_F000:F6A1 in al, dx
_F000:F6A2 retn
_F000:F6A2 pci_read_dev endp
_F000:F6A4 pci_write_dev proc near
_F000:F6A4 xchg ax, cx
_F000:F6A5 and eax, 8000FFFFh
_F000:F6AB or eax, 80000000h
_F000:F6B1 mov ch, al
_F000:F6B3 and al, 0FCh
_F000:F6B5 mov dx, 0CF8h
_F000:F6B8 out dx, eax ; PCI Configuration Space Address Register
_F000:F6B8 ; bits 7..0: configuration space offset
_F000:F6B8 ; bits 10..8: function number
_F000:F6B8 ; bits 15..11: device number
_F000:F6B8 ; bits 23..16: bus number
_F000:F6BA mov al, ch
_F000:F6BC add dl, 4
_F000:F6BF and ch, 3
_F000:F6C2 add dl, ch
_F000:F6C4 xchg ax, cx
_F000:F6C5 out dx, al
_F000:F6C6 retn
_F000:F6C6 pci_write_dev endp
Please feel free to correct any mistakes I made and expand explanations. You can use Github Issues of just send pull requests. All contributions are welcome.