IC Video is a peer-to-peer video meeting platform service deployed on the Internet Computer Network. Currently it allows for two (2) users to video chat with each other at a time. The protocol that allows us to connect via video is WebRTC. WebRTC, (Web RealTime Communication) is a browser technology for users for communicate with each other in real time. Here is the logic behind this app:
- User 1 creates a room, and a Room Id is generated.
- User 1 can then share this room Id with user 2
- User 2 then requests to join the room with the specific id
- Behind the scenes, WebRTC creates an offer (from user 2) to user 1 (to join their room)
- Behind the scenes, user 1 accepts the offer (from user 2)
- Once this is done, the 2 users are able to video chat!
To learn more before you start working with IC Video, see the following documentation available online:
- Quick Start
- SDK Developer Tools
- Motoko Programming Language Guide
- Motoko Language Quick Reference
- JavaScript API Reference
- Dfinity SDK: https://sdk.dfinity.org/docs/download.html
- Node/NPM: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
- Motoko VSCode Extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dfinity-foundation.vscode-motoko (Note): This project was created in a linux environment
Step 1:
In one terminal/shell, run dfx start --background clean
to start the local Internet Computer Network
Step 2:
In another terminal/shell, run
npm install
Option A:
dfx canister create --all
- Register unique canister identifiers in the projectdfx build
- Build the executable canisterdfx canister install --all
- Deploy the ic_video project on the local networkdfx canister install --all --mode reinstall
if you are running it again
Option B:
dfx deploy
- which handles the three previous steps
Take note of the canisterId from the logs, as this will be the address for the website
Step 3:
View the app in your browser at
The canisterId can be found in the terminal logs of the commands from Step 2
Step 3: Tear down
- In the very first terminal/shell run
dfx stop
- In the terminal from step 2, run
Control + C
to stop the app.
- Dfinity Full Stack App Session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2miweY9-vZc&list=PLuhDt1vhGcrf4DgKZecU3ar_RA1cB0vUT&index=7
- Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvlyzDZDEq4&t=901s
- Google WebRTC Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2HzZkd2A40&t=1453s
- If you are getting a "ossl-evp-unsupported error, run
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69394632/webpack-build-failing-with-err-ossl-evp-unsupported