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A CLI for data exploration and visualization

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A CLI for data exploration and visualization ###Installation and use

issues that may arise

have Execute(message.Msg, pipeline.IProcessorForExecutor) bool
want Execute(pipeline.MsgPod, pipeline.IProcessorForExecutor) bool
upgrade canal go get -u
  1. during package upgrade:

    status 124 error ; terminal prompts disabled

    solution go env -w


-simply run the main.go file inside examples/hike or run go build inside examples/hike

  • further user manual is documented on inside the same folder.


  • Rules added as per following EBNF:
    1. command -->statement-->(statement)*-->TOK_SEMICOLON
    2. statement --> source -->(transform)*-->sink-->TOK_SEMICOLON
    3. Source --> file|fake ....
    4. transform --> Map|Do|Agg ...
    5. sink --> stdout/into/blackhole/....

New Query Structure


`Source | one or more Transform | Sink;
 #This is a comment
 Source  | one or more Transfrom | Sink;;`
 #Double semicolon denotes the end of command


file(xyz.csv), fake(10), branch(some Identifier)


Aggregator, DoFunction, Map




1. Preprocessor Initialization

The command may consist of unwanted white spaces ,comments
etc. This needs to be filtered before parsing it with the peg.
Thus, to make command suitable for parsing, the preProcessor 
from the LanguageProcessor package is initializd with the 
command to be parsed and then the prepareQuery func of the 
preprocessor is called to get the cleaned command.

2. Parsing with Peg

The cleaned command is passed to the peg parser to get the 
stages from the command like source,transform and sink to pre
pare the pipeline. For each statement the stages are grouped in
the slice.
eg: [[statement1 stages][statement2 stages][ statement3 stages]]

3. Abstract Tree Initialization

From the parsed stages Abstract tree is built. For that 
NewATBuilder() is initialized. 

4. Build Abstract Tree
Then its BuildAT func is called to create the abstract tree.

5. NetBuilder
newNetBuilder() initializes the NetBuilder. The Build reciever 
Build() builds the pipeline as per the Abstract tree


####Current Supported Functions

#####Source functions

File Reader 
    - supported file format: csv only
    - syntax : file(FileName.csv)
    - usecase: 
        file(userinfo.csv) | filter(age<30) | stdout();;
    - generates fake data
    - syntax : fake(integer)
    - usecase:
        fake(10) | filter(age<30) | stdout();;    

#####Transform functions

NOTE:A FilterMulti defines a filter that consists of either a single factor or
       multiple factors separated by secondary operators.
       FilterMulti consist of FilterFactor and restFilterFactors separated by the secondary filter operator
       secondary filter operator:
            - and operator
            - or operator
        primary filter operator:
            - equal to operator
            - not equal to operator
            - greather than
            - less than
            - greater or equal to
            - less or equal to
        A Factor is either a primary filter or a multi filter enclosed by parenthesis
        A FilterPrimary defines a filter that checks if the value defined by the
        variable is according to the primary operator.          
        ? - in any arg denotes its a optional parameter
Aggregator Functions
    NOTE:A FilterMulti defines a filter that consists of either a single factor or
    multiple factors separated by secondary operators.
    1. count
        - counts the number of particular data in the stream
        - -args type:
               - fieldName string
               - FilterMulti expression (eg: age<30)
        - syntax alias = count()
                 count() #alias is optional
                 count(condition) # condition is expression or filter  
                 expression looks like
                    #case of multiple condition
                    count((expression) sec-operator (expression))
                        fieldName primary-operator value 
                        (string)    (operators)    (integer tested)
        - usecase:
            fake(10) | filter(age<30) | s1=into();
            s1 | agg count_of_age_less_than_30 = count() |stdout();;
            #use of filter
            s1 | agg count_of_age = count(age<10) | stdout();;
            #use of multiple filter
            s1 | agg count_of_age = count(age<10 and age>5) | stdout();; 
    2. max
        - calculates the max value
        -args type:
            - fieldName string
            - FilterMulti expression (eg: age<30) ?
        - syntax alias = agg max(fieldName)
                 alias = agg max(fieldName,FilterMulti)
        - usecase:  
            fake(10) | select(age) | s1=into();
            s1 | agg max(age) | stdout();;
            #one with filter
            s1 | agg max(age,age>50) |stdout();;
    3. min
        syntax are similar to max
    4. sum
        - perform the sum of the field values
        - args type:
            fieldName string
            filterMulti expression   ?
        - syntax alias = agg sum(fieldName)
                alias = agg sum(fieldName, filterMulti?)
            fake(10) | select(salary,empid) | s1=into();
            s1 | agg Total_salary = sum(salary) | stdout();;
            #one with filter
            s1 | agg Total_salary = sum(salary,salary>30000) |stdout();;   
    5. variance
        - calculates the variance
        - args
            fieldName string
            FilterMulti expression ?
        - syntax
        - usecase
            same sum  
    6. average
        - calculates average
        - args
            fieldName string
        - syntax
        - usecase:
            same as above
    7. mode
        - calculates mode
        - args
            same as avg
        - syntax
            - mode(fieldName,filterMulti)
        - usecase:
            - same as average     
    8. quantile
        - calculates quantile
        - args
             fieldName string
             weight    string         ?
             qth quartile Number        
             FilterMulti expression   ?
        - syntax
             quantile(quartile_of_data = quartile(age))
             #one with filter
             quantile(quartile(age,3,age>30)) #gets the 3rd quantile 
        - usecase:
             similar to above sum,max etc
    9. quartile
        - calculates quartile
        - args
             fieldName string
             weight    string         ?
             qth quartile Number        
             FilterMulti expression   ?
        - syntax
             quartile(quartile_of_data = quartile(age))
             #one with filter
             quartile(quartile(age,3,age>30)) #gets the 3rd quartile 
        - usecase:
             similar to above sum,max etc
    10. median
        - calculates median
        - args
            fieldName string
            weight    string         ?
            FilterMulti expression   ?
        - syntax
            median(median_of_data = median(age))
            #one with filter
        - usecase:
            similar to above sum,max etc    
    11. covariance
        - calculates covariance between two fields
        - args
            fieldName1 string
            fieldName2 string
            filterMulti expression ?
        - syntax
        - usecase:
            file(something.csv) | select(field1,field2) | cov(field1,field2) | stdout();;
    12. correlation
        - calculates the correlation between two fields
        - syntax
        others same as covariance
    13. distinct count
        - count total unique items in the field
        - args
            fieldName string
            filterMulti expression ?
        - syntax
        - usecase:
            fake(10) | total_unique_ages = dcount(age) | stdout();;
    14. pvalue count
        - args
            fieldName1  string
            fieldName2  string
            filterMulti expression ?          
        - syntax
Do Functions
    1. filter
        -filters the data based on the condition provided.
        - args
            filterMulti expression
        - syntax 
        - usecase:
            file(userinfo.csv) | filter(age<30) | stdout();;     
    2. select
        - select selects one or more fields form the stream
        - syntax 
        - usecase:
            source | select (field1,field2) | s1 = into();;
    3. sort
        - sorts the data
        - syntax
            sort() by alias
        - usecase:
            source | sort() by field1 | sink               
    4. batch
        - syntax
        - usecase:
    5. pick
        - picks the given number of data
        - syntax
        - usecase:
            source | pick(10) |sink
    6. enrich 
        - enriches the data
        - syntax
            newField = condtion       
            - used with map
                 - s1| map twice_age = 2*age |stdout();
                 underlined one is the enrich syntax
Map functions             
        - maps the given condition to the field. Basically it 
        enriches the data
        - takes the EnrichDo function 
        - syntax
            map Enrich function
        - usecase:
            - s1| map twice_age = 2*age |stdout();                               

Join Funtions
        - joins the two streams of the data
        - syntax 
            Inner Join :join alias = inner(query)
            Left Outer Join : join alias = leftouter(query)
            Right Outer JOin : join alias = rightouter(query)
Sink Functions
(currently supported)
    - prints the stream into the console
    - syntax : stdout()
    - usecase:
        file(userinfo.csv)| zero or more transform functions | stdout();;
    - It is used to plot the data.
    - syntax: plot(widget)
    - usecase:



A CLI for data exploration and visualization






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