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Add JNI bindings for zstd compression of NVCOMP. (#15729)
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  - Liangcai Li (

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URL: #15729
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firestarman authored May 14, 2024
1 parent 3a33d51 commit 0f6ce63
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Showing 9 changed files with 943 additions and 465 deletions.
335 changes: 335 additions & 0 deletions java/src/main/java/ai/rapids/cudf/nvcomp/
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@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
* Copyright (c) 2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package ai.rapids.cudf.nvcomp;

import ai.rapids.cudf.BaseDeviceMemoryBuffer;
import ai.rapids.cudf.CloseableArray;
import ai.rapids.cudf.Cuda;
import ai.rapids.cudf.DeviceMemoryBuffer;
import ai.rapids.cudf.HostMemoryBuffer;
import ai.rapids.cudf.MemoryBuffer;
import ai.rapids.cudf.NvtxColor;
import ai.rapids.cudf.NvtxRange;

/** Multi-buffer compressor */
public abstract class BatchedCompressor {

static final long MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 16777216; // 16MiB in bytes
// each chunk has a 64-bit integer value as metadata containing the compressed size
static final long METADATA_BYTES_PER_CHUNK = 8;

private final long chunkSize;
private final long maxIntermediateBufferSize;
private final long maxOutputChunkSize;

* Construct a batched compressor instance
* @param chunkSize maximum amount of uncompressed data to compress as a single chunk.
* Inputs larger than this will be compressed in multiple chunks.
* @param maxIntermediateBufferSize desired maximum size of intermediate device
* buffers used during compression.
public BatchedCompressor(long chunkSize, long maxOutputChunkSize,
long maxIntermediateBufferSize) {
assert maxOutputChunkSize < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
this.chunkSize = chunkSize;
this.maxOutputChunkSize = maxOutputChunkSize;
this.maxIntermediateBufferSize = Math.max(maxOutputChunkSize, maxIntermediateBufferSize);

* Compress a batch of buffers. The input buffers will be closed.
* @param origInputs buffers to compress
* @param stream CUDA stream to use
* @return compressed buffers corresponding to the input buffers
public DeviceMemoryBuffer[] compress(BaseDeviceMemoryBuffer[] origInputs, Cuda.Stream stream) {
try (CloseableArray<BaseDeviceMemoryBuffer> inputs = CloseableArray.wrap(origInputs)) {
if (chunkSize <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal chunk size: " + chunkSize);
final int numInputs = inputs.size();
if (numInputs == 0) {
return new DeviceMemoryBuffer[0];

// Each buffer is broken up into chunkSize chunks for compression. Calculate how many
// chunks are needed for each input buffer.
int[] chunksPerInput = new int[numInputs];
int numChunks = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
BaseDeviceMemoryBuffer buffer = inputs.get(i);
int numBufferChunks = getNumChunksInBuffer(buffer);
chunksPerInput[i] = numBufferChunks;
numChunks += numBufferChunks;

// Allocate buffers for each chunk and generate parallel lists of chunk source addresses,
// chunk destination addresses, and sizes.
try (CloseableArray<DeviceMemoryBuffer> compressedBuffers =
allocCompressedBuffers(numChunks, stream);
DeviceMemoryBuffer compressedChunkSizes =
DeviceMemoryBuffer.allocate(numChunks * 8L, stream)) {
long[] inputChunkAddrs = new long[numChunks];
long[] inputChunkSizes = new long[numChunks];
long[] outputChunkAddrs = new long[numChunks];
buildAddrsAndSizes(inputs, inputChunkAddrs, inputChunkSizes, compressedBuffers,

final long tempBufferSize = batchedCompressGetTempSize(numChunks, chunkSize);
try (DeviceMemoryBuffer addrsAndSizes = putAddrsAndSizesOnDevice(inputChunkAddrs,
inputChunkSizes, outputChunkAddrs, stream);
DeviceMemoryBuffer tempBuffer =
DeviceMemoryBuffer.allocate(tempBufferSize, stream)) {
final long devOutputAddrsPtr = addrsAndSizes.getAddress() + numChunks * 8L;
final long devInputSizesPtr = devOutputAddrsPtr + numChunks * 8L;
batchedCompressAsync(addrsAndSizes.getAddress(), devInputSizesPtr, chunkSize,
numChunks, tempBuffer.getAddress(), tempBufferSize, devOutputAddrsPtr,
compressedChunkSizes.getAddress(), stream.getStream());

// Synchronously copy the resulting compressed sizes per chunk.
long[] outputChunkSizes = getOutputChunkSizes(compressedChunkSizes, stream);

// inputs are no longer needed at this point, so free them early

// Combine compressed chunks into output buffers corresponding to each original input
return stitchOutput(chunksPerInput, compressedChunkSizes, outputChunkAddrs,
outputChunkSizes, stream);

static void validateChunkSize(long chunkSize) {
if (chunkSize <= 0 || chunkSize > MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid chunk size: " + chunkSize +
" Max chunk size is: " + MAX_CHUNK_SIZE + " bytes");

private static long ceilingDivide(long x, long y) {
return (x + y - 1) / y;

private int getNumChunksInBuffer(MemoryBuffer buffer) {
return (int) ceilingDivide(buffer.getLength(), chunkSize);

private CloseableArray<DeviceMemoryBuffer> allocCompressedBuffers(long numChunks,
Cuda.Stream stream) {
final long chunksPerBuffer = maxIntermediateBufferSize / maxOutputChunkSize;
final long numBuffers = ceilingDivide(numChunks, chunksPerBuffer);
if (numBuffers > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Too many chunks");
try (NvtxRange range = new NvtxRange("allocCompressedBuffers", NvtxColor.YELLOW)) {
CloseableArray<DeviceMemoryBuffer> buffers = CloseableArray.wrap(
new DeviceMemoryBuffer[(int) numBuffers]);
try {
// allocate all of the max-chunks intermediate compressed buffers
for (int i = 0; i < buffers.size() - 1; ++i) {
DeviceMemoryBuffer.allocate(chunksPerBuffer * maxOutputChunkSize, stream));
// allocate the tail intermediate compressed buffer that may be smaller than the others
buffers.set(buffers.size() - 1, DeviceMemoryBuffer.allocate(
(numChunks - chunksPerBuffer * (buffers.size() - 1)) * maxOutputChunkSize, stream));
return buffers;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;

// Fill in the inputChunkAddrs, inputChunkSizes, and outputChunkAddrs arrays to point
// into the chunks in the input and output buffers.
private void buildAddrsAndSizes(CloseableArray<BaseDeviceMemoryBuffer> inputs,
long[] inputChunkAddrs, long[] inputChunkSizes,
CloseableArray<DeviceMemoryBuffer> compressedBuffers, long[] outputChunkAddrs) {
// setup the input addresses and sizes
int chunkIdx = 0;
for (BaseDeviceMemoryBuffer input : inputs.getArray()) {
final int numChunksInBuffer = getNumChunksInBuffer(input);
for (int i = 0; i < numChunksInBuffer; i++) {
inputChunkAddrs[chunkIdx] = input.getAddress() + i * chunkSize;
inputChunkSizes[chunkIdx] = (i != numChunksInBuffer - 1) ? chunkSize
: (input.getLength() - (long) i * chunkSize);
assert chunkIdx == inputChunkAddrs.length;
assert chunkIdx == inputChunkSizes.length;

// setup output addresses
chunkIdx = 0;
for (DeviceMemoryBuffer buffer : compressedBuffers.getArray()) {
assert buffer.getLength() % maxOutputChunkSize == 0;
long numChunksInBuffer = buffer.getLength() / maxOutputChunkSize;
long baseAddr = buffer.getAddress();
for (int i = 0; i < numChunksInBuffer; i++) {
outputChunkAddrs[chunkIdx++] = baseAddr + i * maxOutputChunkSize;
assert chunkIdx == outputChunkAddrs.length;

// Write input addresses, output addresses and sizes contiguously into a DeviceMemoryBuffer.
private DeviceMemoryBuffer putAddrsAndSizesOnDevice(long[] inputAddrs, long[] inputSizes,
long[] outputAddrs, Cuda.Stream stream) {
final long totalSize = inputAddrs.length * 8L * 3; // space for input, output, and size arrays
final long outputAddrsOffset = inputAddrs.length * 8L;
final long sizesOffset = outputAddrsOffset + inputAddrs.length * 8L;
try (NvtxRange range = new NvtxRange("putAddrsAndSizesOnDevice", NvtxColor.YELLOW)) {
try (HostMemoryBuffer hostbuf = HostMemoryBuffer.allocate(totalSize);
DeviceMemoryBuffer result = DeviceMemoryBuffer.allocate(totalSize)) {
hostbuf.setLongs(0, inputAddrs, 0, inputAddrs.length);
hostbuf.setLongs(outputAddrsOffset, outputAddrs, 0, outputAddrs.length);
for (int i = 0; i < inputSizes.length; i++) {
hostbuf.setLong(sizesOffset + i * 8L, inputSizes[i]);
result.copyFromHostBuffer(hostbuf, stream);
return result;

// Synchronously copy the resulting compressed sizes from device memory to host memory.
private long[] getOutputChunkSizes(BaseDeviceMemoryBuffer devChunkSizes, Cuda.Stream stream) {
try (NvtxRange range = new NvtxRange("getOutputChunkSizes", NvtxColor.YELLOW)) {
try (HostMemoryBuffer hostbuf = HostMemoryBuffer.allocate(devChunkSizes.getLength())) {
hostbuf.copyFromDeviceBuffer(devChunkSizes, stream);
int numChunks = (int) (devChunkSizes.getLength() / 8);
long[] result = new long[numChunks];
for (int i = 0; i < numChunks; i++) {
long size = hostbuf.getLong(i * 8L);
assert size < Integer.MAX_VALUE : "output size is too big";
result[i] = size;
return result;

// Stitch together the individual chunks into the result buffers.
// Each result buffer has metadata at the beginning, followed by compressed chunks.
// This is done by building up parallel lists of source addr, dest addr and size and
// then calling multiBufferCopyAsync()
private DeviceMemoryBuffer[] stitchOutput(int[] chunksPerInput,
DeviceMemoryBuffer compressedChunkSizes, long[] outputChunkAddrs,
long[] outputChunkSizes, Cuda.Stream stream) {
try (NvtxRange range = new NvtxRange("stitchOutput", NvtxColor.YELLOW)) {
final int numOutputs = chunksPerInput.length;
final long chunkSizesAddr = compressedChunkSizes.getAddress();
long[] outputBufferSizes = calcOutputBufferSizes(chunksPerInput, outputChunkSizes);
try (CloseableArray<DeviceMemoryBuffer> outputs =
CloseableArray.wrap(new DeviceMemoryBuffer[numOutputs])) {
// Each chunk needs to be copied, and each output needs a copy of the
// compressed chunk size vector representing the metadata.
final int totalBuffersToCopy = numOutputs + outputChunkAddrs.length;
long[] destAddrs = new long[totalBuffersToCopy];
long[] srcAddrs = new long[totalBuffersToCopy];
long[] sizes = new long[totalBuffersToCopy];
int copyBufferIdx = 0;
int chunkIdx = 0;
for (int outputIdx = 0; outputIdx < numOutputs; outputIdx++) {
DeviceMemoryBuffer outputBuffer =
outputs.set(outputIdx, outputBuffer);
final long outputBufferAddr = outputBuffer.getAddress();
final long numChunks = chunksPerInput[outputIdx];
final long metadataSize = numChunks * METADATA_BYTES_PER_CHUNK;

// setup a copy of the metadata at the front of the output buffer
srcAddrs[copyBufferIdx] = chunkSizesAddr + chunkIdx * 8;
destAddrs[copyBufferIdx] = outputBufferAddr;
sizes[copyBufferIdx] = metadataSize;

// setup copies of the compressed chunks for this output buffer
long nextChunkAddr = outputBufferAddr + metadataSize;
for (int i = 0; i < numChunks; ++i) {
srcAddrs[copyBufferIdx] = outputChunkAddrs[chunkIdx];
destAddrs[copyBufferIdx] = nextChunkAddr;
final long chunkSize = outputChunkSizes[chunkIdx];
sizes[copyBufferIdx] = chunkSize;
nextChunkAddr += chunkSize;
assert copyBufferIdx == totalBuffersToCopy;
assert chunkIdx == outputChunkAddrs.length;
assert chunkIdx == outputChunkSizes.length;

Cuda.multiBufferCopyAsync(destAddrs, srcAddrs, sizes, stream);
return outputs.release();

// Calculate the sizes for each output buffer (metadata plus size of compressed chunks)
private long[] calcOutputBufferSizes(int[] chunksPerInput, long[] outputChunkSizes) {
long[] sizes = new long[chunksPerInput.length];
int chunkIdx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) {
final int chunksInBuffer = chunksPerInput[i];
final int chunkEndIdx = chunkIdx + chunksInBuffer;
// metadata stored in front of compressed data
long bufferSize = METADATA_BYTES_PER_CHUNK * chunksInBuffer;
// add in the compressed chunk sizes to get the total size
while (chunkIdx < chunkEndIdx) {
bufferSize += outputChunkSizes[chunkIdx++];
sizes[i] = bufferSize;
assert chunkIdx == outputChunkSizes.length;
return sizes;

* Get the temporary workspace size required to perform compression of an entire batch.
* @param batchSize number of chunks in the batch
* @param maxChunkSize maximum size of an uncompressed chunk in bytes
* @return The size of required temporary workspace in bytes to compress the batch.
protected abstract long batchedCompressGetTempSize(long batchSize, long maxChunkSize);

* Asynchronously compress a batch of buffers. Note that compressedSizesOutPtr must
* point to pinned memory for this operation to be asynchronous.
* @param devInPtrs device address of uncompressed buffer addresses vector
* @param devInSizes device address of uncompressed buffer sizes vector
* @param chunkSize maximum size of an uncompressed chunk in bytes
* @param batchSize number of chunks in the batch
* @param tempPtr device address of the temporary workspace buffer
* @param tempSize size of the temporary workspace buffer in bytes
* @param devOutPtrs device address of output buffer addresses vector
* @param compressedSizesOutPtr device address where to write the sizes of the
* compressed data written to the corresponding
* output buffers. Must point to a buffer with
* at least 8 bytes of memory per output buffer
* in the batch.
* @param stream CUDA stream to use
protected abstract void batchedCompressAsync(long devInPtrs, long devInSizes, long chunkSize,
long batchSize, long tempPtr, long tempSize, long devOutPtrs, long compressedSizesOutPtr,
long stream);

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