// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause // Copyright (c) 2022, Unikraft GmbH and The KraftKit Authors. // Licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License (the "License"). // You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. package qemu
import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "net" "os" "path/filepath" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "time"
zip "api.zip"
goprocess "github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v3/process"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
machinev1alpha1 "kraftkit.sh/api/machine/v1alpha1"
qmpapi "kraftkit.sh/machine/qemu/qmp/v7alpha2"
// machineV1alpha1Service ... type machineV1alpha1Service struct { eopts []exec.ExecOption }
var ( ErrCouldNotAttachQMPClient = errors.New("could not attach QMP client") ErrCouldNotQueryMachineViaQMP = errors.New("could not query machine via QMP") )
// NewMachineV1alpha1Service implements kraftkit.sh/machine/platform.NewStrategyConstructor func NewMachineV1alpha1Service(ctx context.Context, opts ...any) (machinev1alpha1.MachineService, error) { service := machineV1alpha1Service{}
for _, opt := range opts {
qopt, ok := opt.(MachineServiceV1alpha1Option)
if !ok {
panic("cannot apply non-MachineServiceV1alpha1Option type methods")
if err := qopt(&service); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &service, nil
// Create implements kraftkit.sh/api/machine/v1alpha1.MachineService.Create func (service *machineV1alpha1Service) Create(ctx context.Context, machine *machinev1alpha1.Machine) (*machinev1alpha1.Machine, error) { if machine.Status.KernelPath == "" { return machine, fmt.Errorf("empty kernel path") }
if _, err := os.Stat(machine.Status.KernelPath); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
return machine, fmt.Errorf("supplied kernel path does not exist: %s", machine.Status.KernelPath)
var bin string
switch machine.Spec.Architecture {
case "x86_64", "amd64":
bin = QemuSystemX86
case "arm":
bin = QemuSystemArm
case "arm64":
bin = QemuSystemAarch64
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported architecture: %s", machine.Spec.Architecture)
if config.G[config.KraftKit](ctx).Qemu != "" {
bin = config.G[config.KraftKit](ctx).Qemu
// Determine the version of QEMU so as to both determine whether it is a
// suitable version and to adjust the supplied command-line arguments.
qemuVersion, err := GetQemuVersionFromBin(ctx, bin)
if err != nil {
return machine, err
if qemuVersion.LessThan(QemuVersion4_2_0) {
return machine, fmt.Errorf("unsupported QEMU version: %s: please upgrade to a newer version", qemuVersion.String())
// Determine the QEMU machine type to use
qemuAccels, err := GetQemuMachineAccelFromBin(ctx, bin)
if err != nil {
return machine, err
if machine.Spec.Emulation {
emulation := false
for _, accel := range qemuAccels {
if accel == QemuMachineAccelTCG {
emulation = true
if !emulation {
return machine, fmt.Errorf("emulation requested but TCG is not available")
} else {
platform := false
for _, accel := range qemuAccels {
if accel == QemuMachineAccelKVM {
platform = true
if !platform {
return machine, fmt.Errorf("platform %s requested but it's not available", QemuMachineAccelKVM)
if machine.ObjectMeta.UID == "" {
machine.ObjectMeta.UID = uuid.NewUUID()
machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateUnknown
if len(machine.Status.StateDir) == 0 {
machine.Status.StateDir = filepath.Join(config.G[config.KraftKit](ctx).RuntimeDir, string(machine.ObjectMeta.UID))
if err := os.MkdirAll(machine.Status.StateDir, fs.ModeSetgid|0o775); err != nil {
return machine, err
// Set and create the log file for this machine
if len(machine.Status.LogFile) == 0 {
machine.Status.LogFile = filepath.Join(machine.Status.StateDir, "machine.log")
if machine.Spec.Resources.Requests == nil {
machine.Spec.Resources.Requests = make(corev1.ResourceList, 2)
if machine.Spec.Resources.Requests.Memory().Value() == 0 {
quantity, err := resource.ParseQuantity("64Mi")
if err != nil {
machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateFailed
return machine, err
machine.Spec.Resources.Requests[corev1.ResourceMemory] = quantity
if machine.Spec.Resources.Requests.Cpu().Value() == 0 {
quantity, err := resource.ParseQuantity("1")
if err != nil {
machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateFailed
return machine, err
machine.Spec.Resources.Requests[corev1.ResourceCPU] = quantity
qopts := []QemuOption{
WithPidFile(filepath.Join(machine.Status.StateDir, "machine.pid")),
// The value returned from Memory() is in bytes
Size: uint64(machine.Spec.Resources.Requests.Memory().Value() / QemuMemoryScale),
Unit: QemuMemoryUnitMB,
// Create a QMP connection solely for manipulating the machine
SocketDir: machine.Status.StateDir,
Name: "qemu_control",
NoWait: true,
Server: true,
// Create a QMP connection solely for listening to events
SocketDir: machine.Status.StateDir,
Name: "qemu_events",
NoWait: true,
Server: true,
Monitor: false,
Filename: machine.Status.LogFile,
SocketDir: machine.Status.StateDir,
Name: "qemu_mon",
NoWait: true,
Server: true,
CPUs: uint64(machine.Spec.Resources.Requests.Cpu().Value()),
Threads: 1,
Sockets: 1,
Base: QemuRTCBaseUtc,
// TODO: Parse Rootfs types
if len(machine.Status.InitrdPath) > 0 {
qopts = append(qopts,
kernelArgs, err := ukargparse.Parse(machine.Spec.KernelArgs...)
if err != nil {
return machine, err
hostnetCounter := 0
// Start MAC addresses iteratively. Each interface will have the last
// hexdecimal byte increase by 1 starting at 1, allowing for easy-to-spot
// interface IDs from the MAC address. The return value below returns `:00`
// as the last byte.
startMac, err := macaddr.GenerateMacAddress(true)
if err != nil {
return machine, err
if len(machine.Spec.Networks) > 0 {
// Iterate over each interface of each network interface associated with
// this machine and attach it as a device.
for _, network := range machine.Spec.Networks {
for _, iface := range network.Interfaces {
mac := iface.Spec.MacAddress
if mac == "" {
// Increase the MAC address value by 1 such that we are able to
// identify interface IDs.
startMac = macaddr.IncrementMacAddress(startMac)
mac = startMac.String()
hostnetid := fmt.Sprintf("hostnet%d", hostnetCounter)
qopts = append(qopts,
// TODO(nderjung): The network device should be customizable based on
// the network spec or machine spec. Additional insight can be provided
// by inspecting the KConfig options. Potentially the MachineSpec is
// updated to reflect different systems or provide access to the
// KConfig values.
Netdev: hostnetid,
Mac: mac,
Id: hostnetid,
Ifname: iface.Spec.IfName,
Br: network.IfName,
Script: "no", // Disable execution
Downscript: "no", // Disable execution
kernelArgs = append(kernelArgs,
CIDR: iface.Spec.CIDR,
Gateway: network.Gateway,
DNS0: iface.Spec.DNS0,
DNS1: iface.Spec.DNS1,
Hostname: iface.Spec.Hostname,
Domain: iface.Spec.Domain,
if len(machine.Spec.Ports) > 0 {
mac := ""
hostfwds := make([]string, 0, len(machine.Spec.Ports))
for _, port := range machine.Spec.Ports {
if port.MacAddress != "" {
mac = port.MacAddress
hostfwds = append(hostfwds, fmt.Sprintf("%s::%d-:%d", port.Protocol, port.HostPort, port.MachinePort))
if mac == "" {
startMac = macaddr.IncrementMacAddress(startMac)
mac = startMac.String()
hostnetid := fmt.Sprintf("hostnet%d", hostnetCounter)
qopts = append(qopts,
Mac: mac,
Netdev: hostnetid,
Id: hostnetid,
Hostfwd: hostfwds,
var fstab []string
for i, vol := range machine.Spec.Volumes {
switch vol.Spec.Driver {
case "9pfs":
hvirtioid := fmt.Sprintf("hvirtio%d", i+1)
mounttag := fmt.Sprintf("fs%d", i+1)
qopts = append(qopts,
SecurityModel: QemuFsDevLocalSecurityModelMappedXattr,
Id: hvirtioid,
Path: vol.Spec.Source,
Fsdev: hvirtioid,
MountTag: mounttag,
fstab = append(fstab, vfscore.NewFstabEntry(
// TODO(nderjung): Options (such as ro/rw) are yet supported by
// Unikraft:
// By default, create the directory if it does not exist when mounting.
case "initrd":
fstab = append(fstab, vfscore.NewFstabEntry(
return machine, fmt.Errorf("unsupported QEMU volume driver: %v", vol.Spec.Driver)
if len(fstab) > 0 {
kernelArgs = append(kernelArgs,
var environ []string
for k, v := range machine.Spec.Env {
environ = append(environ, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
if len(environ) > 0 {
kernelArgs = append(kernelArgs,
// TODO(nderjung): This is standard "Unikraft" positional argument syntax
// (kernel args and application arguments separated with "--"). The resulting
// string should be standardized through a central function.
args := kernelArgs.Strings()
if len(args) > 0 {
args = append(args, "--")
// We do not need to append the kernel path since it is already provided
// by default by QEMU. QEMU sets arg[0] to the absolute path of the kernel
// image. If people want to change this they need to modify this script
// 'qemu-binfmt-conf.sh' when installing QEMU.
// args = append(args, filepath.Base(machine.Status.KernelPath))
args = append(args, machine.Spec.ApplicationArgs...)
qopts = append(qopts, WithAppend(args...))
switch machine.Spec.Architecture {
case "x86_64", "amd64":
qopts = append(qopts,
if machine.Spec.Emulation {
onFeatures := QemuCPUFeatures{QemuCPUFeaturePdpe1gb}
onFeatures = append(onFeatures, QemuCPUFeatureRdrand)
if qemuVersion.GreaterThanEqual(QemuVersion8_0_0) {
onFeatures = append(onFeatures, QemuCPUFeatureRdseed)
qopts = append(qopts,
Type: QemuMachineTypePC,
CPU: QemuCPUX86Qemu64,
On: onFeatures,
Off: QemuCPUFeatures{QemuCPUFeatureVmx, QemuCPUFeatureSvm},
} else {
qopts = append(qopts,
Type: QemuMachineTypePC,
Accelerators: []QemuMachineAccelerator{QemuMachineAccelKVM},
CPU: QemuCPUX86Host,
On: QemuCPUFeatures{QemuCPUFeatureX2apic},
Off: QemuCPUFeatures{QemuCPUFeaturePmu},
if qemuVersion.LessThan(QemuVersion8_0_0) {
qopts = append(qopts,
case "arm", "arm64":
qopts = append(qopts,
Type: QemuMachineTypeVirt,
CPU: QemuCPUArmMax,
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported architecture: %s", machine.Spec.Architecture)
// Create a log file just for the QEMU process which can be used to debug
// issues when starting the VMM.
qemuLogFile := filepath.Join(machine.Status.StateDir, "qemu.log")
fi, err := os.Create(qemuLogFile)
if err != nil {
return machine, err
defer fi.Close()
service.eopts = append(service.eopts,
qcfg, err := NewQemuConfig(qopts...)
if err != nil {
machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateFailed
return machine, fmt.Errorf("could not generate QEMU config: %v", err)
machine.Status.PlatformConfig = *qcfg
e, err := exec.NewExecutable(bin, *qcfg)
if err != nil {
machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateFailed
return machine, fmt.Errorf("could not prepare QEMU executable: %v", err)
process, err := exec.NewProcessFromExecutable(e, service.eopts...)
if err != nil {
machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateFailed
return machine, fmt.Errorf("could not prepare QEMU process: %v", err)
machine.CreationTimestamp = metav1.Now()
// Start and also wait for the process to be released, this ensures the
// program is actively being executed.
if err := process.StartAndWait(ctx); err != nil {
machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateFailed
// Propagate the contents of the QEMU log file as an error
if errLog, err2 := os.ReadFile(qemuLogFile); err2 == nil {
err = errors.Join(fmt.Errorf("%s", strings.TrimSpace(string(errLog))), err)
return machine, fmt.Errorf("could not start and wait for QEMU process: %v", err)
machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateCreated
return machine, nil
// Update implements kraftkit.sh/api/machine/v1alpha1.MachineService func (service *machineV1alpha1Service) Update(ctx context.Context, machine *machinev1alpha1.Machine) (*machinev1alpha1.Machine, error) { panic("not implemented: kraftkit.sh/machine/qemu.machineV1alpha1Service.Update") }
// getQEMUConfigFromPlatformConfig converts the provided platformConfig // interface into meaningful QemuConfig. func getQEMUConfigFromPlatformConfig(platformConfig interface{}) (*QemuConfig, error) { qcfgptr, ok := platformConfig.(*QemuConfig) if ok { return qcfgptr, nil }
// If we cannot directly cast it to the structure, attempt to decode a
// mapstructure version of the same configuration.
var qcfg QemuConfig
decoder, err := mapstructure.NewDecoder(&mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
Result: &qcfg,
DecodeHook: mapstructure.ComposeDecodeHookFunc(
// Directly embbed a less-erroring version of StringToIPHookFunc[0] which
// does not return an error when parsing an IP that returns nil.
// [0]: https://github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure/blob/bf980b35cac4dfd34e05254ee5aba086504c3f96/decode_hooks.go#L141-L163
func(f reflect.Type, t reflect.Type, data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
if f.Kind() != reflect.String {
return data, nil
if t != reflect.TypeOf(net.IP{}) {
return data, nil
// Instead of parsing it, just return an empty net.IP structure, since
// we do not yet set IP addresses with Firecracker's configuration.
return net.IP{}, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := decoder.Decode(platformConfig); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &qcfg, nil
func qmpClientHandshake(conn *net.Conn) (*qmpapi.QEMUMachineProtocolClient, error) { qmpClient := qmpapi.NewQEMUMachineProtocolClient(*conn)
greeting, err := qmpClient.Greeting()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = qmpClient.Capabilities(qmpapi.CapabilitiesRequest{
Arguments: qmpapi.CapabilitiesRequestArguments{
Enable: greeting.Qmp.Capabilities,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return qmpClient, nil
func (service *machineV1alpha1Service) QMPClient(ctx context.Context, machine *machinev1alpha1.Machine) (*qmpapi.QEMUMachineProtocolClient, error) { qcfg, err := getQEMUConfigFromPlatformConfig(machine.Status.PlatformConfig) if err != nil { return nil, err }
// Always use index 0 for manipulating the machine
conn, err := qcfg.QMP[0].Connection()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return qmpClientHandshake(&conn)
func processFromPidFile(pidFile string) (*goprocess.Process, error) { pidData, err := os.ReadFile(pidFile) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not read pid file: %v", err) }
pid, err := strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimSpace(string(pidData)), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert pid string \"%s\" to uint64: %v", pidData, err)
process, err := goprocess.NewProcess(int32(pid))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not look up process %d: %v", pid, err)
return process, nil
// Watch implements kraftkit.sh/api/machine/v1alpha1.MachineService func (service *machineV1alpha1Service) Watch(ctx context.Context, machine *machinev1alpha1.Machine) (chan *machinev1alpha1.Machine, chan error, error) { events := make(chan *machinev1alpha1.Machine) errs := make(chan error)
qcfg, ok := machine.Status.PlatformConfig.(QemuConfig)
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot cast QEMU platform configuration from machine status")
// Always use index 1 for monitoring events
conn, err := qcfg.QMP[1].Connection()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Perform the handshake
_, err = qmpClientHandshake(&conn)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
monitor, err := qmp.NewQMPEventMonitor(conn,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// firstCall is used to initialize the channel with the current state of the
// machine, so that it can be immediately acted upon.
firstCall := true
go func() {
for {
// First check if the context has been cancelled
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
break accept
// Check the current state
machine, err := service.Get(ctx, machine)
if err != nil {
errs <- err
// Initialize with the current state
if firstCall {
events <- machine
firstCall = false
// Listen for changes in state
event, err := monitor.Accept()
if err != nil {
errs <- err
// Send the event through the channel
switch event.Event {
machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStatePaused
events <- machine
case qmpapi.EVENT_RESUME:
machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateRunning
events <- machine
case qmpapi.EVENT_RESET, qmpapi.EVENT_WAKEUP:
machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateRestarting
events <- machine
case qmpapi.EVENT_SHUTDOWN:
machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateExited
events <- machine
if !qcfg.NoShutdown {
break accept
machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateErrored
events <- machine
if !qcfg.NoShutdown {
break accept
errs <- fmt.Errorf("unsupported event: %s", event.Event)
return events, errs, nil
// Start implements kraftkit.sh/api/machine/v1alpha1.MachineService func (service *machineV1alpha1Service) Start(ctx context.Context, machine *machinev1alpha1.Machine) (*machinev1alpha1.Machine, error) { qmpClient, err := service.QMPClient(ctx, machine) if err != nil && strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "connect: no such file or directory") { machine, err = service.Create(ctx, machine) if err != nil { return machine, err } qmpClient, err = service.QMPClient(ctx, machine) } if err != nil { return machine, fmt.Errorf("could not start qemu instance: %v", err) }
defer qmpClient.Close()
_, err = qmpClient.Cont(qmpapi.ContRequest{})
if err != nil {
return machine, err
qcfg, ok := machine.Status.PlatformConfig.(QemuConfig)
if !ok {
return machine, fmt.Errorf("cannot cast QEMU platform configuration from machine status")
process, err := processFromPidFile(qcfg.PidFile)
if err != nil {
return machine, err
machine.Status.Pid = process.Pid
machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateRunning
machine.Status.StartedAt = time.Now()
return machine, nil
// Pause implements kraftkit.sh/api/machine/v1alpha1.MachineService func (service *machineV1alpha1Service) Pause(ctx context.Context, machine *machinev1alpha1.Machine) (*machinev1alpha1.Machine, error) { qmpClient, err := service.QMPClient(ctx, machine) if err != nil { return machine, fmt.Errorf("could not pause qemu instance: %v", err) }
defer qmpClient.Close()
_, err = qmpClient.Stop(qmpapi.StopRequest{})
if err != nil {
return machine, err
machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStatePaused
return machine, nil
// Logs implements kraftkit.sh/api/machine/v1alpha1.MachineService func (service *machineV1alpha1Service) Logs(ctx context.Context, machine *machinev1alpha1.Machine) (chan string, chan error, error) { out, errOut, err := logtail.NewLogTail(ctx, machine.Status.LogFile) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err }
qcfg, ok := machine.Status.PlatformConfig.(QemuConfig)
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot cast QEMU platform configuration from machine status")
// Wait and trim the preamble from the logs before returning
for {
select {
case line := <-out:
if !qcfg.ShowSGABiosPreamble && machine.Spec.Architecture == "x86_64" {
if strings.Contains(line, "Booting from ") {
qcfg.ShowSGABiosPreamble = true
machine.Status.PlatformConfig = qcfg
return out, errOut, nil
return out, errOut, nil
case err := <-errOut:
if err != io.EOF {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("reading log: %w", err)
case <-ctx.Done():
return out, errOut, nil
// Get implements kraftkit.sh/api/machine/v1alpha1/MachineService.Get func (service *machineV1alpha1Service) Get(ctx context.Context, machine *machinev1alpha1.Machine) (*machinev1alpha1.Machine, error) { state := machinev1alpha1.MachineStateUnknown savedState := machine.Status.State
qcfg, ok := machine.Status.PlatformConfig.(QemuConfig)
if !ok {
return machine, fmt.Errorf("cannot read QEMU platform configuration from machine status")
// Set the cpu and memory resources
// TODO(craciunouc): This is a temporary solution until we have proper
// un/marshalling of the resources (and all structures).
machine.Spec.Resources.Requests[corev1.ResourceCPU] = resource.MustParse("1")
// Backwards compatibility with older runs
memory := "0Mi"
if qcfg.Memory.String() != "" {
memory = strings.SplitN(qcfg.Memory.String(), "=", 2)[1]
machine.Spec.Resources.Requests[corev1.ResourceMemory] = resource.MustParse(memory)
// Check if the process is alive, which ultimately indicates to us whether we
// able to speak to the exposed QMP socket
activeProcess := false
if process, err := processFromPidFile(qcfg.PidFile); err == nil {
activeProcess, err = process.IsRunning()
if err != nil {
state = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateExited
exitedAt := machine.Status.ExitedAt
exitCode := machine.Status.ExitCode
defer func() {
if exitCode >= 0 && machine.Status.ExitedAt.IsZero() {
exitedAt = time.Now()
// Update the machine config with the latest values if they are different from
// what we have on record
if machine.Status.ExitedAt != exitedAt || machine.Status.ExitCode != exitCode {
machine.Status.ExitedAt = exitedAt
machine.Status.ExitCode = exitCode
// Set the start time to now if it was not previously set
if machine.Status.StartedAt.IsZero() && state == machinev1alpha1.MachineStateRunning {
machine.Status.StartedAt = time.Now()
// Finally, save the state if it is different from the what we have on
// record
if state != machinev1alpha1.MachineStateUnknown && state != savedState {
machine.Status.State = state
if !activeProcess {
state = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateExited
if savedState == machinev1alpha1.MachineStateRunning {
exitCode = 1
return machine, nil
qmpClient, err := service.QMPClient(ctx, machine)
if err != nil && errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
state = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateExited
exitCode = 1
return machine, nil
} else if err != nil {
return machine, errors.Join(ErrCouldNotAttachQMPClient, err)
defer qmpClient.Close()
// Grab the actual state of the machine by querying QMP
status, err := qmpClient.QueryStatus(qmpapi.QueryStatusRequest{})
if err != nil {
// We cannot amend the status at this point, even if the process is
// alive, since it is not an indicator of the state of the VM, only of the
// VMM. So we return what we already know via LookupMachineConfig.
return machine, errors.Join(ErrCouldNotQueryMachineViaQMP, err)
// Map the QMP status to supported machine states
switch status.Return.Status {
state = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateErrored
exitCode = 1
state = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateFailed
exitCode = 1
case qmpapi.RUN_STATE_PAUSED:
state = machinev1alpha1.MachineStatePaused
exitCode = -1
case qmpapi.RUN_STATE_RUNNING:
state = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateRunning
exitCode = -1
state = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateExited
exitCode = 0
state = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateSuspended
exitCode = -1
// qmpapi.RUN_STATE_SAVE_VM,
state = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateUnknown
exitCode = -1
return machine, nil
// List implements kraftkit.sh/api/machine/v1alpha1.MachineService.List func (service *machineV1alpha1Service) List(ctx context.Context, machines *machinev1alpha1.MachineList) (*machinev1alpha1.MachineList, error) { cached := machines.Items machines.Items = []zip.Object[machinev1alpha1.MachineSpec, machinev1alpha1.MachineStatus]{}
// Iterate through each machine and grab the latest status
for _, machine := range cached {
machine, err := service.Get(ctx, &machine)
// It's fine to list machines that are not running, so we ignore the error
// as long as it is not related to the QMP client.
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, ErrCouldNotAttachQMPClient) && !errors.Is(err, ErrCouldNotQueryMachineViaQMP) {
machines.Items = cached
return machines, err
machines.Items = append(machines.Items, *machine)
return machines, nil
// Stop implements kraftkit.sh/api/machine/v1alpha1.MachineService.Stop func (service *machineV1alpha1Service) Stop(ctx context.Context, machine *machinev1alpha1.Machine) (*machinev1alpha1.Machine, error) { qmpClient, err := service.QMPClient(ctx, machine) if err != nil { if strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "connect: no such file or directory") { machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateExited machine.Status.ExitedAt = time.Now() return machine, nil }
return machine, fmt.Errorf("could not stop qemu instance: %v", err)
defer qmpClient.Close()
_, err = qmpClient.Quit(qmpapi.QuitRequest{})
if err != nil {
return machine, err
qcfg, ok := machine.Status.PlatformConfig.(QemuConfig)
if !ok {
return machine, fmt.Errorf("cannot read QEMU platform configuration from machine status")
machine.Status.State = machinev1alpha1.MachineStateExited
if err := retrytimeout.RetryTimeout(5*time.Second, func() error {
if _, err := os.ReadFile(qcfg.PidFile); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("process still active")
return nil
}); err != nil {
return machine, err
return machine, nil
// Delete implements kraftkit.sh/api/machine/v1alpha1.MachineService.Delete func (service *machineV1alpha1Service) Delete(ctx context.Context, machine *machinev1alpha1.Machine) (*machinev1alpha1.Machine, error) { qcfg, ok := machine.Status.PlatformConfig.(QemuConfig) if !ok { return machine, fmt.Errorf("cannot read QEMU platform configuration from machine status") }
var errs merr.Errors
err := os.RemoveAll(machine.Status.StateDir)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("error deleting QEMU's state directory %s: %w", machine.Status.StateDir, err))
// Do not throw errors (likely these resources do not exist at this point)
// when trying to remove ephemeral files that are controlled by the QEMU
// process.
_ = os.Remove(qcfg.QMP[0].Resource())
_ = os.Remove(qcfg.QMP[1].Resource())
errs = append(errs, os.RemoveAll(machine.Status.LogFile))
errs = append(errs, os.RemoveAll(machine.Status.StateDir))
return nil, errs.Err()