A meme system info tool for (almost) all your Linux/Unix-based systems, based on nyan/UwU trend on r/linuxmasterrace.
Nyalpine, Nyarch Linuwu, Nyartix Linuwu, Debinyan, endOwO, Fedowa, GentOwO, GnUwU gUwUix, Miwint, Myanjawo, OwOpenSUSE, Pop OwOs, RaspNyan, Swackwawe, sOwOlus, UwUntu, and OwOid; Plus Nyandroid.
KDE NeOwOn, nixOwOs; Plus FweeBSD, OwOpenBSD and macOwOS; Plus WinyandOwOws.
viu to use images instead of ascii art.
lshw to get gpu info.
Right now, the package is only available on the AUR:
Building requisites:
- Make
- A C compiler
to compile man pages
To install UwUfetch from the source, type these commands in the terminal:
git clone https://github.com/TheDarkBug/uwufetch.git
cd uwufetch
make build
make man
sudo make install
To uninstall:
cd uwufetch
sudo make uninstall
make build # builds uwufetch
make man # builds the manpage (requires pandoc)
make debug # use for debug
make install # installs uwufetch (needs root permissons)
make uninstall # uninstalls uwufetch (needs root permissons)
make termux # build and install for termux
make termux_uninstall # uninstall for termux
First at all you need viu
, to install it follow the guide.
Images are working in almost every terminal, for a better experience i recommend kitty
This program is provided under the GPL-3.0 License.
All kind of contribution are welcome, but before contributing please read CONTRIBUTING.md.