The Polygon Mesh Processing Library is a modern C++ open-source library for processing and visualizing polygon surface meshes. Its core features are:
- An efficient and easy-to-use mesh data structure
- Canonical mesh processing algorithms
- Ready-to-use visualization tools
See for more information.
Clone the repository:
git clone --recursive
Configure and build:
cd pmp-library && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
Run the mesh processing app:
./mpview ../external/pmp-data/off/
#include <pmp/SurfaceMesh.h>
int main(void)
pmp::SurfaceMesh mesh;"input.obj");
// .. do something with your mesh
Contributions to the pmp-library are welcome. See the contributing section of the user guide.
If you are using the pmp-library for research projects, please acknowledge its use by referencing
title = {The Polygon Mesh Processing Library},
author = {Daniel Sieger and Mario Botsch},
note = {},
year = {2020},
The pmp-library is provided under a simple and flexible MIT-style license, thereby allowing for both open-source and commercial usage.
A new remeshing approach for HRTF calculation was implemented. Therefore, changes in SurfaceRemeshing.cpp and MeshProcessingViewer.cpp have been made. It is necessary to set the "ear" parameter to either "left" or "right" to determine the ipsilateral ear. If ear = "none" is set, the classic adaptive remeshing is performed.
The new remeshing for HRTF is a combined approach of:
Marion Dunyach u. a. “Adaptive Remeshing for Real-Time Mesh Deforma- tion”. en. In: Eurographics Short Papers (2013), S. 4. issn: 1017-4656. url:
Harald Ziegelwanger, Wolfgang Kreuzer und Piotr Majdak. “A priori mesh grading for the numerical calculation of the head-related transfer functi- ons”. en. In: Applied Acoustics 114 (Dez. 2016), S. 99–110. issn: 0003- 682X. doi: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2016.07.005. url: