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Releases: ranghetti/sen2r

Version 1.4.1

02 Mar 10:11
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Minor changes

  • Prevent Copernicus mismatches between API Hub and dhus (#381)..
  • Rescale resolutions lower than required in s2_translate() (#368).
  • Avoid using progress bars in non-interactive sessions.
  • Manage error 429 for dhus (resend APIs more times in case of too many requests).

Bug fixes

  • Partially fix #368 (determine the output projection before processing).
  • Fix #371.
  • Fix #383.
  • Fix after changes in units 0.7-0 (#390).

Version 1.4.0

08 Jan 06:42
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Major changes

  • gdal_warp() was partially rewritten: now reshaped rasters conserve square pixels also after warping operations. This change also affects sen2r() products if reshaping features (reprojection or custom resolution) are required.
    This update was necessary due to changes performed in GDAL since version 3.2.0 (see OSGeo/gdal♯3294), which did not grant homogeneity between outputs produced with different GDAL versions.
    Note that, in case the user wants to update an existing sen2r archive produced with {sen2r} < 1.4.0, the old existing grid is maintained so that product grids are equal (in order to produce outputs with the new grid, users must create a new archive).
  • Manage images split in two SAFE products, to avoid producing black areas in these [uncommon] cases (see #353 for an explanation).
    As effects:
    1. now pixels outside footprints (including nodata outside orbits coverage) are always set to nodata;
    2. now s2_download() is no more able to use existing products equivalent to found ones.

Minor changes

  • Add templates for GitHub issues.
  • Do not return error in tests in case of SciHub server down (#354).

Changes in default values

  • Pixels outside footprints (because of previous point, or - more frequently - because outside orbits coverage) are always set to NA even if no cloud masking is performed.
  • s2_download() no more uses existing SAFE products instead than downloading new equivalent ones (this in order to manage images split in two SAFE archives).


  • Update vignette data (granting using online data) (#360).

Version 1.3.9

14 Oct 09:23
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Bug fixes

  • Fix check errors due to {rgdal} changes in version 1.6-17.

Version 1.3.8

27 Aug 03:48
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Minor changes

  • Add argument service to s2_list() and s2_download() for using "dhus" API service instead of default "apihub" (this could be useful in case of apihub downtimes).
  • Add experimental argument kill_errored to sen2cor() (see documentation).
  • Add argument server to s2_list() to be used for future implementations.
  • Replace internal URLs with

Changes in default values

  • build_example_param_file() now generates more recent images, 2020-08-01 instead than 2019-07-23 (this because the previous ones required two SAFE which are now on LTA); the same was done for some tests.

Bug fixes

  • Fix #338

Version 1.3.7

06 Jul 09:18
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Major changes

  • Some additional products are now supported: CLD, SNW, AOT, WVP (see documentation for description). The GUI and internal functions were modified to support their selection and generation.

Minor changes

  • Add indices Red / Green / Blue Chromatic Coordinate (Rcc, Gcc, Bcc) and Excess Green (ExG) (#330).
  • All methods based on runtime GDAL are now discouraged and never called by default (before this version, they were used in case GDAL was found on paths.json).
  • Output GeoTIFF files are now tiled.


Bug fixes

  • Fix #318, #323 and #329.

Version 1.3.6

04 Jun 11:48
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Bug fixes

  • Fix GDAL usage over Windows (a new version was specifically released for this bug because it caused sen2r stopping for many Windows users).

Version 1.3.5

01 Jun 08:02
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Major changes

  • GDAL is no longer a mandatory external dependency, being used only to smooth/bufferise cloud masks (and optionally to compute spectral indices, RGB images and thumbnails).
  • "Graphical" packages needed to run the GUI (leaflet, leafpm, mapedit, shiny, shinyFiles, shinydashboard, shinyjs, shinyWidgets) are now suggested dependencies. In the case they are missing and the user tries to run the GUI, an error is returned with the command for installing them.

Minor changes

  • Edit the GUI in order to disable selectors when dependencies required to run them are not available.
  • Automatic tests were reorganised and improved after GDAL changes.


  • Document sen2r installation over Ubuntu Focal.
  • Update documentation according to GDAL changes.

Bug fixes

  • Fix Travis-lwgeom incompatibilities (#319)
  • Fix #310 and #311

Version 1.3.4

22 Apr 14:24
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New functions

  • gdalUtil(): function used to perform GDAL operations, calling C-based GDAL utilities using sf::gdal_utils(), and Python-based ones through system calls (a standalone GDAL environment is request to do it, as it was in previous versions).


  • Improve documentation of vignette "Output file structure", including the description of output products.

New dependency

  • rgdal is now an explicit dependency (this because it is used by raster but it is not a mandatory dependency).

Minor changes

  • GDAL C-based utilities are called using internal GDAL routines in package sf (see gdalUtil()). This allows reducing the use of external runtime dependencies.
  • GDAL messages are suppressed if the suggested dependency sys is installed (#257).
  • The new section of the vignette "Output file documentation" regarding products is linked in the GUI.

Bug fixes

  • Re-fix #292.
  • Fix #308.

Version 1.3.3

30 Mar 15:30
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Major changes

  • Move the list of ignored / cloud-covered images in the output path (#271): before this release, two files (*_ignorelist.txt and *_cloudlist.txt) were created in the directory of the parameter file (if existing) and used, during subsequent sen2r() executions, in order not to try reprocessing images cloud covered or failed for some reason. Now these files were replaced with an hidden TOML file .ignorelist.txt containing the list of base names of non-produced files and the dates of cloud covered images. This file is placed in the output folder, so to be linked with the produced archive. The usefulness of this edit is twofold:
    1. this information is strictly linked with the produced output files, and can be generated even in the case a parameter JSON file is not used;
    2. using cloud-covered dates instead of file names, additional products (e.g. spectral indices added at a later time) related to a date which is known to be cloud-covered are automatically skipped.

New dependency

  • RcppTOML (used to manage TOML ignore list TOML file).


  • Improve the installation page.

Bug fixes

  • Support for sf >= 0.9 (#260)
  • Patch for stars issue, made to resolve the temporary incompatibility with sf >= 0.9 (see issue #295)
  • Fix #292
  • Small improvements

Version 1.3.2

27 Feb 15:42
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New features

  • Add argument req_res to safe_isvalid() and rm_invalid_safe(): now the presence of the JP2 images required by the processing chain is checked by default. L2A products without all the three resolutions will not be used.
  • Add output field "res" to the default safe_getMetadata() output, with the list of the available resolutions ("all" is returned in case of L1C products).

New function arguments

  • Add argument timeout to sen2cor() to limit the maximum Sen2cor execution time (after that time, Sen2Cor is stopped). This is useful to avoid blocking processing chains due to internal Sen2Cor errors.


  • Add new suggested dependency sys (it is used to call Sen2Cor using sys::exec_wait() instead than system(), allowing exporting Sen2Cor output to log files).
  • Add new suggested dependency rgdal (since it is implicitly called by internal functions), as requested by CRAN policy.
  • Move units and tools to suggested dependencies.
  • Prepare to move shiny* and leaflet* dependencies to suggested (this will be done in a future release).

Minor changes

  • Allow choosing if ordering SAFE products from dhus or apihub (experimental).
  • Replace all GET() calls with RETRY(), so to avoid errors in case of temporary unavailability of services.
  • Allow Sen2Cor running with oldname SAFE (although the usage of these products is generally deprecated).
  • Bug fixes (#272, #276).