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Version 1.3.3

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@ranghetti ranghetti released this 30 Mar 15:30

Major changes

  • Move the list of ignored / cloud-covered images in the output path (#271): before this release, two files (*_ignorelist.txt and *_cloudlist.txt) were created in the directory of the parameter file (if existing) and used, during subsequent sen2r() executions, in order not to try reprocessing images cloud covered or failed for some reason. Now these files were replaced with an hidden TOML file .ignorelist.txt containing the list of base names of non-produced files and the dates of cloud covered images. This file is placed in the output folder, so to be linked with the produced archive. The usefulness of this edit is twofold:
    1. this information is strictly linked with the produced output files, and can be generated even in the case a parameter JSON file is not used;
    2. using cloud-covered dates instead of file names, additional products (e.g. spectral indices added at a later time) related to a date which is known to be cloud-covered are automatically skipped.

New dependency

  • RcppTOML (used to manage TOML ignore list TOML file).


  • Improve the installation page.

Bug fixes

  • Support for sf >= 0.9 (#260)
  • Patch for stars issue, made to resolve the temporary incompatibility with sf >= 0.9 (see issue #295)
  • Fix #292
  • Small improvements