This starter kit was made to help students to develop red_tetris project : a Full Stack Javascript Tetris. We can also use it as a starting point for any product made of React / Redux and
It helps:
- to transpile with Babel ES6 code
- to bundle with Wbepack JS files and hot reload client's code
- to write tests and check code coverage.
Because we use React, Redux, Node.js and, we had to define 3 kinds of unit tests :
- React ones like explained in redux documentation +
- Redux ones, but instead of just testing pure functions, we defined a middleware to test state’s impact after one or many actions.
- Redux/, same as before, we use the same middleware but this time we can test state’s updates after socketio messages round trip.
First of all, you have to install 3 extension:
- ESLint
- Flow Language Support
- Prettier
- Prettify JSON
In your settings add
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"prettier.eslintIntegration": true,
"javascript.validate.enable": false,
"javascript.format.enable": false
And finally install the flow binary:
[sudo] npm install -g flow-bin
Install node first. After that:
$ npm install
Edit params.js
for your needs.
$ npm run srv-dev
> [email protected] srv-dev /home/eric/JS/red_tetris_boilerplate
> DEBUG=tetris:* babel-watch -w src src/server/main.js
It launches a node.js server listening for connexions, that is wired to receive ping
messages and answered to … pong
$ npm run client-dev
> [email protected] client-dev /home/eric/JS/red_tetris_boilerplate
> webpack-dev-server --colors --hot --inline --host --port 8080
webpack result is served from /
content is served from /home/eric/JS/red_tetris_boilerplate
webpack: bundle is now VALID.
Point your browser to
it will load client side application. You should see Soon, will be here a fantastic Tetris ...
, open your console and check you have :
[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...
bundle.js:28328 action @ 14:29:58.602 ALERT_POP
bundle.js:28340 prev state Object
bundle.js:28344 action Object
bundle.js:28352 next state Object
bundle.js:616 [WDS] Hot Module Replacement enabled.
URL is not yet editable in params.js
, change it directly inside package.json
As you can guess we are using webpack hot reload
module, try to update any file under src/client
and your browser should reload your code.
[WDS] App updated. Recompiling...
Test, test and re-test …
Stop server, or use an other setup (//TODO)
$ npm run test
Tests are installed under test
A simple template to implement simple unit tests. In Tetris context you will try to test every functions or classes from server or client code. Just import your files and check ([should] documentation to extend the test.
Target is to test actions
and reducers
in one time. You can always split those tests as explained here.
Look at the code :
//cat redux1.js
// 1
import {configureStore} from './helpers/server'
// 2
import rootReducer from '../src/client/reducers'
import {ALERT_POP, alert} from '../src/client/actions/alert'
import chai from "chai"
const MESSAGE = "message"
describe('Fake redux test', function(){
it('alert it', function(done){
const initialState = {}
// 3
const store = configureStore(rootReducer, null, initialState, {
ALERT_POP: ({dispatch, getState}) => {
const state = getState()
// 4
- We use a special middleware to set up hooks in action’s workflow.
- We use here the root reducer, but it can be replaced by any kind of reducer
- target is to check updates in our store, so we have to create a store for each check (
is a store helper.
configureStore :
: not necessary the root onesocket
: (unused here)initial state
: set up to realize the actionactions hook
: object where keys are action’s type and values are callbacks.action’s type
is one of your actions defined in your application,callback
function will receive {getState, dispatch, action} as real parameter.
Thanks to the hook you can react to actions, just to check a new state after an action, or to send actions to follow a workflow and check state at the end.
In our sample, we register a callback when ALERT_POP
will be dispatched and check that state.message
is right. Callback is called after reducers.
Very similar to previous test, but offer to test server code involved in a client action. You can use this kind of solution to test a pipeline like action -> fetch -> action -> reducer
. Here client / server communication is based on and we use a middleware inspired by to transparantly dispatch and receive messages. So our test covers action -> socket.emit -> server code -> client socket callback -> action -> reducer
. I do not know if it’s still a unit test, but it’s a useful solution to test.
Let’s have a look on code:
import chai from "chai"
import {startServer, configureStore} from './helpers/server'
import rootReducer from '../src/client/reducers'
// 1
import {ping} from '../src/client/actions/server'
import io from ''
import params from '../params'
describe('Fake server test', function(){
let tetrisServer
// 2
before(cb => startServer( params.server, function(err, server){
tetrisServer = server
it('should pong', function(done){
const initialState = {}
const socket = io(params.server.url)
// 3
const store = configureStore(rootReducer, socket, initialState, {
'pong': () => done()
- This time we will test server actions: it means client actions that transparently communicate with server
- for each
we have to launch the server. Tetris server is statefull, so we can run multiple tests (it
) on one server to check behavior (ex: multiple users, events) - Now we have a socket (client connection), so middleware is able to send messages to server.
In our context, we dispatch ping
action and register a callback on pong
npm run coverage
> [email protected] coverage /home/eric/JS/red_tetris_boilerplate
> NODE_ENV=test nyc -r lcov -r text mocha --require babel-core/register
Check results …. of this command, and launch your browser to ./coverage/lcov-report/index.html
It’s not a production recipe to run your Tetris over billions of players, but just 2 commands to run it without live reload.
$ npm run srv-dist
> [email protected] srv-dist /home/eric/JS/red_tetris_boilerplate
> DEBUG=tetris:* babel src --out-dir dist
src/client/actions/alert.js -> dist/client/actions/alert.js
src/client/actions/server.js -> dist/client/actions/server.js
src/client/components/test.js -> dist/client/components/test.js
src/client/containers/app.js -> dist/client/containers/app.js
src/client/index.js -> dist/client/index.js
src/client/middleware/storeStateMiddleWare.js -> dist/client/middleware/storeStateMiddleWare.js
src/client/reducers/alert.js -> dist/client/reducers/alert.js
src/client/reducers/index.js -> dist/client/reducers/index.js
src/server/index.js -> dist/server/index.js
src/server/main.js -> dist/server/main.js
$ npm run client-dist
> [email protected] client-dist /home/eric/JS/red_tetris_boilerplate
> NODE_ENV=production webpack --progress --colors
Hash: 6841f78bfe6867fb2913
Version: webpack 1.13.0
Time: 1923ms
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
bundle.js 754 kB 0 [emitted] main
+ 197 hidden modules
$ DEBUG=tetris:* node dist/server/main.js
tetris:info tetris listen on +0ms
not yet ready to play tetris with U ...
In production mode, node.js server serves index.html
and bundle.js
, so you have to point to url set up in params.js
That’s all folks ...