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**SASYNC 3.2 **

NOTE: This version of sasync requires a recent rclone beta ( v1.50.2-131 or later )

Major change: If your prior version is 3.0 or lower then to run this new version of sasync correctly you MUST remove the max transfer field (e.g. 600G) from your old set files.
Suggested method is to copy your set files from /opt/sasync/sasets to /opt/sasync/sets, then run the ./remove_maxt script for set.* files in the /sets folder.
For now it's a good idea to keep the old set files (until the new rclone flag is fully tested).

NOTE: You can get a similar result with sasync 3.0 (master) by adding the --drive-stop-on-upload-limit to sasync.conf flag to the sasync.conf, then changing your set file --max-transfer settings to be > 750G

Changelog V3.2

  • [NEW] If SOURCE is empty will skip that pair and create an error in a file *_fail.log
  • [NEW] Added a variable called DIFF_LIMIT in sasync.conf.default (be sure to copy to your sasync.conf file)
    • DIFF_LIMIT is an INTEGER representing the ratio % of SOURCE / DESTINATION remote size.
    • IMPORTANT: DIFF_LIMIT only works if CALC_SIZE=true. You cannot calculate a ratio without sizes.
    • Examples:
      • If source remote is 20GB and destination remote is 10GB then the ratio would be 200 (200%, but we leave out the %).
      • If source remote is 5GB and destination remote is 10GB then the ratio would be 50 (50%, omitting %).
      • If you set DIFF_LIMIT=70 then the first example would pass, but the second would fail.
      • On failure of the DIFF_LIMIT test sasync will write an error to *_fail.log
  • [NEW] Added a file called *_fail.log. This file will be printed at the end of each sasync run. You can tail or monitor these files, or you can periodically send them to your email, bots, discord, etc.
  • [NEW] Added a variable called NEXTJS in sasync.conf.default (be sure to copy to your sasync.conf file)
    • NEXTJS is the amount by which JSCOUNT (your SAs) will be increased with each cycle.
    • In most cases leaving NEXTJS at a default of 1 is fine.
    • In cases where you may have errors from too many api calls and/or are running multiple parallel instances of sasync, it is possible that setting NEXTJS=101 can help reduce errors.
    • Each GSuite project has its own api quota. Incrementing by 101 forces parallel sasync instances to use a different project's quota.
    • Note that setting NEXTJS=101 only works well if you have multiple projects and many SAs.
  • [CHANGED-TEMP] For CLEAN_DEST and CLEAN_SRC temporarily replaced rclone delete remote: --drive-trashed-only with rclone cleanup remote:.
    • The delete remote with --drive-trashed-only has been hanging sometimes with recent rclone releases. And in principle rclone cleanup should work, even if not immediately. Will monitor and change back in future if needed.

Changelog V3.1

  • [NEW] Added --drive-stop-on-upload-limit to sasync.conf
  • [REMOVED] --max-transfer logic and set.file requirement
  • [CHANGED] Default location of set files from /sasets to /sets
  • [NEW] Added a script (remove_maxt) in /sets folder to remove max_transfer variable from set files
    • Best way to do this is cp -r /opt/sasync/sasets /opt/sasync/sets then
    • cd /opt/sasync/sets && chmod +x remove_maxt then ./remove_maxt set.*
  • [REMOVED] IFS auto sense. Forces user to choose separator in sasync.conf file. e.g. IFS1=' ' or IFS1=','
  • [REMOVED] TMOUT (timeout) flag and code
  • [ADDED] Link for new instructions for manually checking rclone remote permissions that impact successful running of sasync. ==> MANUAL DIAGNOSTIC FOR CHECKING PERMISSIONS ON RCLONE REMOTES WITH SAs

>Uses rclone and Google Service Accounts (SAs) to sync, copy or move files between rclone remotes.
Usage:   ./sasync set.file     [[enable execution with chmod +x sasync]]

  • Alt Usage: ./sasync -t set.file to run sasync inside tmux
  • Alt Usage: ./sasync -p 3 set.file to run sasync sets in 3 parallel tmux windows. 3 can be any number
  • Alt Usage: ./sasync -c my.conf set.file to run sasync with your custom config file
  • Alt Usage: ./sasync set.file1 set.file2 to run multiple sets in sasync.
  • Above flags/options may be combined.

How does it work?

sasync will run rclone copy or sync for each source-destination pair in your set file using a service account (SA) then move to the next SA until done.

Sets must have an rclone action (sync, copy, move) , a source and destination and a maxtransfer value to work with sasync.

  • Fields in the set can be separated by spaces, tabs, commas , or a bar |. But each set can only use one of these.
  • If you have remote or folder names with spaces then you MUST use , or | as field separators. Otherwise sasync cannot differentiate. [[Avoid using commas or bars in remote/folder names. This can confuse sasync.]]
  • The sample set file has column labels for reference. They are entirely unnecessary for sasync to run.
#0action  1source            2destination   3rcloneflags
sync      teamdrive:docs     my_td:docs     --max-age=3d

SASYNC reads from a set file. Each line in the set file describes

  • An action that rclone will execute (sync, copy or move)
  • A source and destination remote folder
  • REMOVED A breakpoint (--max-transfer) which tells sasync to move to the next SA
  • Any additional rclone flags which you would like to apply to individual source/destination pairs

Changelog V3.0

  • [NEW] Added -p number option to run 'number' of parallel instances of sasync. Usage: For 3 parallel instances ./sasync -p 3 set.file

    • Requires tmux and parallel apps. Install with command: sudo apt install parallel tmux
    • Sends sasync to n tmux windows. App will provide a link to open tmux
    • Can run a single instance of sasync in tmux with ./sasync -p 1 set.file
    • When one set pair finishes next one auto loads
    • sasync works as usual without tmux or parallel when running ./sasync set.file
  • [NEW] Added -t option to run sasync in tmux. ./sasync -t set.file

  • [NEW-AGAIN] Added ability to run with multiple set files

    • ./sasync -p n set.file1 set.file2 set.file3
    • Will merge set files then run in n tmux windows
    • When one set pair finishes next one auto loads
    • Works without -p running in main terminal one set pair at a time
  • [UNCHANGED] sasync still supports custom config files as well as infinite rclone flags at the end, along with new -p options.

    • ./sasync -c my.conf set.file1 --flag1--flag2 -v --dry-run
  • [NEW] Allows creating missing directories in the destination remote with MAKE_DESTDIR [Deault: false]

    • Be careful with this option. If your remote does not exist it could create directories on your local disk
  • [NEW] Changed remote check from rclone lsd to rclone about. Should make it much quicker

  • [NEW] Added --drive-service-account-file to READ/WRITE/DELETE checks. Should make check more reliable

  • [ADDED] Added csl to alias shortcuts to navigate to logs directory

    • To access aliases run cd /opt/sasync/utils;chmod +x add_aliases;./add_aliases. Works on next boot
    • sas='/opt/sasync/sasync'
    • csa='cd /opt/sasync'
    • cse='cd /opt/sasync/sasets'
    • csl='cd /opt/sasync/logs'
    • csu='cd /opt/sasync/utils'
    • c..='cd ..'
    • t0='tmux a -t 0'

Changelog V2.8

  • [NEW] Added RW Read/Write check for destination when you enable rccheck [default=true]

  • [NEW] New script add_aliases which will add shortcuts to move around sasync folders easily.

    • csa = cd /opt/sasync
    • cse = cd /opt/sasync/sasets
    • csu = cd /opt/sasync/utils
    • sas = will run sasync. So sas set.bak rather than ./sasync set.bak
    • c.. = cd ..
    • t0 = tmux a -t 0
  • [NEW] Trying to accommodate set files with various formats. At the moment you should be able to separate your fields with spaces, tabs, commas[,] or vertical bars[|].

    • Use only one type of field separator. Do not mix separators in the same file - results may be unpredictable.
    • One method to change space separators to ',' in your set file is to run sed -r 's/\s+/,/g' set.file > in a bash terminal.
  • [NEW] sasync can now do sync/copy without SAs in source or destination.

    • This is not the primary use-case, but if you want to include syncs to destinations where you do not have SA access or where SAs do not work (like My Drive) you can include that pair in your set file.
    • NOTE: Without SAs the sync cannot exceed whatever quota your single source or destination account has.
  • [NEW] Optional backup of old files to separate directory, rather than deletion [default=false]. Uses --backup-dir rclone flag.

    • If source is root of remote : then no backup is made. rclone does not allow backups from root level.
  • [NEW] Handles missing jsons, skips to next existing json

  • [IMPROVED] Better checking of remote configs, service accounts and read/write status of destination

  • [UPDATED] sasync should work with encrypted remotes now, but only when both source and destination have service accounts/SAs. [You MUST turn rccheck and sacalc to false to allow encrypted sync to work with SAs.]

  • [NEW] Added a couple of utilities in /utils folder. These are very similar to the script that Max includes in his TD mount script.

    • rc_add_remotes remotes.test will create/update rclone TD remotes using a text file (remotes.test which includes a list of remote names and TD IDs.
    • rc_add_remotes1 remotes.test existingremote will pull client_id, client_secret and the token from an existing remote.
    • rc_add_remote2 remotes.test is interactive, and will let you choose if you want SAs, tokens or both.


  • [NEW] rclone flag pass through in the command line ==> sasync set1 --flag1 --flag2 --etc

    • To enable flag pass through multi-sets in the command line were removed (sasync set1 set2 no longer works).
  • [NEW] Choose which config file to use with -c flag and filename (-c file.conf)

  • [NEW] Option to use csv set files - sasync now handles commas and tabs in set files. This allows easy editing with excel/gsheets

  • [NEW] Flag in config file to exit or continue when source-destination remotes are bad

  • [NEW] rccheck checks if the source and destination are TDs, MDs, shared folders or local. This then determines if SAs are used for the source and adjusts flags accordingly (optional)

  • [NEW] FILE_COMPARE compares individual files and file sizes, skips to next set pair if identical (optional)

  • [NEW] SRC_LIMIT allows limiting a sasync copy to a fixed TB/GB for situations where you do not have SA access (thus using quota from a single account on source side)

    • Limit applies to EACH set pair. Be careful how you use it if you have multiple folders pulling from the same root source
  • [CHANGED] The sasync/config_backup folder is changed to sasync/backup to allow for other backups in future

  • [REMOVED] SWEEPER. No longer needed

  • [REMOVED] SASYNC-DEST. sasync should now copy destination-only SA files correctly

Destination requirements

  • Must be a Team Drive (TD) to work with Service Accounts (SA)
  • Must have read/write/delete (RWD) permissions on the destination
  • You can use sasync with destinations that do not have service accounts, but quotas may limit what you can copy/sync

Source requirements

  • Must have read permission
  • Best case if the source is a TD
  • If source is not a TD then you MUST use CHECK_REMOTES=true in the config file. Otherwise will not work
  • If source does not have SA read permissions then you MUST use CHECK_REMOTES=true
  • If all of the above are true then SAs will rotate with both source and destination, and sync/copy limits can be higher. Each SA has a 750GB upload/inbound quota and a 10TB download/outbound quota
  • If Source does not have SA read access then you need to consider your outbound quotas (e.g. 10 TB for GDrive, ? for others)


  • Add -c file.conf before the set file to use a different config file

  • Add rcloneflag(s) to the command line after the set file.

  • Check if each source and destination remote exists in the rclone.conf file and if they are Team Drives (now called Shared Drives)

  • Check if each remote has read and service account permissions

  • Clean Source and Destination remotes of duplicates and trash. Can be done before and/or after the sync

  • Check if file count in Source and Destination are equal

    • If equal then skip to the next source-destination pair in the set file
  • Check if total file size in Source and Destination are equal

    • If equal then skip to the next source-destination pair in the set file

    • If not equal then estimate number of SA's required

  • Choose whether to EXIT or CONTINUE when there is a problem with any source-destination pair in a set file

  • The sasync.conf file is backed up daily to a ./backup folder and kept for 14 days (default, adjustable)

  • The config file in the repo is called sasync.conf.default so you do not not overwrite an existing sasync.config

  • The default filter file excludes some system files. Open and customize it to suit your own needs

  • Flexible unlimited rclone flags in the set files: Add multiple rclone flags to each/all pairs in the set.* file. Flags in the set file will override flags in the config file

  • Log files sasync creates two log files with each run. and and puts them in the logs folder

Notes for modifying the sasync.conf file

  • The template config file in the repo is called sasync.conf.default. Before running sasync be sure to copy or rename the file to sasync.conf, which is the file that the sasync script looks for
  • You can play with config settings quite a bit to customize how sasync runs


  • Location of the sasync script
  • The default location is /opt/sasync. You can put sasync anywhere you like and/or run multiple, modified instances


  • Location of your set files
  • The default location is /opt/sasync/sasets. Again, relocate or rename your set files as you wish


  • Location of DIR with SA .json files. No trailing slash
  • This is the folder where you keep your service account json files. The should be numbered sequentially 1.json, 2.json etc


  • First json file number in your JSON directory (JSDIR)
  • This is the number of the first json in your json set
  • For sasync to run correctly your jsons need to be sequential between MIN and MAX
  • You do not need to start at 1.json. For example you can use MINJS=100.json and MAXJS=200.json


  • After sasync uses this service account it will cycle back to MINJS.json


  • Location of json.count file (NOT the jsons themselves)
  • This file keeps track of which json has been last used. sasync uses a file rather than a variable to keep count in order to allow multiple/parallel instances of sasync to run while using the same range of jsons


Flags to control which checks and what cleaning is done. All = false works in standard case


  • Check if remotes are configured in rclone. Generally good to run this with new set files
  • sasync runs faster if this is set to false by avoiding rclone lsd, rclone size etc


  • Checks the size of the source and destination folders in the current set pair, then calculates the difference
  • Using --maxtransfer from the set file, estimates the number of service accounts (SAs) required to copy/sync the difference
  • The estimated number of SAs acts as an upper limit to the number that sasync will use before moving to the next pair in the set file
  • If source and destination size are identical then tells sasync to skip to the next pair in the set file


  • Runs hash check against files using rclone check to identify if source and destination are identical
  • If source and destination files are identical then tells sasync to skip to the next pair in the set file


  • Set to true if you want to clean the destination
  • Runs rclone to dedupe, delete trash and remove empty directories
  • This can take quite a it of time with large folders


  • Set to true if you want to clean the source
  • Same function as CLEAN_DEST but for source folders


  • Set to true to clean remotes fore running rclone
  • If you believe you may have a lot of duplicate files or overlapping duplicate folders then it can be useful to clean up before syncing


  • Syntax is TMOUT="timeout 30m". Use only if rclone hangs
  • This uses the linux timeout command, NOT the rclone timeout command
  • The timeout stops rclone for a single cycle, after which sasync continues to the next SA


  • Exit (true) or continue (false) if set pair is bad
  • When sasync runs rc_check and finds a source or destination that is 'bad' this flag determines if sasync exits or moves on to the next set pair


  • Daily outbound limit in GB. Blank if none. For this flag to work CALC_SIZE must be true
  • This can be useful when your source is not a TD, thus you cannot use multiple SAs to gain quota
  • For a single google account the daily download quota is 10TB/day (bear in mind any quota you may use for streaming or other activities)

The flags below are applied to all sets when rclone runs. Tweak them as you like

FLAGS=" --fast-list -vP --stats=5s --max-backlog=2000000 --ignore-case --no-update-modtime --drive-chunk-size=128M --drive-use-trash=false --filter-from=$FILTER --drive-server-side-across-configs=true "


  • fast list can speed up scans and reduce api calls
  • When used with rclone copy fast list sometimes creates duplicate files in the destination. Can be a good idea to set CLEAN_DEST to true if this happens to you


  • The v flag provides moderate feedback from the rclone command. Remove v for less feedback or use vv or vvv for debugging
  • P shows progress for each cycle of rclone. Remove if you don't need to see this output


  • Used in conjunction with the P flag. Omit or make longer for higher/lower frequency of progress updates


  • Default for showing how many files are being copied is 10000. This allows seeing more files in the queue


  • Used in conjunction with --filter-from. If using no filters then you can ignore/delete this flag


  • Tells rclone to not update files if only the modtime has changed. Can speed up syncs when modtime is not important
  • Omit if you want modtimes to be updated


  • Ignored for server side copy/sync
  • Adjust as you like depending on --transfers and available RAM


  • This flag set to false tells rclone to permanently delete files rather than moving them to Trash
  • Change to true if you want files to stay in Trash (30 day default for Google Drive)


  • Default tells rclone to use any +/- include/exclude filters in the filter file
  • You can safely delete this line and sasync will run without filters


  • To enable server side copying this flag must be true (for current versions of rclone; may change in future)
  • set to false if you want to force rclone to download/upload files
  • you can also add --disable copy to the flags here to disable all server side copying

Tips and Notes


  • sasync can be run with crontab or as a task in windows

  • sasync runs even faster if you use --max-age=1d or 1w. This is especially handy when running with crontab

  • sasync is designed to work with Google Drive as well as local drives as the source. It may work with other rclone remote types but has been tested mostly with gdrive.

  • When upgrading you can overwrite local files/changes by running

    git fetch
    git reset --hard origin/develop
    cp sasync.conf.default sasync.conf
    chmod +x sasync
    ./sasync set.p8\

    • Then edit sasync.conf
  • Check each line in the sasync.conf file, especially the directory (DIR) locations. sasync will not run correctly if it cannot find sets, jsons or filters

  • The default set file folder is /opt/sasync/sasets. If you want to put set files in another folder be sure to change sasync.conf SETDIR=/new/location

  • sasync will NOT create base folders. e.g. If you specify remote:movies in a set file, you must create the movies folder in remote: before syncing

    • Example set pair: sync my_video:media/kids bak_video:media/kids If /media exists but the kids folder does not then rclone does not create the kids folder
  • You may consider creating your own private repo called sasets in github/lab/bucket that contains your personal set files Set files are easy to edit in github/gitlab and can be easily added to / updated to any machines running sasync

  • There are a number of small utilities in the utils folder. They do things like install sasync, update rclone, clean set files, remove all comments

  • Versions of rclone from 1.48 require a new flag --drive-server-side-across-configs in order to do server-side sync/copy. This flag has been added to sasync as a default. If you are running an older version of rclone or wish to not execute server-side copies simply delete the flag from sasync.conf

  • Resource usage for this script is very light as the copy/move actions are all executed server side. That said, the script can be modified to use the --disable move,copy flag if you prefer, in which case I/O and CPU usage would rise

Files in the repo

  • sasync is the main script that pulls sync sets from 'set' files and runs rclone sync/copy/move.
  • sasync.conf.default contains major variables and rclone global flags.
  • rccheck checks rclone remote status
  • sacalc estimates the number of service accounts required to sync/copy the gap between source and destination.
  • sainit initializes working variables as well as log and backup folders
  • cleantds deletes exact dupes, removes empty directories and permanently deletes trash. Can be toggled for destination and or source.
  • json.count is an external counter for the json set. This allows running multiple instances of sasync that pull in sequence from the jsons without wasting or duplicating usage.
  • Two sample set files with rclone source, destination and max-transfer size. and set.movies.sample
  • filter contain file patterns to include or exclude.
  • msg contains messages called by the script
  • utils folder contains a few misc scripts.
    • readsets will check if your set.* files are readable by sasync.
    • cleansets will replace tabs and unreadable characters in your set.* files. Syntax is ./cleansets
    • install_sasync** in /utils folder will automate some installation tasks for you. It is intended for use during initial install, but can be used with subsequent installs.

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