Our mobile application is designed to assist you and facilitate your journey towards addiction recover
My Triggers: Accountability Assistant provides assistance to individuals over coming addiction by adding a layer of accountability.
Addiction recovery can be difficult when the individual goes through the journey alone. Too often an individual struggling with addiction relapses when they find themselves in a familiar location where they engage in the unwanted behavior.
My Triggers provides you a map that allows you to track the locations you are trying to avoid that might trigger relapse or any other unwanted behavior.
As you approach the identified location a notification appears prompting you to stay away and contact your support person.
Notes, contact information and trigger locations are saved to iCloud and synched with your other iCloud enabled devices.
- Apple Maps
- CloudKit
- Geo Location Notifications
- Journal to track your sobriety mile stones
- iOS 12.1+
- Xcode 12
Make sure you're signed into your iCloud when testing application on your device or simulator.
Leveraging the power of CloudKit a User object has a link to all the elements down below
class User {
var userName: String
var sponsorName: String?
var sponsorTelephoneNumber: String?
var sponsorEmail: String?
var aaStep: Int
var ckRecordID: CKRecord.ID?
var date: Date?
var appleUserRef: CKRecord.Reference
var targetLocations: [Location] = []
var folders: [Folder] = []
var notes: [Note] = []
Ivan Ramirez – @IvansTwitter – [email protected]