A zoo-project java wps service example with dependencies jar.
This is a work in progress.
- ZooJavaMain: contains the service class
. - ZooJavaDependency: the dependency project, from which a jar should be created. It contains a single utility class (
) called by the main project - ZooJavaBuilder.zcfg: the zoo configuration file.
- dtm.asc
- dtm.prj
- dtm.sld
which is a very small raster file. It is small but works well. This has to be used as input map.
The structure of the data in the cgi-bin folder is:
├── libZOO.so -> from the zoo-api/java
├── ZOO.class -> from the zoo-api/java
├── zoojavatest -> folder cfg and jars from this project
│ ├── main.cfg
│ ├── zoo_java_dependency.jar
│ └── zoo_java_mainwps.jar
└── zoo_loader.cgi -> the main zoo cgi file
The jars can be exported from eclipse by right-clicking on the project and using the export->Java->Jar file
- ZooJavaMain -> is exported to -> zoo_java_mainwps.jar
- ZooJavaDependency -> is exported to -> zoo_java_dependency.jar
To check if the service is available:
which should supply some xml containing also:
<wps:Process wps:processVersion="1">
<ows:Abstract>It tests for java stuff.</ows:Abstract>
<ows:Metadata xlink:title="It tests for java stuff 2."/>
Execution of the service can be triggered through:
This should ideally run the module and launch and exception complaining about the path to the input file /mypath/dtm.asc not existing.