git clone
cd Travelgram
npm install
npm start
- Authentication (Login, Signup) Pages
- Profile Page
- Home Page
- Explore Page
- Bookmarks Page
- Single Post Page
- Authentication using JWT along with form validation for Login and Signup Pages. All the below features are present after login.
- Dark mode and Light theme modes are available.
- User can create, edit and delete the post.
- Image can be added to the Post.
- Users can like or unlike any post.
- Users can add or remove posts from bookmarks.
- Home Page where users can see their and friends' posts followed by him/her. Trending, Oldest, and Latest Features where users can sort the posts based on maximum likes and by date.
- Explore Page where all the posts will be visible.
- Bookmarks Page where all the posts bookmarked by the user will be visible.
- Users can follow or unfollow other users.
- Profile Page where user can edit their profile. It contains details like Following, Followers, Avatar, Bio and Portfolio URLs. Users can edit their profiles and choose photos from default avatars.
- Users can view the profile of other users as well.
- Search Functionality with search suggestions.
- Suggestions with Follow Button on all pages.
- Alerts in the app to notify the users about success/failure operations.
- All the screens are Responsive.
- React(useContext and useReducer)
- React Router v6
- Git For Version Control
- Netlify for Deployment
- Cloudinary for Image Storage
Created by me on Canva