This is a Grails plugin. Edit your web files(eg. js/css/html) online. You can create new folder , new file or upload an exists file from your local disk.
To install the latest stable version of the plugin add this to your BuildConfig.groovy
in the plugins section (be sure to use the latest version):
compile ":webfileadmin:0.2"
By default, this plugin will help you to edit css/js/images/views. (The views can be edited, only with command run-war
or running in Tomcat after packaging your war file.)
No need change your Config.groovy. This plugin will work using default config like below:
wfadmin {
paths {
css {
name = 'CSS'
path = '/css'
images {
name = 'Images'
path = '/images'
js {
name = 'Javascript'
path = '/js'
views {
name = 'Views'
path = '/WEB-INF/grails-app/views'
Copy the default config section into your Config.groovy
, then edit the paths
js {
name = 'Javascript'
path = '/js' // should be a folder path in `web-app` or in your WAR file.
By default, you can open /wfadmin
without login. It means you can use any other security plugin to control your web authority. Also we have simple local username and password, we do NOT recommend to use it in production. if you want to use it, edit Config.groovy, and add some config like below:
wfadmin {
// in 'wfadmin' section, add below lines
auth.useLocalData = true
users {
user1 {
username = 'USERNAME1'
password = 'SHA1 of password' // SHA1 of 'admin'
name = 'USER1 NAME'
user2 {
username = 'USERNAME2'
password = 'SHA1 of password' // SHA1 of 'admin'
name = 'USER2 NAME'
See docs at