This is an open source project to help capture and collaborate on useful information exchanged during meetings.
The Aloha.rb meetup group in Honolulu started this project as a learning activity and a way to explore creating a project as a group. Check out our plan on Pivotal Tracker to see what we're working on.
We've created a virtual machine to help ease the barrier to entry with getting your development environment set up thanks to
First you will need to install vagrant and virtualbox on your machine Next clone the repository, open up a terminal in the root of the repository and enter the following commands
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
$ chruby 2.1.2
$ bundle && rake db:migrate
Next, you'll need to create a file in config/secrets.yml with the following content:
secret_key_base: 31764610fa89b8d2b69dfb99d3ab533a6e023c1f90c190f8f18ff89e43e2ad440f068892736e7b34da062d5b2074486cd70e9c6360cc513a77e7b347391bbcfe
$ rails server