For quick development, the Docker Bitnami Laravel Development Container is used in the project.
- Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd laravel-vue-atdw-data
$ cp -r .env.example .env
Then update the ATLAS_API_KEY in .env file, the test api key which was provided in the test documentation.
Finally launch the Laravel application development environment using:
$ docker-compose up
$ docker-compose exec myapp php artisan key:generate
$ docker-compose exec myapp php artisan config:cache
$ docker-compose exec myapp npm install
$ docker-compose exec myapp npm run dev
If the application directory contained the source code of an existing Laravel application, the Bitnami Laravel Development Container would load the existing application instead of bootstrapping a new one.
After the artisan application server has been launched in the myapp service, visit http://localhost:3000 in your favorite web browser and you'll be greeted by the default Laravel welcome page.
The general structure of the exec command is:
$ docker-compose exec <service> <command>
List all artisan commands:
$ docker-compose exec myapp php artisan list
Delete the file /tmp/initialized.sem and restart the container to reinitialize
$ docker-compose exec myapp rm -r /tmp/initialized.sem
By changing the Regions or Areas, the table will automatically refresh with the selection.
Clicking the details, the pop up dialog will show the product details in a list of attribute / value pair.
User are able to scroll up to load a new page.
Then content order is randomised by passing the random seed rand_YYYY-MM-DD