We have implemented two models: ARIMA Model and Recurrent Neural Network
- Install requirements using Pipfile
# python install -r Pipfile
- Setup Prediction Service
# cp prediction.service /etc/systemd/system/
- Setup KafkaConsumer and KafkaProducer:
In producer.py
and consumer.py
, enter the IP address of the bootstrap server where Kafka service is running
- Start the prediction engine
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl start prediction.service
- Serve the output files using python http server
To allow services through firewall iptables setup needs to be done. Use the following commands to add iptables exception (run as root)
iptables -I INPUT -p TCP -s --dport 8000 -j ACCEPT # python simple http
Run python http server
# cd outputs
# python -m http.server -b
The outputs can be viewed at http://IP_Address:8000
Prediction policy:
if (average)>0.70*(len(memory_host.keys())*1024):
elif (average)<0.30*(len(memory_host.keys()))*1024:
Scaling Policy:
ARIMA | RNN | AutoScale |
UP | NO | UP |
NO | UP | UP |
DOWN | NO | NO |
NO | DOWN | NO |