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A full stack Threads Clone

  1. 🤖 Introduction
  2. ⚙️ Tech Stack
  3. 🔋 Features
  4. 🤸 Quick Start
  5. 🕸️ Snippets
  6. 🔗 Links
  7. 🚀 More

Build a full stack Threads clone using Next.js 14+ with a redesigned look transformed from a Figma design, user interaction to community management, technical implementation, and various features, including nested deep comments, notifications, real-time-search, and more.

  • Next.js
  • MongoDB
  • Shadcn UI
  • TailwindCSS
  • Clerk
  • Webhooks
  • Serverless APIs
  • React Hook Form
  • Zod
  • TypeScript

👉 Authentication: Authentication using Clerk for email, password, and social logins (Google and GitHub) with a comprehensive profile management system.

👉 Visually Appealing Home Page: A visually appealing home page showcasing the latest threads for an engaging user experience.

👉 Create Thread Page: A dedicated page for users to create threads, fostering community engagement

👉 Commenting Feature: A commenting feature to facilitate discussions within threads.

👉 Nested Commenting: Commenting system with nested threads, providing a structured conversation flow.

👉 User Search with Pagination: A user search feature with pagination for easy exploration and discovery of other users.

👉 Activity Page: Display notifications on the activity page when someone comments on a user's thread, enhancing user engagement.

👉 Profile Page: User profile pages for showcasing information and enabling modification of profile settings.

👉 Create and Invite to Communities: Allow users to create new communities and invite others using customizable template emails.

👉 Community Member Management: A user-friendly interface to manage community members, allowing role changes and removals.

👉 Admin-Specific Community Threads: Enable admins to create threads specifically for their community.

👉 Community Search with Pagination: A community search feature with pagination for exploring different communities.

👉 Community Profiles: Display community profiles showcasing threads and members for a comprehensive overview.

👉 Figma Design Implementation: Transform Figma designs into a fully functional application with pixel-perfect and responsive design.

👉 Blazing-Fast Performance: Optimal performance and instantaneous page switching for a seamless user experience.

👉 Server Side Rendering: Utilize Next.js with Server Side Rendering for enhanced performance and SEO benefits.

👉 MongoDB with Complex Schemas: Handle complex schemas and multiple data populations using MongoDB.

👉 File Uploads with UploadThing: File uploads using UploadThing for a seamless media sharing experience.

👉 Real-Time Events Listening: Real-time events listening with webhooks to keep users updated.

👉 Middleware, API Actions, and Authorization: Utilize middleware, API actions, and authorization for robust application security.

👉 Next.js Layout Route Groups: New Next.js layout route groups for efficient routing

👉 Data Validation with Zod: Data integrity with data validation using Zod

👉 Form Management with React Hook Form: Efficient management of forms with React Hook Form for a streamlined user input experience.

and many more, including code architecture and reusability

Follow these steps to set up the project locally on your machine.


Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

Cloning the Repository

git clone
cd threads


Install the project dependencies using npm:

npm install

Set Up Environment Variables

Create a new file named .env in the root of your project and add the following content:


Replace the placeholder values with your actual credentials. You can obtain these credentials by signing up for the corresponding websites on MongoDB, Clerk, and Uploadthing.

Running the Project

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the project.