The bot can be used to get the weather at your current location, It can help you search for the weather at some other location as well.
Command | Description |
/start |
Command to start the Bot |
/help |
Get the list of all available commands |
/location |
Set your current location |
/weather |
Get the weather at your set location |
/bad_weather |
Find the nearest bad weather at your set location |
/stop |
Stop the bot and delete all your data |
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd weather-bot-telegram
Provide Api Tokens
add required tokens to src/main/resources/ or,
Provide the tokens via Environment Variables/Properties. (IDE/Heroku)
Install dependencies/ Build Project
mvn clean install
Start the Bot
java -jar target/weatherBot-single.jar
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your src/main/resources/
file or provide them at the Runtime using Environment Variables
Variable | Description |
API_KEY | API Key/Token of OpenWeatherMap |
BOT_NAME | Name of the bot |
BOT_TOKEN | Api token for the bot generated from botfather |
OWNER_NAME | Owner Name of the Bot (optional) |
DATABASE_USER | DB username |
DATABASE_PASS | DB password |
Note: you can use almost any DataBase(h2,postgres,mysql,etc) in some cases you may need to change the SQL Queries in to match your DataBase
Development: Java, Maven, OpenWeather API, Telegram Bot Java Library, Emoji Java ,PostgreSQL
Hosting/Deployment: Heroku