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rafamadriz edited this page Mar 27, 2021
1 revision
Prefix | Snippets |
doctype | <!DOCTYPE>$1 |
a | <a href="$1">$2</a>$3 |
abbr | <abbr title="$1">$2</abbr>$3 |
address | <address>$1</address> |
area | <area shape="$1" coords="$2" href="$3" alt="$4">$5 |
article | <article>$1</article> |
aside | <aside>$1</aside>$2 |
audio | <audio controls>$1</audio> |
b | <b>$1</b>$2 |
base | <base href="$1" target="$2">$3 |
bdi | <bdi>$1</bdi>$2 |
bdo | <bdo dir="$1">$2</bdo> |
big | <big>$1</big>$2 |
blockquote | <blockquote cite="$2">$1</blockquote> |
body | <body>$1</body> |
br | <br> |
button | <button type="$1">$2</button>$3 |
canvas | <canvas id="$1">$2</canvas>$3 |
caption | <caption>$1</caption>$2 |
cite | <cite>$1</cite>$2 |
code | <code>$1</code>$2 |
col | <col>$2 |
colgroup | <colgroup>$1</colgroup> |
command | <command>$1</command>$2 |
datalist | <datalist>$1</datalist> |
dd | <dd>$1</dd>$2 |
del | <del>$1</del>$2 |
details | <details>$1</details> |
dialog | <dialog>$1</dialog>$2 |
dfn | <dfn>$1</dfn>$2 |
div | <div>$1</div> |
dl | <dl>$1</dl> |
dt | <dt>$1</dt>$2 |
em | <em>$1</em>$2 |
embed | <embed src="$1">$2 |
fieldset | <fieldset>$1</fieldset> |
figcaption | <figcaption>$1</figcaption>$2 |
figure | <figure>$1</figure> |
footer | <footer>$1</footer> |
form | <form>$1</form> |
h1 | <h1>$1</h1>$2 |
h2 | <h2>$1</h2>$2 |
h3 | <h3>$1</h3>$2 |
h4 | <h4>$1</h4>$2 |
h5 | <h5>$1</h5>$2 |
h6 | <h6>$1</h6>$2 |
head | <head>$1</head> |
header | <header>$1</header> |
hgroup | <hgroup>$1</hgroup> |
hr | <hr> |
html | <html>$1</html> |
html5 | <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="$1en"><head><title>$2</title><meta charset="UTF-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><link href="$3css/style.css" rel="stylesheet"></head><body>$4</body></html> |
i | <i>$1</i>$2 |
iframe | <iframe src="$1">$2</iframe>$3 |
img | <img src="$1" alt="$2">$3 |
input | <input type="$1" name="$2" value="$3">$4 |
ins | <ins>$1</ins>$2 |
keygen | <keygen name="$1">$2 |
kbd | <kbd>$1</kbd>$2 |
label | <label for="$1">$2</label>$3 |
legend | <legend>$1</legend>$2 |
li | <li>$1</li>$2 |
link | <link rel="$1" type="$2" href="$3">$4 |
main | <main>$1</main> |
map | <map name="$1">$2</map> |
mark | <mark>$1</mark>$2 |
menu | <menu>$1</menu> |
menuitem | <menuitem>$1</menuitem>$2 |
meta | <meta name="$1" content="$2">$3 |
meter | <meter value="$1">$2</meter>$3 |
nav | <nav>$1</nav> |
noscript | <noscript>$1</noscript> |
object | <object width="$1" height="$2" data="$3">$4</object>$5 |
ol | <ol>$1</ol> |
optgroup | <optgroup>$1</optgroup> |
option | <option value="$1">$2</option>$3 |
output | <output name="$1" for="$2">$3</output>$4 |
p | <p>$1</p>$2 |
param | <param name="$1" value="$2">$3 |
pre | <pre>$1</pre> |
progress | <progress value="$1" max="$2">$3</progress>$4 |
q | <q>$1</q>$2 |
rp | <rp>$1</rp>$2 |
rt | <rt>$1</rt>$2 |
ruby | <ruby>$1</ruby> |
s | <s>$1</s>$2 |
samp | <samp>$1</samp>$2 |
script | <script>$1</script> |
section | <section>$1</section> |
select | <select>$1</select> |
small | <small>$1</small>$2 |
source | <source src="$1" type="$2">$3 |
span | <span>$1</span>$2 |
strong | <strong>$1</strong>$2 |
style | <style>$1</style> |
sub | <sub>$1</sub>$2 |
sup | <sup>$1</sup>$2 |
summary | <summary>$1</summary>$2 |
table | <table>$1</table> |
tbody | <tbody>$1</tbody> |
td | <td>$1</td>$2 |
textarea | <textarea rows="$1" cols="$2">$3</textarea>$4 |
tfoot | <tfoot>$1</tfoot> |
thead | <thead>$1</thead> |
th | <th>$1</th>$2 |
time | <time datetime="$1">$2</time>$3 |
title | <title>$1</title>$2 |
tr | <tr>$1</tr>$2 |
track | <track src="$1" kind="$2" srclang="$3" label="$4">$5 |
u | <u>$1</u>$2 |
ul | <ul>$1</ul> |
var | <var>$1</var>$2 |
video | <video width="$1" height="$2" controls>$3</video> |