React.js Bitcoin QR code component.
( Really just a bitcoin convenience wrapper for JP Richardson's wonderful react-qr package )
npm i --save react-bitcoin-qr
var BitcoinQRCode = require('react-bitcoin-qr')
var component = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return <BitcoinQRCode address='1PEoUKNxTZsc5rFSQvQjeTVwDE9vEDCRWm' amount='100000' message='One hundred thousand satoshi (1 mBTC) donation to BitGive' />
See example/example.jsx for a working example.
To test this standalone example (local server), run example/server.js
$ npm install
$ node example/server.js
Browserifying the example code... (confirm ./bundle.js is produced)
Bundling finished
Simple-Server listening to http://:::3000/ with directory /home/user/projs/git/react-bitcoin-qr/example
React Bitcoin QR demo page is hosted at http://localhost:3000/index.html