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★ TopTokens is an API that provides analytic screener that sends market recommendations about sell or buy cryptocurrencies that are backed by tier 1 hedge funds based on market situation that is explained by CNN SPX Fear & Greed Index and Crypto Fear & Greed Index. Processing only reliable tokens that are having at least $500,000,000 market cap.

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★ TopTokens is an API that provides analytic screener that sends market recommendations about sell or buy cryptocurrencies that are backed by tier 1 hedge funds based on market situation that is explained by CNN SPX Fear & Greed Index and Crypto Fear & Greed Index. Processing only reliable tokens that are having at least $500,000,000 market cap.

TopTokens API

Documentation for TopTokens API Rest protocol

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Contact

About The Project

TopTokens is an API that provides analytic screener that sends market recommendations about sell or buy cryptocurrencies that are backed by tier 1 hedge funds based on market situation that is explained by CNN SPX Fear & Greed Index and Crypto Fear & Greed Index. Processing only reliable tokens that are having at least $500,000,000 market cap. If Fear & Greed Index less than 45, api sends BUY recommendation and if Fear & Greed Index more than 55, api sends SELL recommendation.

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System Design Overview

System Design

System Design In Depth

System Design Architecture for Buffettsbot

1. Backend (Django Rest Framework) • API docs in Postman: API docs

Celery Task Queue for mining data about tier 1 hedge funds portfolios and updating market indicators values:

# Configure Celery Beat
```app.conf.beat_schedule = {
    "parse_tier_1_portfolios": {
        "task": "analytic_screener.tasks.parse_tier_1_portfolios",
        "schedule": timedelta(hours=12),
    "update_fear_and_greed_indices": {
        "task": "analytic_screener.tasks.update_fear_and_greed_indices",
        "schedule": timedelta(hours=12),
    "delete_expired_refresh_tokens": {
        "task": "users.tasks.delete_expired_refresh_tokens",
        "schedule": crontab(
            hour=0, minute=0
        ),  # for dev purposes 2 mins, for prod every midnight


2. Database (PostgreSQL)

TopTokens Database Overview

System DesignTables:

  • CustomUser: Stores data about user

    • Fields:
      • email: EmailField, Primary Key, unique, used as the username for authentication.
      • is_staff: Boolean, Flag to indicate if the user has staff privileges or not.
      • is_active: Boolean, Flag to indicate if the user’s account is active.
      • date_joined: DateTimeField, Timestamp of when the user joined the system.
  • Cryptocurrency: Represents a cryptocurrency

    • Fields:
      • name: CharField, Name of the cryptocurrency.
      • ticker: CharField, Abbreviation or symbol of the cryptocurrency.
      • price: FloatField, Current price of the cryptocurrency.
      • market_cap: PositiveBigIntegerField, Market capitalization of the cryptocurrency.
      • hedge_funds: ManyToManyField
  • HedgeFund: Represents a hedge fund

    • Fields:
      • name: CharField, Name of the hedge fund.
  • MarketIndicator: Represents a market indicator

    • Fields:
      • name: CharField, Name of the market indicator.
      • value: PositiveIntegerField, Value of the market indicator.
  • MarketRecommendation: Represents a market recommendation

    • Fields:
      • type: CharField, ChoiceField indicating the type of recommendation ("buy" or "sell").
      • indicator_name: CharField, Name of the index or recommendation source.
      • value: PositiveIntegerField, Value associated with the recommendation.
      • created_at: DateTimeField, Timestamp of when the recommendation was created.

4. Deployment & Infrastructure

Docker Containers: Used for containerizing the Django application, PostgreSQL database, NGINX reverse proxy server, Redis as message broker and Celery workers that are long-running processes that constantly monitor the task queues for new work and Celery Beat that a single process that schedules periodic tasks

Docker Compose: Manages multi-container Docker applications.

Microsoft Azure Linux Ubuntu: VM with 2 CPUs and 4gb RAM

Microsoft Azure Container Registries: Two repositories for toptokens-api and nginx

Built With

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Getting Started


  1. Get a free API Key at

  2. Clone the repo
  3. Navigate to the project directory

    cd toptokens-api
  4. Create a file

    DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS=localhost [::1]
  5. In comment these variables and uncomment CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS for localhost

#CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = os.environ.get("CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS").split(" ")
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = ["http://localhost:1337"]
  1. Start building docker containers for API, Nginx, PostgreSQL, Redis, Celery worker, Celery-beat and up them:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build
  1. Make migrations, apply them and collect staticfiles:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml exec toptokens-api python makemigrations
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml exec toptokens-api python migrate
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml exec toptokens-api python collectstatic --no-input --clear
  1. Create Django superuser to grant access to Django admin panel:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml exec toptokens-api python createsuperuser
  1. Run tests:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml exec toptokens-api pytest
  1. Navigate to Django Admin Panel by this url http://localhost:1337/admin/login/?next=/admin/ and access the content of database with cryptocurrency data:
Email address: email address you used to create superuser
Password: password you used to create superuser

Tests Passed

Tests Passed

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Ian Miller - linkedin

Project Link:

API docs in Postman: API docs

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★ TopTokens is an API that provides analytic screener that sends market recommendations about sell or buy cryptocurrencies that are backed by tier 1 hedge funds based on market situation that is explained by CNN SPX Fear & Greed Index and Crypto Fear & Greed Index. Processing only reliable tokens that are having at least $500,000,000 market cap.






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