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Anime Recommender System

Sapienza - Università di Roma
Master of Science in Engineering in Computer Science
Data Mining, a.y. 2016-17

This project is a recommendation system for the platform, a web site where users can rate animes and build profiles where they write animes they have seen, animes they want to see in the future, animes they dropped and so on. We developed two systems: the first uses a Collaborative Filtering technique, the second is an hybrid of Collaborative Filtering and Content Based techniques that perform dimensional reduction through the Fuzzy Clustering algorithm (Fuzzy C-Means). We analyse the performance of both in terms of accuracy and time.

We use the Anaconda2 platform. You can download it at:

If you want to try our system, download it and run:

python -m animerecommendersystem.testing.basic_test_FCRS

We downloaded more than 12000 animes, that consist of the whole dataset of the web site. For each of them, we are interested in their type (TV Series, Movies, Specials etc.), their genre (School, Action etc.) and their demography (under-13 etc.), with a total of 57 binary features: a 0-1 feature indicates that an anime has or not that feature, that is a value of the elds we are interested in. So we kept a json representing the item-feature matrix.

We downloaded 9868 users. For each user, we picked his anime list, that contains various sections (Watching, Completed, On Hold, Dropped, Planned), each containing animes with either an integer rate from 1 to 10, or 0 if the user did not vote it. So we kept a json representing the user-item matrix.

Collaborative Filtering
The main idea of a collaborative filtering technique, in particular a user-based one, is making automatic predictions (filtering) about the interests of a user by collecting preferences or taste information from many users (collaborating), that are his nearest neighbors, meaning those users that watched similar animes and gave similar rates to them. From these predictions we make recommendations.

So a first naive approach is based on applying k-nearest neighbor on user-item matrix, and then using the ratings from those neighbors to calculate predictions for the active user, with the following formula:

The recommendations are the animes with the highest predictions.
However, this approach becomes really slow, especially if the system has a high number of users. Therefore, we decided to add to the system a neighbors-search that does not compute the exact nearest neighbors, but to get k users that are “sufficiently close” to our target, meaning those the first k users whose distance is below a given threshold. To decide the threshold value, we performed tests on about 1000 users and we obtained that the average distance of the nearest neighbors was around 0.6, and then we defined the threshold as 0.6*1.1 = 0.66, where 1.1 is a relaxation factor.

Fuzzy Clustering
As the numbers of users and items grow, traditional CF algorithms will suffer serious scalability problems. So, one of the biggest problems with recommendation systems based on CF is the Curse of Dimensionality: these systems are highly sensitive to the increasing number of users in the system. Classical ways to alleviate this issue is to perform Dimensional Reduction like, for example, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). We use a technique that, at the same time, reduces dimensionality and combines Content based information with the CF system:

  • Given the items matrix (MxF), where M is the number of items and F is the number of binary feature, and where each item has a binary array representing his features (type, genre, demography, ...), we perform Fuzzy Clustering, using the C-Means algorithm, on this binary matrix, in order to obtain a soft-assignment with probability membership of an item to a cluster, obtaining an item-cluster matrix (MxC), with C number of clusters.
  • We combine the item-cluster matrix with the user-item matrix (or Utility matrix) with dimension (NxM), N number of users, obtaining through weighted mean the user-clusters matrix of dimension (NxC), where each element represent the probability of a user to belong to a cluster.
  • We perform, like in the CF system, K-Nearest Neighbors on the user-cluster matrix, and get prediction using the same approach.

Nice Explanatory Illustration

(MxF) --> Fuzzy Clustering --> (MxC) -->|
                                        |--> (NxC) --> K Nearest Neighbors --> Recommendations                             
                               (NxM) -->|
where N=number of users, M=number of anime, F=number of anime features, C=number of clusters, K=number of neighbors

Evaluation Metrics and Tuning Step
To evaluate the quality of our systems, we used:

  • the root-mean-square error (RMSE) measure, defined as:

where n is the number of recommendations, y^t is the predicted rate, and yt is the real rate the user gave to the anime t.
  • the mean absolute error (MAE) measure, defined as:

where fi is the predicted rate for anime i, and yi is the real rate the user gave to it.

These two measures were used during the training phase to decide with parameters within the system perform better. For the recommender system based on collaborative filtering technique, we performed training on the number of neighbors used to compute recommendations, while for the one based on fuzzy clustering we tuned the number of clusters too.

Graph and Tables
Collaborative Filtering vs Fuzzy Clustering - Tuning number of neighbors
The following tests have been made using a fixed number of clusters (60) for the recommender system based on fuzzy clustering.

Fuzzy Clustering - Tuning number of clusters
The following tests have been made using a fixed number of neighbors (12) for the recommender system based on fuzzy clustering.

Collaborative Filtering vs Fuzzy Clustering - Average computation time The following tests have been made using a machine with the following characteristics:

  • Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit
  • CPU: Intel i5-4570
  • RAM: 8 GB

The graphs reported above show us four important facts:

  • The Recommender System based on Collaborative Filtering is slightly more accurate in average than the one based on Fuzzy Clustering.
  • The quality of the recommendations improves with a high number of neighbors K. In particular, results show that it improves for values of K up to 1000, then remains basically constant for values of K up to 5000, where it starts to slightly decrease. For completeness, we also considered very high values for K, even though they would not be practical (K=5000 would be not a good choice, especially for a system with a dataset of about 10’000 users). For example, in the recommender system based on collaborative filtering, the quality improvement we get moving from K=50 (RMSE=1.282) to K=5000 (RMSE=1.238) probably does not justify the increase of required time to answer to queries.
  • Focusing on the recommender system based on fuzzy clustering, we can notice that the more the clusters we use, the better the score we get. However, we think the improvement we get moving from, for instance, K=60 to K=171.
  • The Fuzzy Clustering technique is faster than the Collaborative Filtering one: we can notice a basically constant improvement of about 4 seconds, which is independent from the number of neighbors considered. This difference is due to the fact that the system based on clustering performs kNN using a smaller matrix, while the collaborative filtering one works on the matrix Users X Animes, which is way bigger.

To measure the similarity between users we used the cosine similarity between their rating vectors. In both systems it proved to be better than Pearson similarity.

From the graph attached above, we can see that, even if he recommender system based on fuzzy clustering is a bit worse than the collaborative filtering one, it is way faster and therefore it can be considered better than the other one.

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