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a steganographic and encrypted container tool for linux 2.6 (no modules)

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### using denyfs itself ###

//Create a 100Mb file and fill it with urandom data
$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=fs bs=512K count=200

//Create a loopback device
# losetup /dev/loop0 fs

//Create a cryptsetup device
# cryptsetup create fs1 /dev/loop0
# cryptsetup create fs2 /dev/loop0
# cryptsetup create fs3 /dev/loop0
# cryptsetup create fs4 /dev/loop0
# cryptsetup create fs5 /dev/loop0

NOTE:	Choose a DIFFERENT password for EACH FS.
	Those devices are created in /dev/mapper/
	You can go up to 16 this way.

//Check the number of total blocks available for each crypted device
# denyfs --table /dev/mapper/fs1
# denyfs --table /dev/mapper/fs2


//Check 'em all at the same time
# denyfs --table /dev/mapper/fs?

//Size up the cryptsetup device using denyfs
# denyfs --setsize 1,13 /dev/mapper/fs?
# denyfs --setsize 2,2 /dev/mapper/fs?
# denyfs --setsize 3,30 /dev/mapper/fs?

NOTE:	You don't have to allocate all blocks.
	You need to set up devices in the RIGHT order.

//Create a linearized crypted device.
//It is where we'll be able to hide data on a regular FS (i.e. ext2).
# denyfs --dmsetup fs1_new /dev/mapper/fs1
# denyfs --dmsetup fs2_new /dev/mapper/fs2


//Create an ext2 FS on top of it
# mke2fs -m 0 /dev/mapper/fs1_new
# mke2fs -m 0 /dev/mapper/fs2_new

NOTE:	You can use ext3 though it is not recommended.
	Try to avoid journalized FS even if it should work though.

//Mount the whole
# mount /dev/mapper/fs1_new /foo/bar1
# mount /dev/mapper/fs1_new /foo/bar2

NOW, you can interact on /foo/bar1 and 2
as if it was a regular entry point.

i.e hide your data there ^^

//Umount the whole
# umount /dev/mapper/fs1_new
# umount /dev/mapper/fs2_new

//Remove dmsetup devices
# dmsetup remove fs1_new
# dmsetup remove fs2_new

//Remove cryptsetup devices
# cryptsetup remove fs1
# cryptsetup remove fs2

//Remove loopback device
# losetup -d /dev/loop0

Finally redo those steps without changing the size of blocks.
When you create your cryptsetup device, select one of the 
	passwords you have set previously to mount 
	the corresponding denyfs.

Enjoy your privacy!

# using dfs wrappers #

   1. First create a container in a location of your choice.

      aspire 0.1.1 # dfstouch -h
      /usr/sbin/dfstouch [options]

      -f, --file [/path/fs] Path to your filesystem
      -c, --count [int] Block iteration (multiple of 512K)
      -h, --help This
      -v, --version Print version

      # this creates a 200M file container
      /usr/sbin/dfstouch -f fs -c 400

      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 # dfstouch -f /tmp/fs -c 400
      >>> Creating 204M fs ... OK
      aspire 0.1.1 #
   2. Then open the file and give your secret volume mapping. Assume the stealth volume is the 3rd one. The -m option will create your volume mount points within /mnt/here. The -k option asks to create an Ext2 filesystem an top of the new volumes. Of course -k is required only for the first time.

      aspire 0.1.1 # dfsopen -h
      /usr/sbin/dfsopen [options]

      -f, --file [/path/fs] Path to your container
      -b, --block [int]K/M Size of a single block
      -c, --count [int] Block iteration (-b X -c = size of file)
      -m, --mount [/path] Path to mountpoint
      -k, --mkfs Initialize the filesystem (run the first time only)
      -h, --help This
      -v, --version Print version

      # note the -k option will create a filesystem when first run
      /usr/sbin/dfsopen -f fs -l loop0 -d 1=2,2=2,3=5,4=2,5=6,6=4,7=2,8=3,9=2 -m /mnt/here -k

      # a daily command
      /usr/sbin/dfsopen -f fs -l loop0 -d 1=2,2=2,3=5,4=2,5=6,6=4,7=2,8=3,9=2 -m /mnt/here

      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 # dfsopen -f /tmp/fs -l loop0 -d 1=10,2=3,3=1 -m /mnt/here -k
      >>> Binding to loop0 ... OK
      >>> Mapping cryptsetup block devices ...
      Enter passphrase:
      Enter passphrase:
      Enter passphrase:
      >>> Sizing up block devices ...
      device 1 ...
      Checking device structure ...
      Do you intend to resize? (CTRL-C to abort)
      Enlarging ...
      using empty block 81 becomes block 0 of /dev/mapper/fs1
      using empty block 84 becomes block 1 of /dev/mapper/fs1
      using empty block 5 becomes block 2 of /dev/mapper/fs1
      using empty block 83 becomes block 3 of /dev/mapper/fs1
      using empty block 86 becomes block 4 of /dev/mapper/fs1
      using empty block 95 becomes block 5 of /dev/mapper/fs1
      using empty block 15 becomes block 6 of /dev/mapper/fs1
      using empty block 18 becomes block 7 of /dev/mapper/fs1
      using empty block 64 becomes block 8 of /dev/mapper/fs1
      using empty block 67 becomes block 9 of /dev/mapper/fs1
      device 2 ...
      Checking device structure ...
      Do you intend to resize? (CTRL-C to abort)
      Enlarging ...
      using empty block 4 becomes block 0 of /dev/mapper/fs2
      using empty block 8 becomes block 1 of /dev/mapper/fs2
      device 3 ...
      Checking device structure ...
      Do you intend to resize? (CTRL-C to abort)
      Enlarging ...
      using empty block 90 becomes block 0 of /dev/mapper/fs3
      >>> Mapping to crytpsetup block devices ...
      Checking device structure ...
      Checking device structure ...
      Checking device structure ...
      >>> Creating filesystems ...
      mke2fs 1.41.8 (11-July-2009)
      Étiquette de système de fichiers=
      Type de système d'exploitation : Linux
      Taille de bloc=1024 (log=0)
      Taille de fragment=1024 (log=0)
      5136 i-noeuds, 20480 blocs
      0 blocs (0.00%) réservés pour le super utilisateur
      Premier bloc de données=1
      Nombre maximum de blocs du système de fichiers=20971520
      3 groupes de blocs
      8192 blocs par groupe, 8192 fragments par groupe
      1712 i-noeuds par groupe
      Superblocs de secours stockés sur les blocs :

      Écriture des tables d'i-noeuds : complété
      Écriture des superblocs et de l'information de comptabilité du système de
      fichiers : complété

      Le système de fichiers sera automatiquement vérifié tous les 20 montages ou
      après 180 jours, selon la première éventualité. Utiliser tune2fs -c ou -i
      pour écraser la valeur.
      mke2fs 1.41.8 (11-July-2009)
      Étiquette de système de fichiers=
      Type de système d'exploitation : Linux
      Taille de bloc=1024 (log=0)
      Taille de fragment=1024 (log=0)
      1024 i-noeuds, 4096 blocs
      0 blocs (0.00%) réservés pour le super utilisateur
      Premier bloc de données=1
      Nombre maximum de blocs du système de fichiers=4194304
      1 groupe de bloc
      8192 blocs par groupe, 8192 fragments par groupe
      1024 i-noeuds par groupe

      Écriture des tables d'i-noeuds : complété
      Écriture des superblocs et de l'information de comptabilité du système de
      fichiers : complété

      Le système de fichiers sera automatiquement vérifié tous les 37 montages ou
      après 180 jours, selon la première éventualité. Utiliser tune2fs -c ou -i
      pour écraser la valeur.
      mke2fs 1.41.8 (11-July-2009)
      Étiquette de système de fichiers=
      Type de système d'exploitation : Linux
      Taille de bloc=1024 (log=0)
      Taille de fragment=1024 (log=0)
      256 i-noeuds, 2048 blocs
      0 blocs (0.00%) réservés pour le super utilisateur
      Premier bloc de données=1
      Nombre maximum de blocs du système de fichiers=2097152
      1 groupe de bloc
      8192 blocs par groupe, 8192 fragments par groupe
      256 i-noeuds par groupe

      Écriture des tables d'i-noeuds : complété
      Écriture des superblocs et de l'information de comptabilité du système de
      fichiers : complété

      Le système de fichiers sera automatiquement vérifié tous les 21 montages ou
      après 180 jours, selon la première éventualité. Utiliser tune2fs -c ou -i
      pour écraser la valeur.
      >>> Mounting filesystems ...
      /mnt/here1 mounted
      /mnt/here2 mounted
      /mnt/here3 mounted
      aspire 0.1.1 #
   3. Check things are as expected. Verify your block table matches your design. The -t option will dump you a view of the space ratio. Dump the block offset per volume using the -o option.

      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 # df -h | grep here
      /dev/mapper/fs1_new 20M 172K 20M 1% /mnt/here1
      /dev/mapper/fs2_new 3,9M 29K 3,9M 1% /mnt/here2
      /dev/mapper/fs3_new 2,0M 21K 2,0M 2% /mnt/here3
      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 # mount | grep here
      /dev/mapper/fs1_new on /mnt/here1 type ext2 (rw)
      /dev/mapper/fs2_new on /mnt/here2 type ext2 (rw)
      /dev/mapper/fs3_new on /mnt/here3 type ext2 (rw)
      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 # tree -h /mnt/here?
      `-- [ 12K] lost+found
      `-- [ 12K] lost+found
      `-- [ 12K] lost+found

      3 directories, 0 files
      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 # denyfs -h
      denyfs [option]

      Where [option] is one of the following:
      -t, --table [loop]? display devices block table
      -l, --list-freeblocks [loop]? list free blocks
      -o, --offset [cryptsetup device] print offsets of blocks of a single device
      -s, --setsize [int1],[int2] [loop]? set size of device nb [int1] with [int2] block
      -d, --dmsetup [new device] dmsetup device mount
      -v, --version version
      -h, --help this.

      denyfs -o /dev/mapper/fs1
      denyfs -t /dev/mapper/fs?
      denyfs -s 1,12 /dev/mapper/fs?
      denyfs -s 2,2 /dev/mapper/fs?
      denyfs -l /dev/mapper/fs?
      denyfs -d fs1_new /dev/mapper/fs1

      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 # denyfs -t /dev/mapper/fs?
      Checking device structure ...
      Nb of blocks Device Device nb Size
      + 10 /dev/mapper/fs1 1 20Mb
      + 2 /dev/mapper/fs2 2 4Mb
      + 1 /dev/mapper/fs3 3 2Mb
      + 86 < -- Total nb of free blocks
      = 99 <-- Total nb of blocks
      space ratio: 86% free
      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 # denyfs -o /dev/mapper/fs1
      Checking device structure ...
      0 4096 linear /dev/mapper/fs1 331882
      4096 4096 linear /dev/mapper/fs1 344170
      8192 4096 linear /dev/mapper/fs1 20586
      12288 4096 linear /dev/mapper/fs1 340074
      16384 4096 linear /dev/mapper/fs1 352362
      20480 4096 linear /dev/mapper/fs1 389226
      24576 4096 linear /dev/mapper/fs1 61546
      28672 4096 linear /dev/mapper/fs1 73834
      32768 4096 linear /dev/mapper/fs1 262250
      36864 4096 linear /dev/mapper/fs1 274538
      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 # denyfs -o /dev/mapper/fs2
      Checking device structure ...
      0 4096 linear /dev/mapper/fs2 16490
      4096 4096 linear /dev/mapper/fs2 32874
      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 # denyfs -o /dev/mapper/fs3
      Checking device structure ...
      0 4096 linear /dev/mapper/fs3 368746
      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 #
   4. Now hide your data. Fill in /mnt/here1 /mnt/here2 and /mnt/here3 the last one being your secret place, here2 a data flare (supposed to be a fake secret place) and here1 just personal garbage. Let's put 15Mb in here1 3Mb in here2 and 1Mb in here1.

      aspire 0.1.1 # ls -lh sizzla*
      -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4,0M août 23 14:56 sizzla.mp3
      -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 691K août 23 15:26 sizzla-small.mp3
      -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16M août 23 14:57 sizzlax4.mp3
      aspire 0.1.1 # cp sizzlax4.mp3 /mnt/here1
      aspire 0.1.1 # cp sizzla.mp3 /mnt/here2/
      aspire 0.1.1 # cp sizzla-small.mp3 /mnt/here3
      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 # tree -h /mnt/here?
      |-- [ 12K] lost+found
      `-- [ 16M] sizzlax4.mp3
      |-- [ 12K] lost+found
      `-- [4.0M] sizzla.mp3
      |-- [ 12K] lost+found
      `-- [691K] sizzla-small.mp3

      3 directories, 3 files
      aspire 0.1.1 #
   5. Close all volumes.

      aspire 0.1.1 # dfsclose -h
      /usr/sbin/dfsclose [options]

      -f, --file [/path/fs] Path to your filesystem
      -l, --loop [loop] Loop device
      -n, --numdev [int] Number of sub devices
      -h, --help This
      -v, --version Print version

      /usr/sbin/dfsclose -f fs -l loop0 -n 9
      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 # dfsclose -f fs -l loop0 -n 3
      >>> Unmounting filesystems ...
      /dev/mapper/fs1_new OK
      /dev/mapper/fs2_new OK
      /dev/mapper/fs3_new OK
      >>> Unmapping dmsetup block devices ...
      /dev/mapper/fs1_new OK
      /dev/mapper/fs2_new OK
      /dev/mapper/fs3_new OK
      >>> Unmapping cryptsetup devices ...
      /dev/mapper/fs1 OK
      /dev/mapper/fs2 OK
      /dev/mapper/fs3 OK
      >>> Unbinding /dev/loop0 ...
      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 # mount | grep here
      aspire 0.1.1 # ls /dev/mapper/
      control root swap
      aspire 0.1.1 #
   6. Let's reopen them all and check we still have the files and close again.

      aspire 0.1.1 # dfsopen -f /tmp/fs -l loop0 -d 1=10,2=3,3=1 -m /mnt/here
      >>> Binding to loop0 ... OK
      >>> Mapping cryptsetup block devices ...
      Enter passphrase:
      Enter passphrase:
      Enter passphrase:
      >>> Sizing up block devices ...
      device 1 ...
      Checking device structure ...
      device 2 ...
      Checking device structure ...
      device 3 ...
      Checking device structure ...
      >>> Mapping to crytpsetup block devices ...
      Checking device structure ...
      Checking device structure ...
      Checking device structure ...
      >>> Mounting filesystems ...
      /mnt/here1 mounted
      /mnt/here2 mounted
      /mnt/here3 mounted
      aspire 0.1.1 # tree -h /mnt/here?
      |-- [ 12K] lost+found
      `-- [ 16M] sizzlax4.mp3
      |-- [ 12K] lost+found
      `-- [4.0M] sizzla.mp3
      |-- [ 12K] lost+found
      `-- [691K] sizzla-small.mp3

      3 directories, 3 files
      aspire 0.1.1 # dfsclose -f fs -l loop0 -n 3
      >>> Unmounting filesystems ...
      /dev/mapper/fs1_new OK
      /dev/mapper/fs2_new OK
      /dev/mapper/fs3_new OK
      >>> Unmapping dmsetup block devices ...
      /dev/mapper/fs1_new OK
      /dev/mapper/fs2_new OK
      /dev/mapper/fs3_new OK
      >>> Unmapping cryptsetup devices ...
      /dev/mapper/fs1 OK
      /dev/mapper/fs2 OK
      /dev/mapper/fs3 OK
      >>> Unbinding /dev/loop0 ...
      aspire 0.1.1 #
   7. Open the hidden volume only add a file to it and close it.

      aspire 0.1.1 # dfsopen -f /tmp/fs -l loop0 -d 3=1 -m /mnt/here
      >>> Binding to loop0 ... OK
      >>> Mapping cryptsetup block devices ...
      Enter passphrase:
      >>> Sizing up block devices ...
      device 1 ...
      Checking device structure ...
      >>> Mapping to crytpsetup block devices ...
      Checking device structure ...
      >>> Mounting filesystems ...
      /mnt/here1 mounted
      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 # tree -h /mnt/here?
      |-- [ 12K] lost+found
      `-- [691K] sizzla-small.mp3

      1 directory, 2 files
      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 # echo pi > /mnt/here1/secret
      aspire 0.1.1 # tree -h /mnt/here?
      |-- [ 12K] lost+found
      |-- [ 3] secret
      `-- [691K] sizzla-small.mp3

      1 directory, 2 files
      aspire 0.1.1 #
      aspire 0.1.1 # dfsclose -f fs -l loop0 -n 1
      >>> Unmounting filesystems ...
      /dev/mapper/fs1_new OK
      >>> Unmapping dmsetup block devices ...
      /dev/mapper/fs1_new OK
      >>> Unmapping cryptsetup devices ...
      /dev/mapper/fs1 OK
      >>> Unbinding /dev/loop0 ...
      aspire 0.1.1 #
   8. Open the hidden volume only with a wrong password.

      aspire 0.1.1 # dfsopen -f /tmp/fs -l loop0 -d 3=1 -m /mnt/here
      >>> Binding to loop0 ... OK
      >>> Mapping cryptsetup block devices ...
      Enter passphrase:
      >>> Sizing up block devices ...
      device 1 ...
      Checking device structure ...
      Do you intend to resize? (CTRL-C to abort) ^C
      aspire 0.1.1 #
      At this point you should be _very_ careful. If you do not intend to resize your volume than you must realize that your password is wrong (the password is parameter of the block mapping logic). If you do pursue you will resize the hidden volume. Although in some very lucky and special cases, if you enlarge your volume you may again access your previously hidden data, don't assume that in general as shrinking the volume will erase it for sure (unless again you free unused blocks but you'd really be lucky and you should play Euromillion).


a steganographic and encrypted container tool for linux 2.6 (no modules)






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