Node.js, Raspberry Pi and AWS IoT to create a PIR based home alarm system
Uses pimoroni's Automation Hat to do the fiddly hardware bit and WiringPi to bring Node to the Pi / GPIO
This project is deliberately missing the config that contains all the AWS passwords + certs needed to run.
To run this on your setup you'd need Hardware 1 x RaspberryPi 3 1 x Automation HAT n x PIR sensors (wired into the Automation HAT) n x bells (internal or external sounders, wired into the Automation HAT)
Config 1 x collection of certs from AWS for an AWS IoT shadow (put these in the certs folder) 1 x config file below (put this in the config folder (you can see it references the certs folder)
const config = {
keyPath : "/certs/private.pem.key",
certPath : "/certs/certificate.pem.crt",
caPath : "/certs/root-CA.crt",
iotHost : "",
iotRegion : "re-region-n",
module.exports = config