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WIP: Fix labels/border/remove/clear-instances, **Src-functions, etc.. #95

wants to merge 17 commits into
base: master
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@trafficonese trafficonese commented Jun 9, 2024

This PR ended up being quite substantial (initially, I just wanted to fix the labels, but I got carried away). Should I split the commits into multiple PRs?

I fixed the **Src frunctions but in my benchmarks they were always slower than the original version. Also since the **Src functions cannot be called directly anymore, I rearranged the code to not test the data/group etc twice.

I found a new JSON converter yyjsonr which appears to be much faster than jsonify (benchmarks are in ther Readme). For now it is used for all the color/label/weight/popup conversion and the point-data. It can also transform Geojson, but not in the structure expected by Leaflet.Glify. The whole {"type":"FeatureCollection","features": overhead is missing. I tried to add the GeoJson overhead in the function yyjsonr_2_geojson, but that doesnt seem to be faster than geojsonsf::sf_geojson, so I commented it out.

Also in the last commit I harcoded hoverwait: 10. Exposing this option doesn't make sense because it is a global argument. The first leafgl-layer that sets this value does so globally, and omitting it defaults to 250, which seems a bit laggy.

The compressed NEWS:

Shiny-App to Test

## LIB & DATA ##############
options(shiny.autoreload = TRUE)

# options(leafgl_json_parser = "jsonify")
options(leafgl_json_parser = "yyjsonr")
# options(leafgl_json_parser = jsonlite::toJSON)

lines = suppressWarnings(st_cast(trails, "LINESTRING"));
lines = st_transform(lines, 4326)[1:100,]
lines$realid <- paste0("id_", 1:nrow(lines))
gadm = suppressWarnings(st_cast(st_as_sf(leaflet::gadmCHE), "POLYGON"))
gadm = st_transform(gadm, 4326)
gadm$real_id <- paste0("id_",1:nrow(gadm))
ptsdata <- breweries
ptsdata$id <- paste0($brewery)), "_", ptsdata$brewery, "_", ptsdata$address)
pts1 <- ptsdata[1:5,]
pts2 <- ptsdata[6:224,]


## UI ##############
ui <- fluidPage(
  tags$head(tags$style(".inpts {display: inline-flex;}
                        .inpts div {padding-right: 14px;}
                        .labelclass {
                            border-radius: 8px;
                            font-size: 16px;
                        .popupclass pre {
                            color: blue;
                            font-size: 12px;
      checkboxInput("border", "Border of Polygons", width = "150px", value = T),
      checkboxInput("source", "Source Data", width = "150px", value = SOURCEDATA),
      checkboxInput("popup", "Popup = TRUE", width = "150px", value = TRUE),
      checkboxInput("popup_form", "Popup as Formula", width = "150px"),
      checkboxInput("hover", "Hover", width = "150px", TRUE),
      sliderInput("sensitivity", "Mouse Click sensitivity", 0.001, 1, value = 0.002, step = 0.001),
      sliderInput("sensitivityHover", "Mouse Hover sensitivity", 0.001, 1, value = 0.002, step = 0.001),
      sliderInput("weight", "Size/Weight", 1, 10, value = 2, step = 1),
      sliderInput("opacity", "Opacity", 0.1, 1.5, value = 0.8, step = 0.1),
      sliderInput("borderopacity", "Opacity (Border)", 0.1, 1.5, value = 1, step = 0.1)
      actionButton("hideByGroup", "hideByGroup (The Points)"),
      actionButton("showByGroup", "showByGroup (The Points)"),
      actionButton("clearByGroup", "clearByGroup (Points and Lines)"),
      actionButton("clearByLayerId", "clearByLayerId (From Points,Lines and Polygons)"),
      actionButton("clearAllGL", "clearAllGL (Delete everything)"),
      actionButton("addGrp2", "Add Gl Group 2")
  leafglOutput("map", height = 600),
  splitLayout(cellWidths = c("50%", "50%"),

## SERVER ##############
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$map <- renderLeaflet({
    border = input$border
    source = input$source
    label = label1 = label2 = input$hover
    if (label) {
      label = ~NAME_1
      label1 = ~brewery
      label2 = ~FKN
    popup = popup1 = popup2 = input$popup
    popup_form = input$popup_form
    if (popup && popup_form) {
      popup = ~NAME_1
      popup1 = ~address
      popup2 = ~FGN
    sensitivity = input$sensitivity
    sensitivityHover = input$sensitivityHover
    weight = input$weight
    opacity = input$opacity
    borderpacity = input$borderopacity
    leaflet() %>%
      addProviderTiles(provider = "CartoDB") %>%
      leaflet::addMapPane("myownpane", zIndex = 490) %>%
      leaflet::addMapPane("myownpane1", zIndex = 500) %>%
      leaflet::addMapPane("myownpane2", zIndex = 510) %>%
      leafgl::clearGlLayers() %>%
        data = lines,
        layerId = lines$realid,
        color = ~FKN,
        opacity = opacity,
        popup = popup2,
        label = label2,
        weight = weight,
        group = "lns", pane = "myownpane2",
        sensitivity = sensitivity, sensitivityHover = sensitivityHover,
        labelOptions = labelOptions(opacity=0.8, textOnly = FALSE, className = "labelclass",
                                    offset = c(10,10), direction = "left"),
        popupOptions = popupOptions(maxWidth = 400, closeButton = FALSE,
                                    closeOnClick = TRUE, className = "popupclass")) %>%
      ## Shapes ##########
      data = gadm,
      layerId = ~real_id,
      color = ~NAME_1,
      fillOpacity = opacity,
      popup = popup,
      label = label,
      stroke = border,
      borderOpacity = borderpacity,
      group = "polys", pane = "myownpane",
      labelOptions = labelOptions(opacity=0.8, textOnly = FALSE, className = "labelclass",
                                  direction = "left", permanent = TRUE),
      popupOptions = popupOptions(maxWidth = 400, closeButton = FALSE,
                                  closeOnClick = TRUE, className = "popupclass")) %>%
      ## Points ##########
      data = pts2,
      layerId = pts2$id,
      fillColor = ~village,
      fillOpacity = opacity,
      popup = popup1,
      label = label1,
      radius = breweries$number.seasonal.beers * 4 * weight,
      pane = "myownpane1", group =  "pts",
      labelOptions = labelOptions(opacity=0.8, textOnly = FALSE, className = "labelclass",
                                  direction = "left"),
      popupOptions = popupOptions(maxWidth = 400, closeButton = FALSE,
                                  closeOnClick = TRUE, className = "popupclass")
    ) %>%
        overlayGroups = c("lns", "lns2", "pts", "polys"),
        options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE))
  observeEvent(input$hideByGroup, {
    leafletProxy("map", session) %>%
  observeEvent(input$showByGroup, {
    leafletProxy("map", session) %>%
  observeEvent(input$clearByGroup, {
    leafletProxy("map", session) %>%
      leafgl::clearGlGroup( group="lns") %>%
      leafgl::clearGlGroup( group="pts")
  observeEvent(input$clearByLayerId, {
    leafletProxy("map", session) %>%
      leafgl::removeGlPolylines(layerId = sample(lines$realid, 1)) %>%
      leafgl::removeGlPolygons(layerId = sample(gadm$real_id, 1)) %>%
      leafgl::removeGlPoints(layerId = sample(ptsdata$id, 1))
  observeEvent(input$clearAllGL, {
    leafletProxy("map", session) %>%
  observeEvent(input$addGrp2, {
    border = input$border
    source = input$source
    label = input$hover
    popup = popup1 = popup2 = input$popup
    popup_form = input$popup_form
    if (popup && popup_form) {
      popup = ~VARNAME_1
      popup1 = ~address
      popup2 = ~FGN
    sensitivity = input$sensitivity
    weight = input$weight
    opacity = input$opacity
    leafletProxy("map", session) %>%
      clearGlGroup("lns2") %>%
        data = lines[1:20,],
        layerId = lines$realid,
        color = ~FKN,
        opacity = opacity,
        label = ~district,
        weight = weight,
        src = source,
        group = "lns2",
        sensitivity = sensitivity,
        sensitivityHover =  sensitivity
  output$click <- renderPrint({
    df <- req(input$map_glify_click)
  output$hover <- renderPrint({
    df <- req(input$map_glify_mouseover)
shinyApp(ui, server)

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If robertleeplummerjr/Leaflet.glify#153 gets merged the clearGlLayers and clearGlGroup dont need arr.splice(i, 1); anymore

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trafficonese commented Jun 23, 2024

I updated Leaflet.Glify to 3.3.0 and used the new hoverOff function to remove the tooltip and expose the MAPID_glify_mouseout Shiny event.

The new version should fix #93 and fix #49

❌ The workaround explained in #49 with L.glify.Shapes.instances.splice(0, 1) has to be removed with this new version.

@trafficonese trafficonese changed the title Fix labels/border/remove/clear-instances, **Src-functions, etc.. WIP: Fix labels/border/remove/clear-instances, **Src-functions, etc.. Jun 27, 2024
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trafficonese commented Jun 30, 2024

Here's an example Shiny-App with some street data of Vienna. You can see that the click events (leaflet and leafgl) dont return the same thing and Glify is way off now sometimes and some elements are not selectable at all anymore.



# streetnetwork <- opq(bbox = "Vienna") %>%
#   add_osm_feature(key = 'highway', value = "primary") %>%
#   osmdata_sf()
# streetnetworklines <- streetnetwork$osm_lines
# streetnetworklines <- streetnetworklines[,c("osm_id","name","lanes","maxspeed","ref","geometry")]

ui <- fluidPage(
  leafletOutput("map", height = 600),
  splitLayout(cellWidths = c("50%", "50%"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$map <- renderLeaflet({
    leaflet() %>%
      addProviderTiles(provider = "CartoDB") %>%
      addMapPane("labels", 500) %>% addMapPane("labels1", 600) %>%
      addPolylines(data = streetnetworklines,
                   layerId = ~osm_id, color = "blue", weight = 2, group="leaflet") %>%
      addGlPolylines(data = streetnetworklines,
                     layerId = streetnetworklines$osm_id,
                     sensitivity = 0.003,
                     sensitivityHover = 0.003,
                     color = "red", weight = 1, group="Glify") %>%
      addLayersControl(overlayGroups = c("leaflet", "Glify"))

  output$click <- renderPrint({
  output$clickleaf <- renderPrint({

  observeEvent(input$map_glify_click, {
    click <- input$map_glify_click
    df <- streetnetworklines[.subset2(streetnetworklines, "osm_id") == click[["id"]],]
    leafletProxy("map") %>% clearGroup("clickedline") %>%
      addPolylines(data = df, color="black", weight = 15, group="clickedline", opacity = 0.8,
                   options = pathOptions(pane = "labels1"))
  observeEvent(input$map_shape_click, {
    click <- input$map_shape_click
    df <- streetnetworklines[.subset2(streetnetworklines, "osm_id") == click[["id"]],]
    leafletProxy("map") %>% clearGroup("clickedline1") %>%
      addPolylines(data = df, color="darkblue", weight = 15, group="clickedline1", opacity = 0.8,
                   options = pathOptions(pane = "labels"))

shinyApp(ui, server)

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The PR robertleeplummerjr/Leaflet.glify#157 should fix the click/hover on Lines.

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Ok, thanks for all the work on this. I'll test when I get back from a short vacation at the end of the week.

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@trafficonese I am about to merge this one. Is that ok? Or will it break things somehow?

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Yes this will currently break things, as it includes the new Leaflet.Glify version. You would have to also inlcude robertleeplummerjr/Leaflet.glify#157, since it fixes the hover and click events.

With 157 merged, I think this PR should be ready to go, but it's been a while, so I would definitly run some tests.

And as a reminder:

  • ❌ The workaround explained in Possible memory leak ? #49 with L.glify.Shapes.instances.splice(0, 1) has to be removed when this gets merged.
  • And we are hijacking some Leaflet JS-functions (hideGroup/showGroup).. and I'm not sure what could all go wrong there.. 🤔

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Ok, then I think I'm holding off on this one for now. Let's wait until the upstream PR gets merged.
tmap needs the current dev version to be on CRAN soonish. I'll clean the main branch as much as possible and will submit as is.
Thanks for all the efforts here.

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robertleeplummerjr/Leaflet.glify#157 got merged.
So I think we could include the new version in this PR and test again.

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Sounds like a good idea.
Any insight as to what happened in the upstream repo over last few weeks? There was a lot of activity, and now I read that the (apparently new) contributor is moving on?

Merge branch 'fixlabels' of into fixlabels

# Conflicts:
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trafficonese commented Jan 8, 2025

Yes, more or less:

  • Glify supports now multi-polygons/lines
  • Mouse-Events for Lines are more accurate
  • Accept Colors as Hexstrings

and I think the layers are redrawn on zoom now aswell.. (nope, thats still on the beta branch) robertleeplummerjr/Leaflet.glify@0bd9217

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