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r-a-y edited this page Jun 4, 2014 · 5 revisions

This is a troubleshooting guide for issues using bbPress.

(1) How do I configure bbPress to work with BuddyPress and BP Reply By Email?

Follow this guide:

(2) My users are receiving a "you do not have the ability to post replies" email when trying to reply via email

Users need to have at least a forum participant role to post and reply. bbPress dynamically sets this role when the user is logged in, but for the purposes of BP Reply By Email, their role needs to be actually set in the database.

You can automatically assign new users with the "participant" role by:

  • Logging in to the WP admin dashboard
  • Navigate to "Settings > Forums"
  • Check "Automatically give registered visitors the forum role"
  • And select the "Participant" role
  • Save

Screenshot of bbPress settings page

If you need to set the forum role for an individual user manually, you can do so by:

  • Logging in to the WP admin dashboard
  • Navigate to "Users"
  • Click on the user you want to edit
  • Scroll down to the "Forums" section
  • For the "Forum Role", select "Participant"
  • Save

(3) Group forum replies are not showing up on the group forum topic

This can occur when you have the activity commenting option for forum posts enabled in BuddyPress. At the moment, activity commenting does not sync back to the original forum topic. RBE also does not support this feature.

To fix this, disable activity commenting for forum posts:


(4) bbPress doesn't record its forum posts into the group activity stream. Why?

If you have the "Search Engine Visibility" option disabled under Settings > Reading in the WP admin dashboard, due to a quirk with bbPress, no forum activity will be recorded into the BuddyPress activity stream.

Since the Group Email Subscription plugin (and consequently, BP Reply By Email) relies on the activity stream, your users will never receive any group forum posts by email.

To solve this, either re-enable "Search Engine Visibility" by unchecking the option under Settings > Reading in the WP admin dashboard.

Or, use the following code snippet in wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php to force (fool) bbPress into thinking that search engine visibility is on:

add_filter( 'bbp_is_site_public', '__return_true' );