A powercord plugin that compiles different snippets that don't have to be solo plugins.
- Snippets are there because it would just take more space if it was it's own plugin. It's much easier to use one plugin.
- You can choose which snippets are available at a given time.
- Suggest your own snippets you want to see included in the correct issue
- Adds 1s to the slider for slowmodes.
- Credit: Botato
- A command that allows you to switch between houses quickly.
- Credit: Jatin
- A command that loads any missing plugins/themes
- Credit: Powercord
- Allows you to mute or unmute all servers you are in.
- Credit: Rasync
- Give yourself every Discord badge. This is client-side only.
- Credit: Puyodead1
- Allows you to change the time it takes before discord puts you on Idle.
- Credit: Lustris
- Allows you to change the pfp of clyde. Must eradicate Clyde in settings.
- Beautiful Icons you can use.
- Credit: Cynthia
- Lets you change all BOT tags to any text that you want, and will stay even after a client reload.
- Credit: Antonio32A
- Allows you to add or remove the VERIFIED/PARTNERED status to/from any Guild. Client-side only, no one else will see the change and the Guild will not receive benefits.
- Credit: Original Author Unknown
- Removes the GIF button from chat areas if you don't have embed link perms. The /gif type of commands discord has still exists.
- Credit: botato