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Tailfrick brings Brainf*uck to Tailwindcss. Now you can enjoy the simplicity and power of a Turing-complete language right in your classes! Oh, and Tailfrick is written in Rust, so obviously it's 🔥 blazing fast.

Tailfrick, once installed, adds the frick utility to Tailwind. Simply write a Brainf*ck program that outputs the css properties you want, and place it between the square brackets like so:

<div class="frick-[<your program>] hover:frick-[<your hover program>]">

Good luck!

See Tailfrick in action now on Tailwind play


Tailwind 4

  1. Get Tailwind working
  2. Install the Tailfrick plugin
    [npm|yarn|pnpm|bun|duno] [install|add|gimme] @tailfrick/tailwind
  3. Load the plugin
    /* near wherever you import tailwind */
    @import "tailwindcss";
    /* load the plugin */
    @plugin "@tailfrick/tailwind";

Tailwind 3

TODO left as an exercise for you, dear reader


Tailfrick is organized as a monorepo. The core is written in rust and can easily be extended or incorporated into future projects.

If someone knows how package.json exports are meant to work, please kindly keep that to yourself. It's perfect already.


This is a very serious enterprise-grade project with extensive testing. It is ready for production use.


Yes, it's a joke. No, it's not intended to be a commentary on tailwind, webdev, or anything like that. I happen to rather like tailwind, development, & the web. I had a silly idea and wanted to try wasm. That's all.