SObjectKit a collection of helpful utility classes and functions for working with Salesforce data types and data objects (SObjects).
SObjectKit is not intended to be a complete OO / relational model of Salesforce's data structure, rather it is intended to solve for the 80% use case where a developer who doesn't know Salesforce APIs or SOQL wants to fetch and bind data. This generally models the Salesforce REST API approach which does not return all related records of an object, rather it returns the id of related records, which you can use to fetch related data and store on the specific objects collection variables. I'm also looking at making the SObjects Realm compliant to make offline data storage super easy. Currently SObjectKit is read-only.
SObjectKit will also be bundled as a companion to SalesforceViews, which will provide a collection of ready-to-go UIViews, as Xib files, you will be able to register with your app.
The following standard objects have been implemented:
- Account
- Opportunity
- OpporuntityLineItems
- Lead
- Contact
- Product2
- PricebookEntry
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
SObjectKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "SObjectKit"
SObjectKit provides implementations of all the Standard Salesforce Objects (SObjects). It does not provide any communication or authentication to Salesforce. It is up to the developer to choose which SDK they prefer. Many developers use the Salesforce Mobile SDK, the official SDK provided by Salesforce. I'm also a fan of SwiftlySalesforce because of its use of Promises. They make async calls much more elegant. Because of this reason, the sample app included with the pod uses SwiftlySalesforce.
func loadData() {
firstly {
salesforce.query(soql: Account.soqlGetAllFields(nil))
}.then {
( result) -> () in
self.allAccounts = Account.populateToCollection(result.records as NSArray) as! [Account]
}.always {
}.catch { error in
//do some error handling
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("accountcell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! AccountTableCell
return cell
public func bind(account : Account) {
self.account = account
accountNameLabel.text = account.Name
tickerSymbolLabel.text = account.TickerSymbol
//Using an SObjectKit extension on String to make date formatting easier
lastUpdatedLabel.text = account.lastModifiedDate?.toShortPrettyString()
//photo url, obtained by connecting social accounts in your org, is only stored as a relative url in salesforce. eg: /services/images/photo/0013600000q8rb0AAA
//you need to retrieve the hostname from your SDK that you are using to connect to salesforce, and append the accessToken...messy I know!
//In this sample app, I am using SwiftlySalesforce and then storing it on my account object for convenience
account.PhotoFullUrl = URL(string: "https://"+salesforce.authManager.configuration.loginHost+account.PhotoRelativeUrl!)?.protectedSalesforceURL((salesforce.authManager.authData?.accessToken)!)
accountPhoto.sd_setImageWithURL(account.PhotoFullUrl, placeholderImage: UIImage(named: "account-placeholder"))
//longitude and latitude values will only be auto added to standard address fields in salesforce if you
// enable them in your org via Setup > Feature Settings > > Clean Rules.
propertyLocation = CLLocation(latitude: account.BillingAddress.latitude, longitude: account.BillingAddress.longitude)
The Saleforce REST API doesn't fetch related children records (of course, you can write your own SOQL to do this). SObjectKit models this approach, but provides convenient collection variables on SObject types. Developers can use these collections to easily manage related data once fetched from Salesforce.
firstly {
salesforce.query(soql: Opportunity.soqlGetOpportunitiesForAccount(accountid))
}.then {
( result) -> () in
self.account.opportunities = Opportunity.populateToCollection(result.records as NSArray) as! [Opportunity]
}.always {
//do something
}.catch { error in
//do some error handling
By default, SObjectKit is configured with SOQL statements to fetch all standard fields. (I will add an example for custom fields via an extension to a standard object shortly) You have three options to fetch standard fields:
let soqlstmt = Opportunity.soqlGetAllFields(nil)
let soqlstmt = Opportunity.soqlGetAllFields(recordId)
//Using SwiftlySalesforce to handle comms with Salesforce
salesforce.query(soql: "Select Id, Name, NextStep From Opportunity")
Custom fields can be supported by creating a new class which implements the CustomSObject protocol and overriding the customFieldNames() func, plus implementing the init func to map JSON results to fields. In addition, it is recommended to override the populateToCollection func to make it easier for use in your downstream code.
Whilst this may seem like additional effort (vs. simply providing a func to pass in custom field names), this approach provides convenient mapping to strongly typed objects. (this is the whole point of SObjectKit, after all) which saves significant development time by limiting proliferation of field names throughout your code, and duplicate code to handle parsing json in multiple places.
The example app includes an AccountCustomSObject which provides support for 2 custom fields on the Account object.
import Foundation
import SObjectKit
import SwiftyJSON
class AccountCustomSObject : Account, CustomSObject {
var GlassdoorRating : Int?
var IsNonProfit : Bool?
override init(json: JSON) {
super.init(json: json)
let fieldnames = AccountCustomSObject.customFieldNames()
GlassdoorRating = json[fieldnames[0]].int
IsNonProfit = json[fieldnames[1]].boolValue
// Description: customsobject protocol requires you to implement this method
static func customFieldNames() -> [String] {
return ["GlassdoorRating__c, IsNonProfit__c"]
// Description: This func is not required to be overridden for custom objects, but it makes it easier for downstream usage
override class func populateToCollection(records : NSArray) -> [SObject] {
var allrecords : [AccountCustomSObject] = []
let j = JSON(records)
for (_, subJson) in j {
allrecords.append(AccountCustomSObject(json: subJson))
return allrecords
SObjectKit will automatically include your custom fields in the soqlGetAllFields func calls to make it super easy to perform the equivalet of a 'select *' statement. The following snippet will retrieve both the custom fields defined in AccountCustomObject and all standard fields defined on Account
salesforce.query(soql: AccountCustomObject.soqlGetAllFields(nil))
Implementing custom objects can be supported by creating a new SObject class. Refer to Account as solid example on what you need to implement.
A number of extensions are included in SObjectKit to make it even easier to work with Salesforce data. The following two functions are likely to be used the most. Check out the API docs for more examples.
Salesforce uses RFC3339 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.S'Z') for system dates which are not typically what you want to display in your app. Most of the time you want something like MM/DD/YY
createdDateLabel.text = account.createdDate.toShortPrettyString()
Some information in Salesforce, most notably photoURLs (which are returned as relative URLs), can be accessed via a direct URL and valid auth token. The following example demonstrates how you can uses SwiftlySalesforce and the NSURL extension to simplify calling protected URLs. Note: calling NSURL.protectedSalesforceURL on a non-HTTPS url will through an assertion failed error at runtime as all Salesforce protected URLs must be accessed via HTTPS.
account.PhotoFullUrl = NSURL(string: "https://"+OAuth2Manager.sharedInstance.hostname+account.PhotoRelativeUrl!)?.protectedSalesforceURL((OAuth2Manager.sharedInstance.credentials?.accessToken)!)
SObjectKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.